Jeff has kindly sent over Judge Walton's November 15 CIPA ruling (4MB), which was declassified and released Friday. This is the ruling the one that Fitzgerald is appealing. Walton lays out his ruling carefully. There are two kinds of information at issue: (a) information supporting Libby's argument that he is so important that he can't be expected to remember the details of the covert spy's lives he has ruined, and (b) information

The Op-Ed Kagro X and I Meant to Write

I don't usually simply link to stories without, well, bloviating on them. But I'm a bit busy right now, what with a book due in a few weeks and the in-laws in from the home country. And when I read this column over at lukery's place, I could have sworn I wrote it.

Libby Case--CIPA Update

Jeff sent me the latest filing from the Plame case, in which Fitz updates Judge Walton about where the discrepancies are wrt classified information. It doesn't look like any graymail attempt is going to fly--there just don't seem to be that many outstanding issues (then again, the whole graymail thing might just be an attempt to plant a cause for appeal, so they can keep Scooter out of the clink long