
The Contents of Alberto Gonzales' Safe Briefcase

Here's what Alberto Gonzales thought was so sensitive, he illegally kept it in an unsecure safe and brought it back and forth to work in his briefcase.

Gonzales Resigned 17 Days After This IG Investigation Began

Did Fred Fielding report Gonzales' loose treatment of TS/SCI information to chase him out of the Administration?

Notice What's Missing from this Thorough List of Vetting Discovery?

Now that McCain's campaign claims to have known of all of the Palin surprises, some journalist should ask whether they really knew about Palin's secessionist past or her fondness for earmarks.

Is THIS Why Congress Folded on FISA?!?!?

The DOJ IG will report tomorrow that Alberto Gonzales was wandering around DC with notes from the Administration/Gang of Eight meeting that took place on March 10, 2004, in which a majority of that Gang bought off on continuing the warrantless wiretap program even though James Comey had found legal problems with the program.

People Bearing Glass Wombs Should Not Throw Policy Stones

The events of the last several days demonstrate that John McCain has picked a pro choice running mate--pro choice for herself and her own family. But not for us.

Wolfson Van Winkle

Harold Wolfson wrote a nice column about Obama's speech on Thursday. Obama's folks ought to use it as an entree to ask Wolfson about how to exploit the bubble McCain's currently in.

This Is What Happens When You Use Terrorism Laws to Investigate Hippies

Are the cops in the Twin Cities acting so thuggishly because their raids are affiliated with the Minneapolis Joint Terrorism Task Force?
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Bush Re-Ups War, Obstructs Accountability As Nation Twitters Over Palin

The country and the progressive blogosphere have long been suckers for Cheney/Rovian shiny object distractions. I am afraid that is happening as we speak. First off (and i will come back to this later in a separate post) all of the heat, passion an unity that was generated and consolidated by Los Dos Clintonos, Al Gore and then, mightily and masterfully, Barack Obama, is being dissipated by the wind

My Thoughts on Palin

I do hope they hit Palin on her war against the polar bears.
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It's Palin! Because They Couldn't Get Geraldine Ferraro...

Well, the big news of the morning appears to be that John McCain has picked Palin as his running mate. I see this as a brilliant move; one sure to baffle Democrats and lead to victory for the Republicans in November. Palin is a fantastic writer, and his ribald sense of humor will surely offset the growing tendencies of John McCain to be a total angry, old prick. Oh, wait, I am being told it is Sarah Palin, not Michael Palin. Who the heck is Sarah Palin?


Well, that was a fun convention, wasn't it?

Racing Into The Wind

With this joyous day for all, comes personal sorrow for one. The death of my friend and hero, Phil Hill.

Checking in from Mile High

So I trudged out to Mile High with David Neiwert, Lindsay, and Ian (Spencer scored some great seats on the 50 Yard Line, so he's here, but with a better seat); the line was miles long. Remarkably, there were only a handful of cops there--but everyone was pleasant and well-behaved. We'll be watching the proceedings from behind the ABC News tent, out in the sun.

John McCain Proves Cactus Is Not The Biggest Prick In The Desert

John McCain is famous for his symbiotic love affair with the national press. But the bloom may be coming off the faded, old, wrinkly rose. The new Time article from Jay Carney and Michael Scherer really shows how dramatically the relationship between McCain and the press has changed.

Richardson Bumped to Prime Time

Did you notice that Richardson didn't speak when he was scheduled to yesterday?

Bill's Speech

Thought I'd liveblog because Egregious wants to listen so I need to do something with my snark and adulation.

Like Teddy, Novak Couldn't Stay Away

In the same way that Democrats need Ted Kennedy to bolster their energy, Republicans apparently still need Bob Novak to funnel their leaks.

Torture At The Democratic National Convention

We are now on the third day of the Democratic National Convention (DNC). I have watched most all of the major prime time speeches, thanks to the straight up coverage of CSPAN. Save for a fleeting reference by Dennis Kucinich, the issue of torture as has not been particularly mentioned at the DNC. At another convention, however, the American Legion was fostering a discussion on torture and the "war on terror" that Dick Cheney and Jim Webb were having to address.