Taking Out Iraq's Future Leaders
There's a detail in the WaPo story on Charles Duelfer's new book that suggests, at a time when DOD was pushing Ahmed Chalabi to run Iraq, they were targeting Iraqi leaders for harrassment and arrest.
Pat Tillman's Super Bowl
Corporal Pat Tillman, who left the NFL after 9/11 to serve in the Army Rangers, was killed by friendly fire in Afghanistan on April 22, 2004. For months surrounding his death, he was made into a propaganda tool to glorify Bush's failed wars. The exposure of the truth behind Tillman's death has since turned him into a symbol of the duplicity of the Bush Administration, the fight for the truth, and the futility of the war itself. And today, the day before new Cardinal heros take the stage, we should remember the Tillman family's fight for truth.
Rove Deadline Delayed
We don't get Rove's testimony until February 23, at the earliest. But at least by then, Obama will legitimately be running DOJ, which gives him several additional ways to respond to this.
Super Bowl 43 Trash Talk: The Red & The Black
bmazThis is it baby, the big finale. All the marbles come down to these two: One Red. One Black. One will leave with the Lombardi Trophy in hand, the other with the regret of the world's biggest runner-up percolating in their gut for the entire off season, maybe for the rest of their lives. It is time for Super Bowl Trash Talk!
Why the Silence on Tice's Revelations?
Why haven't journalists shown any outrage--or even mere interest--in the news that the government systematically spied on journalists?
Mikey Isikoff's Old Lovers Cite New Privileges
Mikey Isikoff (surprise!!!) has the exclusive (!!!) read of what Fred Fielding is now trying to assert for Rove: Executive privilege. For the first time. With no specific review of whether or not Rove's actions--particularly as they relate to pursuing a witch hunt against Governor Siegelman and attempting to get Patrick Fitzgerald fired while investigating Bush's orders to go after Joe Wilson--merit "executive privilege," Fielding is now asserting executive privilege. And Isikoff is such a crack journalist, he doesn't notice the change in stance!!!
Welcome to old ways in Washington DC!
Matt Cooper Predicts Bad Things for His Buddy Karl Rove
It was bound to happen. Matt Cooper, to whom Karl Rove leaked Valerie Wilson's identity, is now reporting on Karl Rove again (at his new digs over at TPM). Better yet, Matt suggests Turdblossom may have miscalculated in his efforts to avoid testifying before the House Judiciary Committee.
I spoke with a Washington lawyer who has dealt with many presidential privilege issues and he (or is it she?) raised some interesting questions
About those Missing OLC Opinions
Go read the ProPublica database of missing OLC opinions. Or my timeline on the same subject.
Rove: It's Still the Absolute Immunity Issue
Sorry I've been a bit distracted (yes yes, I know I promised a post on those missing OLC opinions!!) But until I get undistracted, check out this video from Turdblossom.
Note how he describes the issue:
I've been directed again ... not to respond to a subpoena, exerting privilege on behalf of a former President.
Why We Can't Have Federal Whistleblowers, Per Congress
Crazy Pete Hoekstra says we can't have federal whistleblower protection because it would expose sources and methods. Does that suggest to you that they're doing stuff with TARP and stimulus that they shouldn't be?
Did Holder Promise No Prosecutions?
Is Kit Bond trying to expand the assurances Eric Holder made about prosecutions so he can later attack him if he goes after Bush and Cheney and Yoo and Gonzales?
Whitehouse and Leahy Scold Cornyn and Specter for Asking for No Prosecution Guarantee
The vote on Holder is already done, but in the dregs section as Senators explain why they supported Holder, Whitehouse and Leahy took the opportunity to scold Cornyn and Specter for trying to make Holder commit to no prosecutions for torture.
Whitehouse said (this was a liveblog approximation):
We came perilously close to seeking a prosecutive commitment from an AG candidate on an issue he would have to make a decision
Holder Vote in SJC Now
There won't be any news in today's vote. Specter has cast his yes vote, Hatch is babbling on while making it clear he votes yes, too. And Leahy is just laughing about it, saying, "babble on, I know I'm going to win." (Okay, he didn't use the word, "babble."
But in case you're interested here's the committee stream.
The Blagojevich Shakedown
The IL Legislature has posted transcripts and tapes of the four conversations Fitz released to the Impeachment Committee. They basically portray a thuggish shakedown of racetrack owner John Johnston. While it's not clear that Blago ever got his money, it's not usually supposed to be the governor doing this kind of shakedown.
Scottish Haggis Lives Up to the Name, Backs Holder
Arlen Specter, after throwing a 2 month stink over Eric Holder, has decided he's just a swell guy. And all that crap Haggis threw in the interim, to create a long delay? What's a little Haggis between friends?
Rove's "Renewed" Privilege Assertion: Is It Absolute Immunity or Executive Privilege?
Bush gave Rove a letter telling him he could blow off Congress--presumably after Conyers put continuation of last Congress' suit against the Bush Administration in House rules. Depending on what's in that letter, it may either lead to months of new litigation or--depending on the Obama Administration--a precedent that absolute immunity doesn't exist.
FISA: Grill the Executives
Threat Level posts an interview they did with Russell Tice three years ago. In it, he suggests we subpoena the corporate executives involved in the illegal wiretap program to find out how our government spied on us.
Kansas' Lobbying Helps France Fly Citi to Its Tax Shelters
I'm guessing Citigroup is going to use the new plane they just bought--at taxpayer expense--in France to fly to the places they've been sheltering their profits so as to avoid paying US taxes.
Conyers to Turdblossom: "Time's Up!!"
John Conyers just made a date with Karl Rove, for February 2.