Did Eric Edelman Lie to the Plame Grand Jury?
This filing I stumbled across in Prettyman courthouse suggests there were big contradictions between Eric Edelman (then Libby's deputy, and currently the Undersecretary of Defense for Policy)'s testimony, and that of other witnesses in the case. If Edelman is lying, it might corroborate my theory that Dick learned of Plame's identity from having been shown--via an illicity channel--the emails Valerie wrote relating to Joe's trip.
Yet More Communications Dirty Business: Karl Rove and Philip Zelikow
Not only does Karl Rove have a penchant for losing--even deleting--emails. But apparently he carried on back-channel communications with Karl Rove for much of the period of the 9/11 Commission's investigation.
SJC Mukasey Hearing, Four
Ben Cardin, Pat Leahy, and Sheldon Whitehouse question Mukasey.
SJC Mukasey Hearing, Part Three
Arlen Specter, Chuck Grassley, Chuck Schumer, John Cornyn, Pat Leahy, and Sheldon Whitehouse question Mukasey (beginning of second round).
SJC Mukasey Hearing, Part Two
Dianne Feinstein, Dick Durbin, Orrin Hatch, and Russ Feingold question Mukasey.
SJC Mukasey Hearing
Arlen Specter, Chuck Grassley, Herb Kohl, Jeff Sessions, Joe Biden, Pat Leahy, Sam Brownback, and Ted Kennedy question Mukasey.
Not Just Immunity
In his meeting with some DFH bloggers yesterday, Russ Feingold made a point I've been pushing for some time: we need to be as worried about the other aspects of the FISA bill, particularly whether it protects US person data and US persons traveling overseas, as much as we need to worry about immunity. And while I'm not optimistic that we'll win the immunity battle, I wonder whether we can poison the bill by attending to those other issues.
For Fear Of Fear - Part One
It has been an exciting and fascinating two days, yesterday and today. It has been the best and worst of American democracy in action. The thrill of victory in stopping the contemptible SSCI bill with telco immunity yesterday, and the defeat today in extending the similarly contemptible Protect America Act.
Chuck Schumer: We Will Fix the Bankruptcy Bill
We just had a panel on economic issues, with Byron Dorgan, Chuck Schumer, and Sherrod Brown. It took until the last question--mine--for anyone to bring up the Bankruptcy Bill.
From these three Senators, there was little dispute: the Bankruptcy Bill was a bad bill and it needed to be fixed. There was also the recognition that the part of the bill that pertained to protecting houses had exacerbated the foreclosure crisis.
Reid Thanks Christy and McJoan on FISA
I'm at a schmoozy event at the Senate today--Harry Reid gave an opening speech focusing on the areas where progressive loud mouths have really helped out the Senate.
He spoke for a bit about FISA--repeating what he has said publicly (that if the Republicans won't accept a PAA extension, then it will expire).
The Jeff Sessions-BushCo Mutual Protection Racket
Jeff Sessions is helping the Administration evade the Presidential Records Act. That shouldn't be a surprise, though, because Sessions and the Administration have been protecting each other for some time.
Was It Her Colleagues, or Her Constituents?
Did Hillary return because her colleagues asked her, or because her constituents asked her?
Bush Would Forgo New FISA Programs to Make Sure Dick Gets Immunity
Bush says he wants a new FISA bill, and he wants it now.
The White House told Democratic congressional leaders Saturday that President Bush opposes a 30-day extension of an expiring eavesdropping law and instead wants an expanded version to be passed by Friday.
“The president would veto a 30-day extension,” a senior administration official said.
Mukasey, Orwell, and Bradbury
Keith Olbermann notes, with great dismay, that Michael Mukasey chose to hang a portrait of George Orwell in his office (the other portrait is Chief Justice Robert Jackson, which makes me quite happy). I'm willing to take Mukasey's word that he admires Orwell for his writing (and his thoughts on language). Yet I don't know how to square that with Mukasey's endorsement of the Bradbury renomination.
Bush's Secret Cyber Initiative
I'm all for being more proactive about protecting our country from cyber-attack. But I get really uncomfortable when Bush signs off on such plans in secret, particularly when the details suggest the plan is inadequate and has too little oversight.
How to Lead: Chris Dodd Edition
While Hillary and Obama were leaving the work of legislating to others, Chris Dodd stepped up to lay out the stakes for the FISA debate. Senators are not entitled to see their amendments pass. But they are entitled to this: a good-faith debate, honest criticism, and, ultimately, a vote. Last night, they didn’t get it.
Hillary, YOU Don't Get to Decide to Seat Our Delegates
Hillary's call to seat MI's and FL's delegates is a reckless ploy that threatens to do real damage to the party. And as a MI voter, I'm incensed that she would suggest SHE gets to decide whether our delegates get seated.
Reid on FISA: It's Up to the President
Harry Reid says it's up to the President whether he gets a FISA bill or not. It's a good message. But it's one we need to repeat all weekend long.
Bye Week Trashtalk: The Mystery of Brady's Boot
I'm beginning to believe the whole Brady Boot thing is a plot, cooked up by Bill Belichick, to seriously mess with the press and possibly even the Giants pre-game planning.
The Gazan Jail-Bust and Middle East Dynamics
While we were all glued to CSPAN on the FISA fight yesterday, Hamas engineered a massive jailbreak that may have redefined the dynamics of Middle Eastern politics.