Pelosi Appoints Dusty Foggo and Jose Rodriguez' Buddy to Ethics Committee
Nancy Pelosi just appointed one of the most ethically impaired Congressmen this side of the Abramoff mob to be in charge of Congress' Ethics Review Board.
When Did the US Postal Inspectors Replace Our Courts?
According to information revealed by Artur Davis yesterday, it seems our antagonistic Courts system secretly got replaced with postal inspectors. And no one seems to care.
Sanchez v. Mukasey on "Executive Privilege"
I wanted to look closely at the exchange between Congresswoman Sanchez and Attorney General Mukasey to see if it gets us any closer to determining whether DOJ reviewed Bush's invocation of absolute immunity for Rove--and specifically whether he bought off on the claim that the matters in question pertained to Rove's "official duties." I can't tell. But I can tell you that Mukasey schooled Sanchez in the exchange.
A Timeline of Lamar Smith's Pathetic Attempt to Save Karl Rove
Funny. Lamar Smith's attempt to save Karl Rove's ass was not an attempt to gather information for the Subcommittee. Rather, it appears to have been an attempt to be able to say to Attorney General Muaksey that Rove had been nice and compliant, just in time for Mukasey's appearance before the Committee today.
Rove All-But Confirms He DID Talk to Non-DOJ People About Siegelman
Lamar Smith tried to let Karl Rove off easy on questions about his involvement in the Don Siegelman affair. But all he managed to do, it seems, is to make it clear that he was talking to people in Alabama about the prosecution.
Church Committee, The Bush II Version?
Tim Shorrock describes the possibility of a second Church Committee to investigate the abuses of the Bush--and Reagan and Clinton--Administrations.
Once a Predictable Tool, Always a Predictable Tool
Did Novak's old friends in the Off the Record Club set Novak up as a tool?
Those Who Forget Never Knew the Past...
Dana "Pig Missile" Perino may well have a chance to make up for her colossal embarrassment on "Wait Wait Don't Tell Me."
David Iglesias Doesn't Think Those Were Karl Rove's "Official Duties," Either
Like Don Siegelman, David Iglesias doesn't buy Fred Fielding's claim that Rove's subpoena pertained to Rove's "official duties."
The Judy Miller Standard
Yup. David Shuster was watching the same Scooter Libby trial I was.
There are worse things for Obama than if John McCain is indelibly connected with Judy's mindless war-mongering.
Ford Discovers the Fiesta
Wherein emptywheel hearkens back to her past as an auto consultant to consider the future of the US automobile industry.
Tortured Confession Evidence Tossed In First Day Of Hamdan Trial
bmazThe Bushco Torture Brigade is on a bad luck streak in dancing school. Four beatdowns by the Supreme Court on the legality/Constitutionality of their torture and trial program is beyond bad. But wait, there’s more; and it’s not good for Bushco’s cherished show trial dreams. Not even one full day into the show, and even the hand selected military judge, Keith Allred, is sending Bushco up the proverbial creek without their torture evidence paddle.
Pardon Watch: The Betting Pool
Who do YOU think Bush will pardon in his last days in office?
How Could It POSSIBLY Be Part of Karl Rove's "Official Duties" to Hijack DOJ?
Don Siegelman responds to the question I've been asking for over a week: How can Fred Fielding claim that it was part of Rove's "official duties" to conduct witch hunts against Democrats?
Comments on Mukasey's Call for an Election-Season Showdown
It looks like none of the parties involved are much interested in Attorney General Mukasey's call for new legislation on the Gitmo detainees. Good.
Mukasey Asks Congress to Resolve Boumediene Issues Instead of Courts
Once again, the Administration is asking a supine Congress to help them avoid consequences for their own failures.
Caretaker for the Regime
Thus far, Michael Mukasey has served as an effective caretaker for Bush's regime of secrets and scandals. But all that may change, as Mukasey gets himself deeper and deeper into the cover-ups.