AP Calls BushCo on Its Spin
The AP does what the press should have been doing 7 years ago--pointing to the Administration's desperate efforts to spin the press.
Bush: Let Colombia Kill Union Organizers--Or Hugo Chavez Wins
Is the McCain-Bush campaign intent on making Venezuela an issue in the Presidential?
Torquemadas in Single Needle Suits
Pat Lang comments on the "Torquemadas in single needle suits" that rescinded our Fourth Amendment.
The Banality of Enhanced Interrogation
Not only did the Green Light article appear at the same time as the Torture Memo, but it also appeared at the same time as some profiles of the Abu Ghraib figures convicted for abuse.
The Uninvited Guest
Vladimir Putin sure knows how to crash a party.
Warrantless Wiretap Memos Timeline
This timeline includes the documents noted in Steven Bradbury's declaration of all documents pertaining to the illegal wiretap program.
Was the October 23, 2001 OLC Opinion the Basis for the Illegal Wiretap Program?
This post considers whether the October 23, 2001 OLC opinion abolishing the 4th amendment was part of the Administration's justification for the illegal wiretap program.
The Joint Inquiry and Mukasey's Call
In a Muksey/McConnell letter to Harry Reid, they refer to something that MIGHT be the phone call that Mukasey mentioned in his weepy speech of a week ago. If it is, then it appears that the facts surrounding the call don't support the argument Mukasey is making about that call.
Another Possibility with Mukasey's 9/11 Story
While we're talking about Mukasey's claim that Bush could have prevent 9/11 and didn't, I want to raise one more possibility. Mukasey's story, remember, is that the US had noted a phone call from an Afghan safe house to somewhere in the US--but the US couldn't track the call because didn't know where the phone call went.
And before 9/11, that's the call that we didn't know about.
Not surprisingly, John Conyers wants more details about how the Bush Administration ignored warnings of 9/11 and, after 9/11 happened, then killed the 4th Amendment.
Surely They'll Resort to Pixie Dust on This
Bill Leonard confirms that the classification and declassification surrounding the Yoo Torture Memo is very irregular. Once again, the Administration won't even abide by its own Executive Order on classification and declassification. But never mind--a little pixie dust can fix that!!
Embarrassment-Free Show Trials
The government is determined to prevent any embarrassing information from coming out at the Gitmo show trials. Too bad they have to be utter hypocrites to do so.
Chertoff Keeps Waiving Laws
Michael Chertoff sure likes waiving laws, doesn't he? We know about his waiver of Chiquita's support for right wing terrorists. We learned today about his intent to set aside environmental laws so he can build his wall on the border. And now, Marty Lederman suggests Chertoff gave John Yoo the go-ahead to exempt the military from laws prohibiting torture.
"You can play that game when it doesn't matter."
Here's a look at the proposed response to the credit crisis in the Senate; it'll give you a sense of what Republicans think they can, and can't, afford.
The "John Yoo, Let's Pretend We're Lawyers" Game
Play along at home! Because lawyering about torture is such a fun game!
Pentagon "Closing" CIFA
The Pentagon is "closing" (which probably means "burying under a different name") CIFA, it's contractor-friendly domestic spying program. In a remarkable coincidence, it just had to turn over to ACLU a bunch of documents showing that CIFA had abused the National Security Letters program. What a remarkable coincidence.
Acting Counsels and Torture
Daniel Dell'Orto, in his first weeks as Acting General Counsel of DOD, just exposed how John Yoo, in the first day after Jay Bybee head of OLC, authorized torture in the military.
Jane Harman v. Jello Jay: Compare and Contrast
Jane Harman explained her response to the warrantless wiretap program over at TPMCafe. I'm interested in it not so much to determine whether Eric Licthblau or she is right about whether she "switched her view" on the program (I think Harman is actually too sensitive to the charge; as she tells it, she did drastically change her view, but not because of the publicity of Lichtblau's reporting, but because of the
It Turns Out There Was No Wolf
Siobhan Gorman reports that the White House now admits that its fear-mongering no longer works.