Everything Leaks
I wonder whether when Dick said, "everything leaks" in a recent interview with Politico he knew the CIA was desperately trying to manage the leak of the news that they had destroyed videos of Al Qaeda torture sessions?
Torture and Taping Timeline
Timeline collecting the torture memos, known changes in image guidelines, and key comings and goings in the torture saga.
Absence of Torture Tape Librarian a Feature, Not a Bug
I joked a few weeks ago that the CIA needed a dedicated torture tape librarian, because they keep losing such tapes. Today's NYT story suggests such losses are, at least in two cases, deliberate.
John Bolton Time Warp
Guess what?!?!? John Bolton is an intellectually sloppy and inconsistent man.
Dick Vetted the Intelligence Two Weeks Ago
The intelligence analysts had to present the intelligence underlying the NIE at a meeting in the Situation Room two weeks ago. Unsurprisingly, Dick Cheney was there, twisting arms again.
John Bolton and the IC's New Sourcing Rules
John Bolton says the NIE is wrong because it was written by those at State who tried to correct his delusions about Iraq. But it seems they've brought some sound sourcing requirements that were precisely the kind of thing Bolton tried to avoid when he drummed up the war in Iraq.
Hillary: Bashing the Youth Vote
Hillary's attack on Obama's college caucus-goers in IA betrays not just cynicism, but real ignorance about how HAVA has affected college voters.
Scruggs Update: Balducci Did Flip
Balducci's plea agreement tells us what we all suspected about the Dickie Scruggs case: Balducci, the guy who originally offered the bribe, did flip on the other alleged co-conspirators.
NIE Timeline, Take Three
A timeline of the drafting of the NIE and related items.
The NIE and Israel
It sure looks like the withdraw of support for a UN statement supporting the Annapolis peace plan relates to the release of the NIE.
I Dunno. It Looks Like a Banana Republic to Me.
Zalmay Khalilzad schools Condi on what it means to run a bureaucracy in a Banana Republic.
Scottish Haggis' Latest "Compromise"
Arlen "Scottish Haggis" Specter strikes again with another wishy-washy legal compromise.
Big Shitpile Data Point
Is it a coincidence the mortgage companies bilked in mortgage fraud are the ones buried under the shitpile?
Why Would Orrin Hatch Need a Defense Fund?
Most of the Members of Congress that CQ describes as having a defense fund make sense. But why does Orrin Hatch need one?
August 2007 PDB: Iran Not Determined to Get Nukes
Do Administration claims about when Bush got the Iran intelligence remind you of the August 6, 2001 PDB? Or the report from Joe Wilson's trip that never got read?
Intelligence Puts a Crimp in Dick's War-Mongering
After telling us they wouldn't release key judgments of the NIE on Iran, DNI did just that. More on why they did so.
Tommy K "In Custody"
Tommy K, Duke Cunningham's mysterious briber, has been placed "in custody" for apparent ongoing lawbreaking.
Fox Wants to See the Shredded Scraps of Our Constitution
Fox News refuses to run an ad that says Bush has shredded our Constitution. I guess they won't recognize attacks on our Constitution unless it affects them personally?
The Republican Notion of Oversight
The latest document dump proves what we've long suspected: Congressional Republicans were getting talking points from Gonzales' DOJ.
Waxman Still after Fitz's FBI Files
Does it surprise you that the White House is preventing Fitzgerald from turning over the FBI files from White House officials?