USA Timing

I'd like to ask some questions about USA timing. Why did DOJ fire the USAs it did when it did? TPM's newest member, Laura McGann, reports that Todd Graves was fired "11 months before" the other USAs were fired in December, putting his firing sometime in January 2006. Tom Heffelfinger was ousted (but not, according to him, fired) in February 2006.

Did Troy Eid Also Bypass the Vetting Process?

My first thought, after reading Carol Leonnig's article on how DOJ is letting select candidates bypass normal screening processes, was of Troy Eid, Colorado's USA. After all, Troy Eid wrote a letter trying to persuade Gale Norton to make judgments in favor of an Abramoff client, the Mashpee tribe, yet he didn't register as a lobbyist for the tribe.