On the Serendipity of Mis-Readings

Oops. Someone mis-read my post and asked Dana "Pig Missile" Perino whether Scottie McC really had said Bush authorized the leak of Plame's identity. But oddly, Pig Missile doesn't deny that Bush authorized the leak. She only denies (correctly) that Scottie McC said it.

George Bush Authorized the Leak of Valerie Wilson's Identity

Scottie McC explains (in his book and on the Today Show) that Bush confirmed he had authorized the leak of the classified information that Cheney ordered Libby to leak to Judy Miller: the NIE, sure, but also Valerie Wilson's identity.

Did MI's April 19 District Conventions Just Become a Clusterf^#k Too?

Things go bad to worse in the world of MI's Clusterfuck. It now looks like the only way to assign MI's uncommitted delegates to Obama is to re-do the Conventions. You know--the ones where a bunch of activists beat out candidates hand-selected by the party to be delegates to the Convention.

Will McCain Turn Over Requested Documents to the Renzi Prosecutors?

Not only did the FBI interview some of McCain's staffers on the land deal that got Rick Renzi indicted, as of last month, McCain had not turned over some of the documents they were looking for. Since McCain has a history of involvement in this kind of land swaps for friends, don't you think he ought to be more forthcoming?

The CIA OIG Made Five Criminal Referrals During Its Investigation of CIA Interrogation Techniques

Over the course of the 17-month long CIA OIG investigation into interrogation techniques, it made five referrals to DOJ's Criminal Division. That sure suggests that when the CIA destroyed evidence the CIA OIG had reviewed over the course of their investigation, they had reason to believe that evidence was evidence of a federal crime.

Now This IS Interesting Scottie McClellan News

Scottie McClellan thinks Rove and Libby were fixing their stories in 2005, after it was revealed that Rove was Cooper's source.

Mukasey's Troubling Historical Argument

Mukasey's defense of John Yoo in his commencement address at Boston College Law School has drawn a lot of attention. But it's the logic behind his defense, and not the defense per se, that really concerns me.

Rove Once Again Saying Things on Teevee He Claims He Can't Say to Congress

Rove's excuses for why he doesn't have to testify to the House Judiciary Committee are getting increasingly ridiculous.

A Return to Zapruder in the Live-Stream World

A member of the White House press corps told Jay Rosen last year that the press corps basically has to travel closely with the President to ensure that they're there if something serious happens. But the back story of how the NYT learned of Hillary's badly worded comment about RFK's assassination on Friday certainly challenges that idea.

The BAE Bribes Funded Covert Ops

The confirmation that the BAE bribes to Bandar bin Sultan went to pay for covert ops sure makes you want to know what covert ops they paid for, doesn't it?

Rove's Subpoena

Since Karl Rove won't come before House Judiciary Committee and say, under oath, what he has been blabbing all over the news, John Conyers has decided to force him (well, we'll see) to do so via subpoena.

GOP: If You Can't Disenfranchise Brown People at the FEC, Disenfranchise Them by Vote-Caging

I'm not surprised that the RNC is hiring former insta-US Attorney and expert vote cager Tim Griffin. But I AM struck by the timing.

Why Is the DNC Ignoring MI's Citizens' Legal Complaints about the Cluster$%@#?

The DNC and the MDP appear to be breaking their own rules by ignoring a valid complaint from the citizens of Michigan about its invalid January 15 primary.