
Sheldon Whitehouse's Speech

Whitehouse is up, hitting on the same issues he hit in his speech a week ago Friday. He accuses Mukasey and McConnell are being disingenuous when they ignore the issues outstanding on the FISA debate. These two gentlemen do know what is going on and chose to talk past the issue, ignore it's very existence.

Senator Dodd Tries to Save the Constitution

Senator Dodd says that Mike McConnell thinks "certain corporations are too rich to be sued." And that's just the start of Dodd's case to vote down telecom immunity.

Competence versus Populism

Is David Frum really calling for competence in Republican nominees and appointees? Or is he instead calling for ideological purity in the guise of competence?

Fieger Update

The government appears to have changed its explanation of how it started an investigation into Geoffrey Fieger for about the fourth time--this time claiming that the investigation started simultaneously here in Detroit and also in the Noel Hillman-led Public Integrity section. It's curious how this story keeps changing, and how every hearing the government digs itself a deeper hole.

Emptywheel's Famous Football Trash Talk Thread

Hello there sports fans and fanettes. You have probably been wondering what happens to the New England Patriots if Tom Brady is injured or out. The second string is a pretty severe step down; for those scoring at home, or even if you are alone (shameless rip off from Keith Olbermann), Brady's backup is Matt Cassel, a perfectly fine chap, and by all accounts a good quarterback.

Isikoff to Congress: Make Sure You Ask for the Negroponte Memo

For all his faults, Michael Isikoff certainly allows people to reliably launder leaks through him. And today's leak offers a clear message to Congress to go after the memo recording a meeting between John Negroponte and Porter Goss, where Negroponte told Goss not to destroy the torture tapes.

Did Nacchio Lie, or Just Misunderstand?

Is the government telling different stories about whether Nacchio was asked by the NSA for access to its circuits? Or just that he expected to get other business and lost the business after he refused to tap Americans?

Someone Doesn't Want the Telecoms to Get Immunity

Because they're leaking--and leaking big--to James Risen, Eric Lichtblau (and Scott Shane) again. Almost two years to the day since their first big scoop.

Holiday Travel

In preparation for a thus-far mythical trip to Philly, I recruited someone to post for me on my driving days. It was a pretty easy decision, really. When I meet TNH/emptywheel people in person, they tend to rave about bmaz. So I thought I'd give him the keys to the front page while I'm gone.

Not Three Branches, Not Two Branches, Just One Branch of Government

Just eight years ago, I remember our country having three independent branches of government. Apparently, the Mukasey DOJ has decided that three branch thing is quaint. In addition to sending Congress snotty letters telling them to back off the torture tape destruction, they've sent a similar letter to at least one judge.

Oversight or Politics?

Michael Mukasey has engaged in a remarkable bit of sophistry with his refusal to clue Congress in on the joint DOJ/CIA IG investigation into the destruction of the torture tapes. He explains his decision as an attempt to avoid "any perception that our law enforcement decisions are subject to political influence." Of course, the "political influence" Mukasey was asked to address during his nomination hearings was the kind exerted when a Senator or a Congresswoman called the Attorney General privately to demand that a USA either accelerate the prosecution of a political figure or be fired. In this matter, Mukasey has been asked to respond to what is an almost unparalleled degree of bipartisan support for an open inquiry into a matter that just stinks, already, of a cover-up. Leahy and Specter (and Reyes and Hoekstra and Durbin and Biden and more) called for a procedure that had oversight built in. And Mukasey said no.

The Venezuela Bust

It's bad enough that the United States, a country that has provided election funds for its favored candidates in other countries for over fifty years (including, notably, Argentina and Venezuela), is now criminalizing the purported $800,000 donation from Hugo Chávez to Cristina Fernández de Kirchner in Argentina. It's bad enough that it stinks of yet another silly anti-Chávez campaign. But the criminal complaint just doesn't make any sense.

Put Your Own--I Mean, Your Very Own--House in Order First

Yet another old-school journalist calls on the Toobz to clean up its acts and adopt the "ethics" of old journalism that have already failed our society. But I'm most amused by the humorous error in his own op-ed calling for accuracy and fairness. Apparently, Professor Helzinki believes that journalists are leading the fight to debunk the "Obama in the madrassa rumor," rather than propagate it themselves.

"Aspirational Terrorism" Won't Send You to Jail, But It'll Lead the News

Perhaps it's time the government tried to pursue real terrorists rather than create them among pathetic

Really Bad Gitmo Propaganda

I'm not really surprised that the Gitmo command is disseminating propaganda about the prison. But I just wish those that engage in propaganda for the government not be so pathetically bad at it.

When All EOs Are Pixie Dust, It Means Dick Can Declassify Anything He Wants

The discovery that Bush can turn his own Executive Orders into Pixie Dust provides an explanation for one of the lingering mysteries of the Plame outing: the EO governing declassification authority doesn't explicitly give the Vice President the authority to declassify information that he has not, himself, classified. But because the President always intended the Vice President to be treated as the President is in that Executive Order, it means Cheney has that authority contrary to the plan text meaning of the EO.

Bam!!! CIA Scores Direct Hit on the Unitary Executive!

At least that's what I take from this quote: In the e-mail version of the Politico Playbook this morning, Mike Allen quotes “a senior administration official” lamenting that “they should have burned the NIE and kept the tapes.” The official was referring to the administration’s debacles with the intelligence community since the new NIE on Iran was released and the CIA revealed that it had destroyed videotaped interrogations.

Intelligence Oversight and Partisanship

David Ignatius complains that partisanship has ruined our intelligence oversight. Well, perhaps he should blame Cheney, who turned the Senate Intelligence Committee into his own personal plaything to hide the Administration's complicity in the bad intelligence leading to war.

All Your Data Belong to George

Guess what? ODNI has told Congress it doesn't want minimization procedures to be codified in statute because it would make it too hard to change those procedures. That, plus a continued emphasis on Executive Orders that George Bush can turn into pixie dust, suggests they really don't want to be held responsible for protecting US persons' privacy when conducting wiretaps.

Nacchio's Hearing--before the Judges Who Gave Him Bail--Set for Next Week

I said yesterday that the lawsuits against the telecoms were the only means left for us to find out how the government spied on Americans. I forgot about Joseph Nacchio, whose appeal will be heard by the same folks who decided his appeal addressed a "substantial issue."