Shorter Governor Granholm

Richard Shelby, you are anti-American.


I don't know whether GM is shutting down most of its North American production next month just to make a point or whether it's in that bad of shape. But it ought to clarify the stakes of an auto bailout quickly.

It's Your Local Car Dealer's Fault that a Congressional Auto Bill Failed

The NYT carries Bob Corker's water in claiming that the UAW didn't make adequate concessions to get a bill passed last night. But that's as absurd a claim as suggesting that it's the fault of your local car dealer for not making concessions.

The Reason Behind the Jacksons' Narrow Denials?

In a superb piece of reporting, the Trib describes three Jackson-connected fundraisers who not only met with Blago on October 31--the date when Blago was first recorded being offered a half million to appoint Jesse Jackson Jr.--but who hosted a fundraiser tied to JJJ's candidacy on Saturday.

Fools On Hill Put Bullet In The Heartbeat Of America; World Markets Tank

The last 7-10 days have given us multiple Congressional hearings, press conferences, statements by belligerent bloviating blowhards, outrage, fear and uncertainty in the public over the precarious state of the American auto industry. Last night it all culminated in a shameless show by Senate Republicans who decided to crater the world economy instead of agreeing to provide what, at least by current Washington standards, is a nominal loan to American automakers. Today the reality of their action, actually lack thereof, has already set in.

Republicans Ask Workers to Give, but Not Small Businessmen or Bond-Holders

The Republican American Way: Workers are asked to give, but not small businessmen, bondholders or other corporations.

No Auto Bridge Loan

Harry Reid: We're very sorry we couldn't arrive at a conclusion. But I appreciate Chris Dodd. This man has worked day and night for months. I like Shelby too. He hasn't been heavily involved in these negotiations. But you never have to guess where he stands. Corker did wonderful work. We weren't able to arrive at legislation to get enough Republican votes.

Who Killed the Combustion Car?

Wouldn't you know it? Along with all those union-busting Republicans who are intent on killing the American auto industry, Dick Cheney bears responsibility for dooming the bridge loan bill in Congress.

Jesse Jackson Jr's Dad Gets a Lawyer, Too

Jesse Jackson Jr. is not the only one who lawyered up since Blago was arrested on Tuesday. His father did so too.

Withdrawing Jarrett's Candidacy as an F-U to Blagojevich

The WSJ notices something I pointed out Tuesday. There was a two-hour meeting on November 10 at which Blago's team tried to concoct a way to get Obama's team to give something of value in exchange for Valerie Jarrett's appointment to replace Obama as Senator, closely followed by Jarrett's withdrawal from consideration. What the WSJ misses, though, is that there's pretty clear evidence that Obama refused to deal with Blago.

Jesse Jackson Jr. Met Blagojevich in the Latter's Office: Were They Taped?

What do you think the chances are that the meeting between Jesse Jackson Jr. and Rod Blagojevich was taped on Monday?

The First Jesse Jackson Jr-Related Blagojevich Contact Was Before October 31

Fitzgerald's chronology of Blagojevich's discussions relating to Jesse Jackson Jr. are not entirely clear. It appears, at first glance, that those discussions all took place in December, in the last week or so. But that's not right. The first Blago reference Fitz records occurred on October 31, four days before the election.

Blagojevich's SEIU Contact NOT Andy Stern

My NPR station reported earlier today that the SEIU contact that Blagojevich spoke with--referenced in the complaint--was not Andy Stern. NPR said it was Tom Balinoff, President of SEIU Local 1. A senior advisor to the SEIU has confirmed to me that the contact in the complaint is not Stern, though he could not confirm that it was Balinoff. The SEIU advisor also told me that SEIU proactively contacted Fitzgerald's office. I guess all

Weeds, For Mark Ambinder

I'm not so sure that Fitz hasn't asked Obama to be quiet about any discussions about his replacement. Particularly as those discussions relate to Rahm.

Jesse Jackson Jr. Press Conference

Short version: Jackson uses this as a campaign commercial, he makes a narrow denial about the conversations of his supporters with Blago, and he refuses to take questions.

Next Blagojevich Shoe to Drop: the Deputy Governor

Gosh. Deputy Governor gets named a bunch of times in a criminal complaint yesterday. And a Deputy Governor resigns today. You think there's a connection?

Will Having the Name "Jesse Jackson" Associated with Blagojevich...

Will having the name "Jesse Jackson" associated with Blagojevich further inflame those nutters trying to tie Obama to Blago, or will it give them a favorite lefty dynasty to devour and in so doing stave their hunger for a scandal larger than it is? Unfortunately, I'm guessing it's the former...