Keith O and Scottie McC and Chairman John C
Scottie McC seems prepared to testify more broadly about Plame (and about pre-war intelligence) than Chairman Conyers thus far envisions.
Scottie McC's Chronology: October 4
Scottie doesn't want you to know it, because he invents excuses for why he was hesitant to exonerate Libby. But it seems pretty clear he suspected that Libby was involved in the leak of Plame's identity.
Scottie's Briefing
How does Scottie's September 29, 2003 briefing match up with his description of it? Not badly--but there are some key differences in what he reported in his book and what he said in his briefing.
Condi's Sunday Shows
Waxman wants Condi's FBI transcripts. Here's why.
Scottie to Conyers: It's a Date!!
According to Roll Call, Conyers has cordially invited Scottie McC for an HJC chat on June 20 (h/t egregious).
"I have extended an invitation to Mr. McClellan to testify before the Judiciary Committee after discussions between Committee staff and his attorneys," Conyers said. "In his book, Mr. McClellan suggests that senior White House officials may have obstructed justice and engaged in a cover-up regarding the Valerie Plame leak.
Scottie McC's Chronology: September 29
I showed that Scottie McC's chronology obfuscate some important details about conversations on September 27. In this post, I'll show what that means for his description of the events of September 29, the day when Bush told him that Rove did not leak Valerie Wilson's identity.
Scottie McC's Chronology: September 27
I said yesterday that Scottie McC was still protecting Bush--either deliberately or out of blind faith. One of the areas where that's apparent is in his discussion of efforts to have both Rove and Libby exonerated in fall 2003. Scottie McC presents some significant new details about discussions of the leak within the White House just as DOJ started the CIA leak investigation. But he presents a chronology that downplays the degree to which those White House discussions were a reaction to public news that the DOJ had already started a probe.
Is Fred Fielding Reading emptywheel?
Michael Duffy reports that White House lawyers are getting worried.
"Trivial Policy Ideas"
Scottie McC may have written a book that confirms what we DFH bloggers have been saying for years. But make no mistake. Scottie McC is still deeply in denial about how bad--and dishonest--a President George Bush is.
Can't Gitmo Dirty - The Penultimate Straw
I want to bring attention to something that really sank in for me yesterday morning and that a few people are starting to pick up on, but not many, and not nearly enough. First the Cheney Administration sacked the military judge that had the gall to allow even a shred of due process to the detainees, and now they have effectively sacked the military lawyers that had the temerity to seek it. This was a knowing and intentional play to deny counsel.
EW's Trash Talk - Agony In Defeat Edition
There is a lot going on out there, so consider this a somewhat open thread to yammer at will.The first item os business is the passing of Jim McKay. Also on the plate are the Belmont Stakes and Big Brown's run at the Triple Crown, and the Canadian Grand Prix.
What Happened to the Other Half Million?
Federal Prosecutors are closing in on former NRCC treasurer Christopher Ward. But the story, thus far, appears to be different than the one the NRCC is telling.
It's Not about the DNC--It's about the GOP
Obama's move to have the DNC reject lobbyist money--while welcome--is as much about campaign strategy as it is his own ethics.
Mukasey's Whack-a-Mole Mortgage Fraud Approach
What's the logic behind Mukasey's localized strategy to investigate mortgage fraud?
KSM Refuses Lawyer Because of All the Legal Same Sex Marriage in the US
KSM says he doesn't want a lawyer because same sex marriage is permitted in the US. Do you think it's worth telling him that, in 48 states, he's wrong?
The DHS Report on Maher Arar
Marty Lederman links
to the DHS OIG report on Maher Arar's transfer to and subsequent torture in Syria. It's really really ugly reading, even though they've obviously redacted a lot of the paragraphs that ought to reveal the decision making process by which we decided sending Arar home to Canada or even to Switzerland so instead sent him to be tortured (many of the redacted paragraphs are marked with "U's,"
Whitehouse: Bush's Lies "Rot the Very Fiber of Democracy"
Sheldon Whitehouse's speech on Bush's lies to bring us to war.
Phase II Report Working Thread
The SSCI has released (finally) the remaining reports on Iraq intelligence. I'm printing them out and beginning to read. If you want to read, too, use this thread to talk about what you've found.Report on how Bush and Cheney said things that the intelligence didn't supportReport on how Dougie "stupidest fucking guy on the planet" Feith set up his own intelligence shop to bypass the professionals For a background, here's McClatchy.
Fitzgerald to Conyers: "Okay, Now I'm Ready to Talk"
Patrick Fitzgerald sure seems to be sending Congress a message that he can now talk about the evidence revealed in the Rezko trial that Karl Rove tried to get him fired.
The JAG Dismisses the Unitary Executive
Golly. The JAG doesn't think much of John Yoo's unitary executive theories.