Did Cheney Rent One of Rummy's Rent-A-Generals to Try to Refute Joe Wilson?

That Rummy is such a sweet guy! He lent Dick Cheney one of his Rent-A-Generals in 2005, when Scooter Libby's indictment put Cheney in some danger of prosecution for outing a CIA NOC.
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The Pentagon's Media Analyst Domestic Psy-Ops Program: Is It Legal?

By now you have probably heard that the New York Times has an in-depth piece by David Barstow out for Sunday's edition on the use by the Pentagon of media "military experts" as propaganda conduits. Nearly everybody is discussing this story, but in addition to denouncing this disingenuous propaganda program we should also ask whether it it is legal under existing US law.

McCain Announces He Will Follow Christopher Ward's Finance Methods

Funny. The description McCain's campaign offered of their unusual funding approach closely resembles the methods used at NRCC when Christopher Ward committed all that alleged graft.

The NYT Does Penance?

Does anyone else find it ironic that the NYT is exposing the economy of influence-driven reporting behind Iraq War coverage?

Turdblossom Writes Letters

Is this a letter to Dan Abrams? Because parts of it sure look like they'd be better suited addressed to Bob Novak.

Back to the Question of ABC's Sources

A new article from the Guardian raises new questions about whether Myers was the source from the Principals Committee for ABC.

Conyers Calls Luskin's Bluff on Rove Testimony

What do you know? Robert Luskin now claims he didn't promise to have Rove testify before Congress. That didn't take long.

A Peek into the Torture Tape Investigation

The CIA's response to a court order in the Hani Abdullah suit seems to suggest that John Durham believes some files pertinent to the torture tapes may have gotten destroyed by CIA's OIG.

Novak's Shield

Funny how, when Novak makes an argument that hits close to home for him, he can write a column peopled for once with named sources.

The ABC Debate: An Opportunity?

As it happens, the two Pennsylvania voters I had visiting and I missed the debate last night. Thankfully. Though I've watched most of it at NYT. And I agree with the general consensus that the debate marks a low point in American journalism. Still, I wonder whether it can't be turned into a public good. I've argued for a long time that journalists need to clean up their own house, first, before they

Lyglenson Lemorin and the Liberty Seven

Is one of the original Liberty Seven still in detention even though the judge just declared a second mistrial in the case yesterday?

Family Recipes

The real scandal of the McCain "recipe-gate" is that campaigns feel the need to invent a library of family recipes for potential first ladies in the first place.

Analogies for Yoo: The Merck Scandal

The breaking scandal that Merck had many of its reports supporting Vioxx may offer the best analogy for the role

Conyers to Mukasey: So You Did Spin Shamelessly, Didn't You?

Conyers wants DOJ to admit that Mukasey was spinning wildly when he claims a revamped FISA could have prevented 9/11. And by demonstration that Mukasey was spinning wildly, he highlights that the Administration--not the House--has been negotiating in bad faith.

Bush: The Country Is at War, Therefore We Do Not Torture

In his apparent denials that we torture, Bush has basically stated that "Anything we do to the end of protecting the American people is within the law." Bush has really been parroting the Yoo Memo for years.

The WaPo Did Not Scoop This Story in 2005

The press still hasn't noticed that the President of the United States just admitted that he signed off on torture. The WaPo believes it has, but it appears to be unclear on the difference between Alberto Gonzales and George Bush.

A Tough Job Market for Discredited Bush Lawyers

Why is it that all the top lawyers that have left the Bush Administration of late have such a tough time finding a job?