Globalization and Terror and More Obstruction at DOJ
Kudos to Congressman Bill Delahunt. He seems to be on a lonely crusade to get the US Government to treat all kinds of terrorism the same. He has been criticizing DOJ for its sloppy treatment of the terrorist Luis Posada Carriles; DOJ botched its case of immigration violations and Posada effectively went free.
A Tale of Two NIEs
One good thing about the spectacular abuse of intelligence to get us into the Iraq war: the intelligence community is acquiring a habit of releasing key judgments from its NIEs (I understand we'll get an Iraq NIE in time for September's moving of the goal posts). And when I read the claim yesterday that half the content of last week's NIE on terrorism came from detainee interrogations ...
According to one senior
Bush's Cheney's Signing Statement on the Geneva Convention
It's really tough sorting out the new Executive Order on torture. But after a whole day of pondering the details, I think I'm finally getting it. It's yet another Bush signing statement, this time to record his own personal interpretation of the Geneva Convention. After all--that's where this new EO came from:
Eric Edelman, Leaker Extraordinaire
I've been waiting to see if Pat Lang weighed in on the Hillary letter controversy because he's the blogosphere's expert (indeed, an expert in any venue) on the hazards of supply lines and withdrawal. And his response is as good as I expected, starting with his citation of the constitutional basis for Hillary's inquiry.
Did Eric Edelman Steal Robert Gates' Mail?
I've been following the little squabble between Cheney hack Eric Edelman and Hillary. There was his nasty letter and Hillary's excellent response. Now Gates has entered the fray, embracing oversight and (backhandedly) slapping down the nasty Edelman.
I have long been a staunch advocate of Congressional oversight, firstat the CIA and now at the Defense Department.
Let the Sunshine In
I'm with David Kurtz. In addition to offering good reason to begin impeachment procedures, Bush's dangerous claims to executive and deliberative privilege really ought to invite us to reconsider the notion that Presidents need to hide their deliberations.
As long as we're going to be discussing the parameters of executiveprivilege in the weeks and months ahead, can we start by revisiting thenow commonly accepted notion that the President can only get free
The Jurisdiction of DOJ's Inspector General
This is a follow-up on my post on the loophole in the jurisdiction of DOJ's Inspector General, which appears to be preventing DOJ's IG from investigating the role of any lawyer in the USA Purge--which is, after all, just about everyone involved. Here's how Senator Leahy laid out the problem:
Other Inspectors General can investigate misconduct throughout their agencies.
Edelman Says: "Congressional Oversight Emboldens Our Enemies"
Okay, Hillary didn't adopt my recommended response to Eric Edelman's insubordination. Well, she kind of does, insofar as she notes that Edelman is alone in spouting Cheneyisms:
Other members of this Administration have not engaged in politicalattacks when the prospect of withdrawal planning has been raised.
And she demands that Gates choose whether he supports Edelman's insubordination.
I request that you describe whether Under Secretary Edelman's letteraccurately characterizes your views as Secretary of Defense.
With All Due Respect to the WaPo
Amy Goldstein was one of the nicest people covering the Scooter Libby trial and Dan Eggen has been doing excellent work covering the USA Scandal. But their article on the White House's assertion that no US Attorney can take up the contempt charges that HJC is about to dump on Harriet and Josh Bolten misses some key details.
Dear Congress
John Bates has issued a ruling I've been anticipating--dismissing the Wilson lawsuit against Cheney, Rove, Libby, and Armitage. If I'm reading correctly, Bates ruled that he has no jurisdiction to rule in this matter.
This Court therefore lacks subject matter jurisdiction over plaintiffs' tort claim for public disclosure of private facts.
He therefore did not deal with many of the arguments the Wilsons and the defendants raised in this case--including Cheney's claim to
Oh, It Was Eric Edelman Lecturing Hillary??
Update: Thanks to Scarecrow for directing everyone over here--but don't miss Hillary's response to Edelman. She hits all the right notes.
