
McCain Campaign Whines that NYT Paid Heed to Their Letter

John Dowd bullied the NYT into downplaying Cindy's drug addiction for their front-page profile today. But the McCain campaign is still furious at the NYT for telling Cindy's story.
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Another 16 Words: Boumediene Bites Bush Again

Laura Rozen rocks, and today she rolls up more jaw dropping malevolence and fraud on the part of the Bush/Cheney Administration. A potentially explosive new court filing by the lawyers for Lakhdar Boumediene and five other Guantanamo detainees suggests that the Bush administration ordered the Bosnian government to arrest and hold the men after an exhaustive Bosnian investigation had found them innocent of any terrorism related activity and had ordered their release, in order to use them as props in Bush's January 2002 State of the Union speech.

Obama Counsel to Mukasey: Sic Your Special Prosecutor on the Republicans

Shorter Obama campaign: Republicans are already under criminal investigation for their vote fraud lies. Don't let them repeat their criminal conduct.

How about DC's Suburbs?

I think Sarah Palin just accused all the voters in Virginia's DC suburbs of being anti-American.

SCOTUS Sides with Secretary of State Brunner

It appears that SCOTUS has ruled with Ohio's Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner (and overturned one of the politicized 6th Circuit Court's decisions) that she should not have to alert county officials to newly registered voters whose records don't exactly match state records. The Supreme Court is siding with Ohio's top elections official in a dispute with the state Republican Party over voter registrations. The justices on Friday overruled a federal appeals court

What about McCain's Terrorist Sympathizer Pals?

Let's see: In addition to Gordon Liddy, McCain also palled or pals around with John Singlaub and Carl Lindner. Who's got the terrrorist problem, again?

Two Years to Indict Tan Nguyen

Remember Tan Nguyen? He's the asshole who, in his race against Loretta Sanchez in 2006, sent out fliers in Spanish to recently registered voters warning that immigrants could be imprisoned if they voted. He was indicted on October 1 on one charge of obstruction. Two years after he tried to dissuade Latinos from voting. Now, I'm thrilled he's been indicted.

The Iseman Cometh

Honest, Vicki Iseman says. She didn't ask to share a blanket with John McCain.

McCain to Embrace ANOTHER Unqualified Nut Tied to Scandal

Scott Horton explains that the McCain camp and Bill Kristol are in such a tiff because McCain's loyalists are pissed at Kristol for sticking them with Palin. SH: Right. And if you look just in the news cycle from the last 48 hours, I would say the anger and irritation between a number of the senior people in the McCain camp and Bill Kristol has become really acute.

The Illegal Wiretappers in John McCain's Backyard

How convenient that AT&T and Verizon--the two biggest known collaborators on the illegal warrantless wiretap program--are the two companies bending over backwards to give McCain his own personal telecomm system.

Debate Prediction: Schieffer Raises Ayers

Will McCain have to choose his manhood or his honor during tonight's debate? With Bob Schieffer as moderator, I predict he won't have to make that choice.

Todd Wormtongue

Todd Palin reminds me of the character Wormtongue from Lord of the Rings, lurking around and spying for the tyrants in power. And some of it may have been illegal.

Putin Invades Alaska

I thought Sarah Palin promised she'd prevent Vladimir Putin from invading the US. But while she's been distracted with her VP bid, the Russians went and invaded Alaska.

Who Signed the Explicit Authorization to Torture?

Joby Warrick reports about two memos that explicitly authorized the CIA to torture. What he doesn't reveal is who signed those memos. Did George Bush sign a memo authorizing torture?

McCain's One Consistent Stance: Admitting the Danger of Erratic Behavior

Once again, McCain argues that you shouldn't vote for someone--like him--who is so erratic.