CREW Goes After Elston and McDonald's Bar Memberships

CREW thinks the two DOJ hacks who politicized hiring should be appropriately punished by the Bar for breaking the law. So do I.e

Shorter Mike and Mike: No, We Don't Want Immunity Contingent on Actually Finishing the IG Report

Michael Mukasey and Michael McConnell don't want citizens to know about what the telecoms did to us before we grant them immunity. Does that make you rather suspicious?

John McCain Says: Want to Fix the Economy? Elect a Democrat

John McCain's economic plan is a disaster. Not only does he play funny accounting with the was and appear to call for a cut in social security benefits, but his only good plans basically advocate letter Democrats do what they're already doing.

Make Bush Invoke Executive Privilege for Rove

Robert Luskin claims that Rove doesn't have to testify on Thursday because Bush--in entirely different circumstances and for an entirely different reason--once gave Harriet Miers "absolute immunity" from responding to a Congressional subpoena. But it's not at all clear that Bush (or DOJ) is willing to do so in this case.

John McCain, George Bush's Bagman

It's looking more like the Colombian rescue coincided with John McCain's visit to Colombia because they needed someone to transport the ransom.

Fighting for our Country on the Fourth

Two hundred-some years ago, a bunch of guys fought hard to make this country special. It's our fight now, to make our country back into the leader and beacon of hope it ought to be.

I Don't Think "Accountability" Means What Obama Thinks It Does

Obama's holding the IG report out as a great bit of accountability. But his own example of accountability shows how little the IG report will actually be able to do.

"She May Switch To An American Designer"

How can people who raised their "budget" on servant salaries by $89,000 in 2007 really understand the financial woes of this country?

Dean and Bush and Pardons

John Dean's claim that Bush won't pardon those in his administration who have broken the law is absurd on its face.

The al-Haramain Decision

I agree with those who say Vaughn Walker's decision in the al-Haramain case will have little impact on the larger FISA battle. But I do think the opinion is note-worthy nevertheless.

Why Is the State Department "Hunting" for Deals for Bush's Oil Buddy?

Man, Condi Rice has got to be tired of getting damning letters from Henry Waxman. This one shows that, despite very specific denials from the Bush Administration that they knew anything about Bush buddy and uber-donor Ray Hunt scoring one of the first oil deals with Kurdish Iraq, the State Department was in fact very well informed about the deal.

David Ignatius: Cheney Can't Even Get Potentially Illegal Covert Ops Right

Man, what would Reagan say? Dick Cheney can't even pull an effective Reagan, launching potentially illegal covert ops involving Iran.

Banana Republicans: $1.7 Million to Right Wing Death Squads, $2 Million to McCain

Carl Lindner, who just hosted a fundraiser that netted McCain $2 million, oversaw Chiquita Banana's payments to a right wing death squad to the tune of $1.7 million.

I Don't Think "FISA" and "Expire" Mean What Obama Thinks They Do

When Obama's adviser says that FISA is about to expire, is he simply sloppy, or ignorant?

Counter-Intelligence and Secret Service Officers as Inspectors General

You think Bush has some intelligence-related issues he's hoping to hide at Department of State? If so, then I'm not surprised he nominated a counter-intelligence officer to take over as State's IG.

Does Jerry Doe Know Anything about Merlin?

Is Jerry Doe one of James Risen's sources on the Merlin story? Here's why such a speculation might make sense.

Jerry Doe "Proved Fucking Right"

Jerry Doe, the CIA operative who says he was fired because his intelligence contradicted the generally accepted doctrine that Iran and Iraq and one other country wanted to develop nukes, claims that the Iran NIE proves he was fucking right.