I didn't realize, at first, when I heard that Hillary had been lectured that public discussion of withdrawal reinforced enemy propaganda, who was doing the lecturing.
Premature and public discussion of the withdrawal of U.S.
Senate Dems Corner Bush and Gonzales on Their Attempt to Game Appointments
Oh, this is getting fun.
Remember how I pointed out that Steven Bradbury, the guy who wrote the opinion declaring Harriet immune from having to appear before Congress, was not acting with proper authority?
Well, Leahy, Durbin, Feingold, and Kennedy have raised the stakes on that issue.
We write seeking information about a memorandum issued on July 10, 2007, by the Justice Department's Office of Legal Counsel (OLC), concluding that former White House Counsel
Propaganda Squared
I've been referring to Brigadier Bergner as Baghdad Bergner since he first started giving press conferences. There was the press conference where he blamed Iran for the woes in Iraq, based on the interrogation of one Shiite. There's this press conference where he blamed all the woes in Iraq on Al Qaeda in Iraq.
The IG Loophole
Remember how Senator Whitehouse busted Alberto Gonzales for trying to bury the DOJ's internal investigation of the USA firing into the Office of Professional Responsibility, which has no authority over potential illegalities and doesn't issue public reports? Remember how Paul Clement, who has ostensibly been in charge of DOJ's internal investigation since the time Gonzales recused himself, has at the same time been defending the White House's ability to keep materials
The "PDAG" Who Approved Harriet's Immunity Had No Authority to Do So
There are two big tidbits in the questions Leahy sent to AGAG to "pre-refresh" his memory before he testifies next week. The first is a question that seems to suggest that the "Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General," Steven Bradbury, who wrote the opinion judging Harriet immune from compelled Congressional testimony was acting as Acting AAG of the Office of Legal Counsel, in spite of the fact that his nomination to be
Why Hide the Energy Task Force
Once the CIA released its Crown Jewels, it was only a matter of time before the list of Cheney's Energy Task Force meetings would be liberated.
A confidential list prepared by the Bush administration shows thatCheney and his aides had already held at least 40 meetings withinterest groups, most of them from energy-producing industries.
AGAG Says "Good Job"--but about What?
Al Kamen chronicles the latest joy-ridden interaction between Alberto Gonzales and Patrick Fitzgerald.
In the Justice Department's Great Hall (the very room where giant, blue drapes covered the underdressed statuary during John Ashcroft's tenure as attorney general), an array of prosecutors, securities regulators and FBI honchos gathered yesterday to celebrate the fifth anniversary of the President's Corporate Fraud Task Force.
Chicago U.S.
The Resignation of CIFA's Top Management
I'm still reading the November 2005 affidavit on Cunningham's bribery. It has a previously unknown level of detail on the CIFA-related pork Cunningham made possible. I think some of those details provide new insight into why the Director and Deputy Director of CIFA resigned (speaking of "trepidation") in August 2006, when the Cunningham investigation was focusing closely on CIFA.
The affidavit provides details of the involvement of the top management of CIFA
MZM's Republican AND DEMOCRATIC Congressmen
I'm working my way through this November 2005 affidavit relating to the Cunningham scandal (hat tip Kentucky Jelly). But this paragraph and footnote jumped out at me, especially in light of Democratic refusal to declassify the complete report on Cunningham's House Intelligence Committee contracting.
On a page entitled "Election Impact on Congressional Mandates," Wade listed a number of politicians, starting with Cunningham, all of whom won reelection in November 2002.
Desperation at the DOJ
The DOJ's refusal to let John Tanner testify before the House Judiciary Committee reeks of desperation. After all, Brad Schlozman and Hans Von Spakovsky have already testified before Congress. Alberto Gonzales has testified repeatedly. What possible excuse can DOJ make not to allow Tanner to testify, ostensibly a career employee?
The absence of any good reason to refuse the request for his testimony suggests DOJ--and the Administration--is particularly worried about what he