FISA: FBI Overrides Constitutional Objections
Reuters reports something missed in most coverage of the IG report on abuses of the National Security Letters: on two occasions, FBI overrode the judgment of the FISA Court. All the more reason to support the House--rather than the Senate--version of the FISA amendment.
Another Stupid Idea to Exacerbate the Clusterfuck
Markos likes the idea Mark Halperin claims is being floated.
–Michigan’s 156 delegates would be split 50-50 between Clinton and Obama.
–Florida’s existing delegates would be seated at the Denver convention—but with half a vote each. That would give Clinton a net gain of about 19 elected delegates.
– The two states’ superdelegates would then be able to vote in Denver, likely netting Clinton a few more delegates.
Now, any "solution" to
NRCC Catalogs the Damage
The NRCC says that the FBI investigation has reached a point where it can reveal how much, it claims, it was bilked out of by Christopher Ward. Before I get into the details, though, what do you suppose it means that the investigation now allows them to go public about the damage?
House to Go Into Secret Session
At the request of the Republican leadership (who want to say something to the entire House that can't be said publicly), the House is going to go into a secret session to debate FISA. Hopefully, Dems will take this opportunity to tell their colleagues that there is clear evidence the telecoms knowingly failed to take measures to ensure their wiretapping was legal.
A Failure of Legal Scholarship
Sheldon Whitehouse writes an op-ed on what he thinks the OPR investigation into the torture memos might find.
Gold Standard Gate, an Update
Golly, I just remembered that people beyond Eliot Spitzer are facing political troubles--the WaPo has a story that slightly advances the NRCC story, including the CYA that the Republicans considered Christopher Ward, the treasurer at the center of the scandal, the "gold standard" in campaign finance compliance.
In the tiny world of people who keep the books for Washington's multitude of political committees, Christopher J.
HJC Calls Bull on SSCI's Conclusions
HJC's Democrats write a letter that responds to all of SSCI's justifications for immunity.
Spitzer Resigns
Not a big surprise. Here's the bit I hope gets the most traction:
Over the course of my public life, I have insisted, I believe correctly, that people, regardless of their position or power, take responsibility for their conduct. I can and will ask no less of myself. For this reason, I am resigning from the office of governor.
Think Outside the Box
The ACLU says this about the House's proposed compromise on FISA.
While we still have concerns about aspects of the new House FISA bill, the American Civil Liberties Union is encouraged by the new draft - particularly the language on state secrets, which would allow the cases to go forward while allowing the telecommunications companies to assert any defenses.
Republicans Uncork A Fine Whine Spitzer
And just guess what is being served with the fine whine at Casa de GOP? Thats right, impeachment is on the table! Yep, the news of the foibles of Elliot Spitzer had been public less than 24 hours and the Republicans are seriously threatening impeachment.
Do They Think Cheney Makes a Better Supplicant Than Bush?
Dick Cheney's off to the Middle East to, among other things, beg for oil. I'm curious what kind of leverage the Administration thinks that Cheney has over the Saudis that Bush himself doesn't have?
SSCI Leaks
Is SSCI leaking the report in an attempt to make sure the Al Qaeda-Iraq conclusions remain declassified?
Spitzer Springs A Leak
As you all undoubtedly know by now, the huge breaking news is about New York Governor Elliot Spitzer's apparent ties to a prostitution ring.
Phase II: Four Years Later
The second-to-last installment of the SSCI Phase II report is due out--apparently with a mixed conclusion for Bush.
Ana Marie Cox: I Let McCain's Crankiness Go Because I Think His Ribs Are Delicious
Ana Marie says McCain's a cranky old man. But she's not going to report his meltdowns, because he feeds her delicious dry rubbed ribs in Sedona. American journalism at its finest.
Anyone in LA/Pasdena?
And have a long lunch hour on Tuesday? I'll be giving a talk at Claremont-McKenna's Athenaeum during the lunch hour.(Un)Covering the Narrative IndustryMARCY WHEELERTUESDAY, MARCH 11, 2008
LUNCH 11:30 a.m., LECTURE 12:00 p.m.If you're in the area, leave a comment below. I'm heading to the ocean Tuesday night. I don't yet know what my schedule will be, but I might have time to meet some folks later that evening.
Dougie's Rant
Dougie Feith apparently has a 900-page book coming out, trying to damage Colin Powell's legacy for the ages. And Karen DeYoung and Thomas Ricks can barely contain their amusement.
Truck-Sized Loophole for Theft
Who tried to exempt foreign contractors from reporting on contract fraud? And why doesn't the media seem to care?
"Or His Designee"
It's not enough for AT&T to illegally wiretap Americans. Last fall, they also unilaterally rewrote the law to make their illegal wiretapping legal. Though last i checked, the telecoms were not authorized to pass laws...