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Oh Noes! Lobbyists Standing in Line with Labor Leaders!!

The business lobbyists who used to run the White House are complaining about the treatment they're now getting. I know that will make you sob for them.
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The Reid/Durbin Fabrication On Burris

Illinois law and the Constitution have always been contra to Reid and Durbin's intransigence on Burris, but the disingenuous duo have always fallen back on their precious ancient Senate Rule II. But not only is their fallback claim that Senate Rule II is mandatory completely false, there is clear precedent of deviation from the Rule six years ago in the nepotistic Murkowski appointment in Alaska.
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We're All Detroit, MI Now

A while back, I wrote a post called We're all Flint, MI now. Mitch Albom just wrote a story that might as well be called We're all Detroit, now. It's long--so to induce you to read it, I'm going to give you an almost-spoiler.Because we may be a few steps behind the rest of the country, but we're a few steps ahead of it too.

Trash Talk: The Return of the Hubcap!

Sorry, no music for this week's trash, but we've got hubcaps!!

Democrats Trying to Reverse Bush's Attempt to Dismantle UAW by Fiat

It looks like Barney Frank is trying to reverse the really punitive aspects of the auto rescue plan snuck into the loan terms by Bush.

Abu G's New Book

Alberto Gonzales is writing a book. Honest--he'll set the record straight. He says.

The Method to Blagojevich's Sam Adam's Madness

On reflection, it's just really neat the way the Blagojevich offer to Burris ended up in an offer--certainly picked up by wiretaps--that emphasized Burris' qualifications for the office.

Lon Monk and Roland Burris

Roland Burris' admission that he spoke with Lon Monk about the Senate seat is interesting for several reasons--not least because Monk is centrally tied to the allegations against Blago.

Blago's Dog and Pony Presser

Okay EW is tied up and will be along in a bit, but Rod Blagojevich just had a fascinating press conference. Like a demented king (there is that Elvis parallel again) holding forth in his court. Probably not for long, but the guy knows how to play a room, you have to give him that.Blago rambled around about how he has brought healthcare to the poor, which he actually did

Oh, Now They're Trying to Insist on Their Responsibility to Archive

Sounds like John Bates wants to make sure his order giving HJC the documents pertaining to the US Attorney firings goes into effect sooner rather than later.

Blagojevich Impeached

When it became clear that Nixon would be impeached, he had the good sense to step down. Not so Blago, who vowed today to remain governor in spite of the 114-1 vote in the IL House favor of impeaching him today. In a historic vote, the Illinois House has impeached Gov. Rod Blagojevich, directing the Senate to put the state’s 40th chief executive on trial with the goal of removing him from
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Eric Holder's New Pardon Controversy: Oops He Did It Again

Hot off the presses, Tom Hamburger and Josh Meyer at the LA Times have an exclusive on new information detailing Obama Attorney General nominee Eric Holder's involvement in the ugly and controversial clemency grants given to members of the violent Puerto Rican terrorist groups FALN and Los Macheteros. And Team Obama has hired Bush toady, and Alberto Gonzales' attorney, George Terwilliger to reassure everybody it is all okay. Brilliant

Steven Rattner?!?!?!

Obama's thinking of appointing someone with no apparent qualifications--though lots of finance success--to be the auto czar.

Burris Doing VERY Badly Before the Impeachment Committee

On CSPAN now. Burris is doing terribly in his testimony before the Blago impeachment Committee. He was asked whether he talked to Lon Monk about the Senate seat. He said yes. Lon Monk is Lobbyist 1 in the Complaint. And now Durkin, the Republican, has noted that a $1.2 million donor to Burris has only given to one other politician:

Five Years After Pay-to-Play Gang Tried to Get Fitz Fired, Blagojevich Tries Again

Five years ago, Blago's alleged accomplices tried to get Fitz fired. Now, he's apparently trying again.

The WSJ's Curious Picture of Congress and Torture

The WSJ is warning Congressional Democrats not to investigate Bush's torture policies. But there are holes in its case.
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The Constitution and Roland Burris

Roland Burris went to the hill in Washington DC today to claim the Senate seat he has been appointed to but was denied. While this may make Harry Reid, Obama and a lot of other people feel good about frustrating the cad Blagojevich, it is almost certainly unconstitutional, and constitutional scholars, including preeminent voices like Bruce Fein and Erwin Chemerinsky, agree.

The Little Bomblet for Turdblossom in the New Rules

Chairman Conyers isn't all that satisfied with the outcome of the US Attorney investigation last Congress. So, he put a little present for Harriet Miers and Josh Bolten in the rules that just passed to make sure he can still get their testimony in this Congress. And guess what? He included Karl Rove in there, too!