Tom Davis Supports Waxman's Demand for Cheney's Interview Materials
Tom Davis supports Waxman's report that Bush improperly invoked executive privilege to protect the Cheney interview materials. But I think he was just helping the Bush Administration sustain its firewall protecting Bush's involvement in the outing of Valerie Plame.
McCain's Impotence, Lynch Mob Edition
John McCain claims to be absolutely impotent to stop the lynch mob mentality of his latest campaign rallies.
More to Come in Alaska
TrooperGate is not done in Alaska.
First, Walt Monegan is a little bit tired of being called "rogue" by Sarah Palin.
Gov. Sarah Palin's former public safety commissioner says the governor smeared him and he wants a hearing to clear his name.
Walt Monegan on Monday asked the state personnel board to allow him a chance to disprove the vice presidential nominee's assertion he was a "rogue" and insubordinate commissioner.
This morning, I asked, "Did McCain reverse course on his new economic plan to wait for Obama's plan?" The answer to that question appears to be "yes."
John McCain The Narcissistic Carpetbagger
bmazMichael Leahy, in today's Washington Post, has an outstanding extended front page article on the genesis of John McCain's political career and consuming lust for the Presidency of the United States. Previous reports here have delineated McCain's narcissistic and arrogant willingness to say or do anything that will benefit his interest of the moment. Leahy fleshes out the personal history behind McCain's craven thirst for power.
Better Targeting?!?!?
Patrick Ruffini riffs on Zack Exley's description of the Obama ground game, rightly worrying that Obama is "whipping" McCain's "ass" (McCain's words, not Ruffini's).
In many ways, this is like the pyramid volunteer structure often attributed to Bush-Cheney '04, in which a meritocratic leadership structure was built outside local Republican Parties. Except that this is happening lower down in the food chain, at the level of the individual volunteer in a precinct.
Did McCain Reverse Course on His New Economic Plan to Wait for Obama's New Plan?
McCain's claims about whether or not he's going to introduce new economic proposals are just as erratic as the rest of his campaign. Meanwhile, Obama's about to do what McCain promised, then chickened out on: talk about a real rescue plan.
Okay, It Was 55% of the Campaigners
A month ago, I pointed out that the McPalin team's commitment to have Palin campaign with McCain would have a significant impact on the race. The WSJ has crunched the numbers--and it has had an impact.
From Pollan to the President
I've been arguing for a while that Michigan--the state with the second greatest agricultural diversity after California--ought to use innovations in sustainable agriculture as part of its plan to drive economic recovery. Agriculture is going to have to be more sustainably produced in the future, and MI is uniquely suited to lead in developing the policies and technology to accomplish this goal.
But then, we should be talking about how to
Palin 2012
Oops. Looks like Palin's going to keep up her lynch mobs in hopes of solidifying her bid to be the Nativist Party candidate for president in 2012.
Deceit In The Desert: Arizona GOP Stoops To New Low
bmazHello from the state that has brought you John McCain. Sorry about that. You would think that would be enough shame for the Arizona Republican Party. Sadly, they have much more to offer. Reprehensible does not start to describe the efforts of the Arizona GOP and their poster boy of hate, Maricopa County Attorney Andrew Thomas.
Trash Talk - Sooners & (Free)Patriots Edition
bmazIt must be extremely chilly in hell, because I am going to write about the Okielahoma Sooners. Seems they have a game today. Against some chaps with horns. Long ones. It is the Red River Shootout and John Wayne is nowhere in sight, but Mack Brown and Bob Stoops are.
What Does TrooperGate Mean for November 4?
A few thoughts.
First, I sort of suspect that John McCain may have been warned TrooperGate might break badly today, when he decided mid-day to put his legacy ahead of his ego.
"I have to tell you. Sen. Obama is a decent person and a person you don’t have to be scared of as president of the United States," McCain told a supporter at a town hall meeting in Minnesota who said he
Sarah Palin Unlawfully Abused Her Power
Bipartisan vote to release this.
Report is here.
Will update as I read.
TrooperGate Tidbits, While We Wait
It sounds like we're not going to get the TrooperGate report before this evening. So here are some tidbits to keep you busy while we wait.
Bipartisan Concern about the Dangers of McPalin's Hate-Mongering
A collection of expressions of concern and horror about the hate-mongering the McPalin team is inciting.
McCain Sez: the Guy with the Erratic Behavior Is a Menace
The McCain campaign
Either Todd Palin or Walt Monegan Didn't Tell the Truth
Two details of this detailed NYT article on TrooperGate stick out to me (h/t lemondloulou). In this post I'll look at how Walt Monegan's testimony contradicts the First Dude's. Here's what First Dude had to say in his affidavit.
I was not aware of the Grimes report until July 2008, after Monegan left the government.
John McCain's Secrets
John McCain excuses his campaign's recent, desperate obsession with William Ayers on the claim that Obama hasn't been forthcoming about the relationship with Ayers. But it looks like John McCain--and not Obama--is the one who has been hiding unsavory activities.
An New Kind of Intimidation
It seems that the former partner of Mike DeWine (DeWine is co-Chair of the McCain team in OH) is asking for the voter registration cards of everyone in Greene County, OH, who voted during golden week:
Greene County Sheriff Gene Fischer and representatives of County Prosecutor Stephen Haller have contacted the local Board of Elections asking for the voter registration cards of everyone who voted during the six-day window, which ended Monday.