Has Dick Cheney Been Flipping Off Bill Leonard with BOTH Fingers?
I'm posting from less than ideal WiFi, so this will be short and sloppy (and I may not be posting tomorrow at all). But I did want to share my first impression when I read Waxman's latest:
Executive Order 12958 gives an arm of the National Archives, the Information Security Oversight Office, govemment-wide authority to conduct on-site inspections of all executive branch offices and agencies to ensure that security programs are effective.
Did Miers Tell Yang to Go or Be Fired?
I guess I'm writing a series of posts canvassing readers to clarify whether I heard or read something DiFi said in the Gonzales hearing correctly. This bit has to do with whether or not we knew that Miers discussed ousting Deborah Yang. Here's the exchange:
FEINSTEIN: Now, I'd like to go on with something else.