Does the Former Holy Inquisitor Refuse to Eat with Torturers?
Is Pope Benedict blowing off his State Dinner because he doesn't want to associate with a torturer?
Bush OKs Torture. Media Yawns.
George Bush admitted to approving torture. And no one seems to care.
Bush to Raddatz: "So?"
Bush took the opportunity of a Friday night news dump interview with Martha Raddatz to basically dismiss any concerns that the POTUS authorized torture.
"The Game Is Over"
Did Viktor Bout have any "game" besides simply getting rich? And if so, do the Russians think the game is not yet over?
Yoo and Academic Freedom
John Yoo's Dean writes a memo on Yoo's academic freedom.
The First Time
Trent Lott's first time. Now there's something you didn't want to think of.
Who "We" Included in the Torture Briefings
There's one source for the ABC news story that is not CIA. As rincewind notes, one of the sources refers to a "we" who received these briefings. It's possible the source from inside the briefings is either Andy Card or Richard Myers.
Torture Telltale Timing
McClatchy reports that yet another torture bombshell--DOJ IG's report on FBI complaints about the torture at Gitmo--is soon to be published. All of this seems to be happening in pretty quick succession, don't you think?
Remember the Torture Tapes?
ABC's story on the detailed briefings the Principals' committee received on the torture of top detainees seems designed to focus the attention of the torture tape inquiry on the top lawyers in the Administration who had a motive to approve the destruction of the torture tapes.
Okay, Lamont Didn't Crash the Servers. But What Did Lieberman Do with His $387,000 Slush Fund?
The Stanford Advocate reported today something we've known for years: Lieberman campaign incompetence--and not any malfeasance from the Lamont campaign--was the cause of Lierberman's website crash on primary day in 2006. But that doesn't close the legal questions behind the primary. We still have heard nothing about the FEC complaint Lamont's campaign filed in response to Lieberman's $367,000 petty cash fund.
For What?
Wexler asks the questions we've all been asking: For what has all the blood and money been for? And what will victory look like?
Mark Schauer Condemns Bush's and Walberg's Fear-Mongering
Mark Schauer gets it right on FISA: our Constitution and our privacy are worth fighting for.
Dog N Pony Too
The Senate Foreign Relations Committee has actually gotten through some of the pro-war spin, and to some real resolutions that may move us closer to ending this infernal war.
Conyers to Yoo: If You'll Talk to Esquire, Come Talk to Me
Conyers would like to have a chat with John Yoo.
Dog N Pony
Thoughts from the morning testimony of Petraeus and Crocker.3
"We Don't Have Time to Respond to Congressional Requests..."
The poor DOJ. It's terribly over-burdened answering five questions a day from lawmakers. And when you add in all the time it takes to stonewall on those five questions, it's a wonder it can get anything else done.
Haynes, Armed Services, Perjury?
Scott Horton has more details on what Jim Haynes might face before the Senate Armed Services Committee.
Haul Karl's Ass into Congress
Karl Rove says he'll testify in the Governor Siegelman case.
Cheney's Lawyer Now Defending Haynes
Surprise surprise. After Dick Cheney's personal lawyer succeeded in preventing the NH Phone-jamming scandal from tainting the White House, he appears to be back in the business of collectively defending the White House and--most of all--Dick Cheney. Michael Isikoff reports that Terry O'Donnell is now representing the former Counsel for DOD, William Haynes.
A Trollop and a C$#T
The news that McCain called his wife Cindy a "trollop" and a "cunt" raises a number of questions for me.