And So the US Economy Picks Up Where It Left Off in the 1970s
Looks like Bush has brought us full circle back to the 1970s.
My Version of Pelosi's Statement on Exclusivity
My understanding of how Speaker Pelosi answered my question on email providers and FISA immunity differs from that of Paul Kiel. I don't think Pelosi was making a comment about FISA strategy. Rather I took it as a comment about separation of powers.
KBR's Cayman Island Scam
KBR's setting up shell companies so it can screw its employees and taxpayers and get rich in the process--what else is new?
Viktor Bout Arrested
I guess the US no longer as needs of Viktor Bout's services in the Middle East: the Thais arrested the arms dealer today on charges related to Columbia's FARC.
Who Is Carl Truscott and Why Did Bush's DOJ Protect Him?
Carl Truscott was astoundingly incompetent as head of BATF. So why did Bush protect him, among other ways, by retaliating against the whistleblower who got him fired?
The Government's Unclear Demands for Emails
Now that Ken Wainstein has confirmed the FISA changes are required by email, we ought to take a second look at the reasons why the email companies oppose immunity. The email companies oppose immunity because it will allow the government to give less than clear guidelines to email providers.
Will Dick Finally Get Busted for His Leaks?
Has Dick been leaking sensitive materials? Again?
Droning Cell Phone Calls
Palestinians in Gaza join Iraqis and Afghans in their belief that the US and Israel are targeting them using cell phone signals.
Yet More Straight Talk to Lobbyists
In its report on the latest lobbyist to join the McCain team, the Politico focuses on how John Green will help McCain coordinate his messaging with that of Republican party stances in Congress.
With two senators in the race — McCain for the Republicans, and either Hillary Rodham Clinton or Barack Obama for the Democrats — Senate leaders have a unique opportunity to create both opportunities and pitfalls for their parties’ candidates
Iran-Contra 2.0
David Rose provides a detailed look at how screwed up our Gaza policy is.
Help Me Stave Off Dick Cheney's Michigan Invasion!
Help me dissuade Dick Cheney from coming to my neighborhood!
Shorter Google:
Shorter Google: "Don't eliminate the competitive advantage I gained by trying to protect Americans' privacy."
Mixed Telecom Signals
The Democrats definitely seem to be sending mixed signals on FISA reform.
Bush Administration Tries to Reverse A1 Cut-Out Declassification
The Bush Administration is trying to prevent documents leaked to expose their belligerence sixteen years ago from becoming public.
The Incredible Disappearing PFIAB
Bush revamps PFIAB to make it harder to punish the government for abusing your privacy.
Mukasey Wasn't Bluffing
Mukasey refused to refer the contempt citation to Jeff Taylor, so now the House will proceed with a civil suit.
Rove Looking for an Underground Railroad, Again
Scott Horton reveals how the AL GOP is trying to force Dana Jill Simpson to reveal her evidence; Horton argues that they are doing so to help Rove prepare for testimony. I agree. It's the same approach Rove took to successfully beating the Plame-related perjury charges.
More on the Show Trials
Mukasey visits the gulag and other updates on the Gitmo show trials.
Pelosi to Mukasey: Tag. You're It.
Finally, the House tries to hold Bush responsible for flipping Congress off.
It's All About $$$
The poor Republicans don't understand why the telecoms aren't paying them more to gut the Constitution.