USAMRIID Can't Keep Track of Its Microbes

Remember how one key to the FBI case against Bruce Ivins is their claim that only he had access to the flask that contained the anthrax strain used in the attack--and that they're sure that there were no other flasks of the strain? Well, it turns out that Ivins' lab, USAMRIID, shut down all research on Friday because they don't have a good inventory of all their high-risk microbes.

Comings and Goings and Dealings at the SEC

One of the contemptuous SEC officials who pretty much blew off Congress last week will be resigning today. And, all of a sudden, the SEC is going after Madoff for financial penalties, perhaps reflecting the elimination of Chris Cox-era rules that made it hard to do so.

The Surge's Virgin Birth

Thomas Ricks tells a tale of how Ray Odierno is the father of the surge. Problem is, Ricks' story still has obvious holes, leaving open the question of who actually birthed the plan.

The Grassley-Isakson-Coburn-Collins-Bad Nelson Bill

We really shouldn't be calling the Senate stimulus bill the Collins-Nelson compromise bill. We ought to be calling it the Grassley-Isakson-Coburn-Collins-Bad Nelson bill, to memorialize where all the stupid comes from in the bill.
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Toyota Sings The Mercury Blues

As the Republicans in Congress, most notably the Senate fixate on emasculating the stimulus package, stripping it and the country of hope, I want to return to another recent example of the un-American activities and bent of this group of legislative geniuses. I refer to this same group's actions and illogic in relation to willingness to kill or cripple American Auto manufacturing under the false guise it is not as good or efficient as foreign makers. Recent news from Toyota puts the lie to another Republican claim.


If Susan Collins, Tom Coburn, and Chuck Grassley are largely responsible for the way the Senate compromise stimulus bill looks, then why are Republicans claiming it's not a bipartisan bill/?

Wanted: An Ask for Phone Calls

When will Obama actually ask the millions of people on his email list to actually make calls to Congress?

The AP's Remaining Competitive Function: Litigators for Big Media

The AP is making another argument about how they're the only force that can properly use the First Amendment again.

Haggis Logic

I just watched Arlen "Scottish Haggis" Specter explain how they didn't really cut $600 million in child care. He explained very helpfully that if you don't get 60 votes, then there would be no money for child care. Of course, he and Susan Collins (and, apparently, one more Republican) are the only ones standing between a bill and 60 votes.

Crazy Pete Hoekstra's Misplaced Priorities on Keeping Secrets

Crazy Pete Hoekstra just revealed the classified details of his trip to Iraq via Twitter. This is one of the Gang of Eight who is entrusted with our country's top secrets.

DOD Spends More on Domestic PsyOps Than On Foreign PsyOps

Between domestic psyops (public affairs) and foreign psyops, DOD spends over a $1 billion a year. And the really scary thing is, more than half of that goes toward propagandizing in the US.

Sign the Petition: Howard Dean for HHS Secretary

So far, there's a lot of support in these parts for Howard Dean to be HHS Secretary. Obama has said he made a mistake by overlooking Daschle's conflicts and tax problems when he first appointed him. I'm here on television saying I screwed up, and that's part of the era of responsibility.

What Explains Commander Lippold's Newfound Impatience on the Cole Prosecutions?

Commander Kirk Lippold only ever criticized the Bush Administration's failure to bring the plotters of the Cole bombing to justice once. But all of a sudden, on the same day a Bush dead-ender tries to make it more difficult for Obama to close Gitmo, Lippold is out with accusations that Obama is politicizing the war on terror.

Joe the Vice President at the Train Station

Apparently, they've sent Joe Biden out to drum up some excitement for the stimulus package. Sending him to do so at a train station that would be upgraded under the stimulus package? A nice touch. (via email) Mr. Mayor, thanks for the passport to get in town here. And, Governor, it's a delight to be with you.

NOW Can We Dismiss the Notion that Toensing Is Independent?

Remember how Victoria Toensing always got to pretend she had no association with Scooter Libby's defense team? Well, now she's fund-raising to support Libby's PR flack's run for political office.

Dan's Rather Exciting Brief

As you may recall, Dan Rather is in litigation against CBS, Viacom and executives Les Moonves and Andrew Heyward over his treatment after the Bush Texas Air National Guard story on 60 Minutes II. A critical point was reached Monday afternoon with the filing of Rather's appellate brief (pdf file) by his attorneys.

They're Close to Domenici ... Are They Close to Bush?

Murray reports that the grand jury investigation investigating David Iglesias' firing is getting closer to Domenici. Will Domenici take the fall and protect Bush?