Schadenfreude Three
Though Fox called it for Obama, then un-called it, so we may not be out of the woods yet.
(Graphic by twolf.)
Schadenfreude One and Schadenfreude Two
John Sununu cheated to beat Jeanne Shaheen in 2002.
Shaheen got revenge.
And Jesse Helms' lifetime seat?
Just got re-upholstered in blue.
They Got Out Their First Time Voters
My take from Detroit.
The Lay Of The Land
The vote plugs along all across the nation. My wife and I have cancelled out John and Cindy McCain’s votes, so we got that going for us. Take that Grumpy John. Barack Obama, irrespective of the policy specifics that we may each agree or disagree with, is a leader. He is a motivator. He brings hope. Today the switch is flipped. Get fired up! Get ready to go! Let's rock and roll folks!
Obama's Acceptance Speech
If all goes well, someone will be relieving me at the precinct I've been working at in Detroit. In the meantime, I hear this fellow gives a good speech.
Obama's "A More Perfect Union"
I'm in Detroit doing voter protection. Will be back this evening.
Yes We Can
I'm in Detroit making sure everyone gets to vote. Chat among yourselves.
Obama Announces His Presidential Bid
I'll be in Detroit all day doing voter protection and bmaz will be in and out. But you can chat among yourselves about this fellow.
Ain't No Line Too Damn Long
Get on the line and vote, man.
Obama's 2004 DNC Keynote
I'll be in Detroit all day doing voter protection and bmaz will be in and out. But you can chat among yourselves about this fellow.
If You'll Be My Dixville Chicken, I'll Be Your Tennessee Lamb!
Obama Wins Dixville Notch!!!Barack Obama - 15 John McCain - 6
Governor-Appointed Panel Clears Governor of Wrong-Doing
The Personnel investigation into the firing of Walt Monegan--the one conducted by three governor appointees--has cleared Sarah Palin of any wrong-doing.
Since it's almost certainly too little too late to help the McCain-Palin ticket, I'll review the reports sometime after we elect a new president. But this ought to explain how the Personnel board came to the contradictory conclusion as Stephen Branchflower did:
These findings differ from those of the Branchflower Report because
The Real Contest Tomorrow: Bradley v. Cell Phone v. Ground
Given the sheer number of polls we've got this year and at least two state-level ties, I think we'll learn some things about the Bradley effect, cell phones, and the ground game.
McCain Was The Most Reprehensible Of The Keating Five And He Hasn't Changed
John McCain survived the Keating Five Scandal because he is a sociopath who can tell a lie with the most sincere, straight face. He is especially adept at that. McCain sought out a master criminal like Keating and became his friend. After helping Charlie Keating plunder billions in life savings, much of it from senior citizens, McCain discarded Keating and sold out and backstabbed his Senatorial accomplices. John McCain, clearly the guiltiest, most culpable and reprehensible of the Keating Five. John McCain, clearly the guiltiest, most culpable and reprehensible of the Keating Five. That is the kind of man John McCain was, always has been, and, to this date, still is.
Negative Advertising ... Epic Fail
Just to give you a sense of how badly McCain's attempt to spend a full month doing negative advertising was...
Getting Out the Democratic Vote--at the Birthplace of the Republican Party
As I worked to GOTV in Jackson, MI, today, I thought of two things. First, how an Obama victory on Tuesday would be the culmination of the work that those who founded the Republican party started. And, how shameful that party has become, with its attempts to use race to divide this country.
Ronald Reagan Endorses Obama, McCain Still Fraudulently Glomming Off Of Goldwater
Ruh roh, Ronald Reagan has formally endorsed Barack Obama for president! Okay, it is the non-zombie Reagan, Ron Jr., but still, coming on the heels of President Reagan's Chief of Staff, Ken Duberstein, endorsing Obama, it has to hurt. In other news, John McCain continues his dishonorable, fraudulent and shameless claim on Barry Goldwater's legacy.
GOTV: It Makes a Difference
What will you do in the next two days to make sure great people are elected up and down the ticket?