Obama Hates The Truth On Binyan Mohamed
The news last week that President Obama had bought into and signed off on the full boat of shameful state secrets assertion in the case of Binyan Mohamed v Jeppesen Dataplan set off a wave of criticism. Obama came to the criticism the old fashioned way, he earned it by breaking his campaign promise and continuing the wretched excess of unitary secrecy.
BREAKING: Burris Fesses Up
Chicago tenor Roland Burris is singing a new tune by acknowledging he sought to raise campaign funds for then-Gov. Rod Blagojevich at the request of the governor’s brother at the same time he was making a pitch to be appointed to the Senate seat previously held by President Barack Obama. Burris' latest comments in Peoria Monday night were the first time he has publicly said he was actively trying involved in seeking campaign financing for Blagojevich.
Are Your Members of Congress Supporting an Investigation into Bush Crimes?
As many of you have noted, at least 62% of Americans support some investigation into Bush Administration crimes (whether a criminal investigation or a truth commission). Do your members of Congress agree with the majority of Americans who refuse to ignore the past? Call them and find out.
GM Gets Its Loan; No Bankruptcy for Now
When it was announced Sunday that President Obama had decided against appointing an "Auto Czar", instead opting for a panel of Administration financial experts including, but not limited to, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, National Economic Council Director Lawrence Summers and Ron Bloom, it pretty much signaled that the Administration was going to continue to work with GM as an existing, functioning entity instead of forcing them into bankruptcy. Monday night, that was confirmed.
Conason's Lost Truth About Reconciliation
Joe Conason has a new piece out in Salon that is enough to cause sane heads to explode. Noting that, like math, bringing accountability is hard Conason biliously opines that Obama ought to pardon Bush/Cheney miscreants and establish a truth and reconciliation commission. This is a half baked idea, at best.
President's Day Down South
Here it is, another glorious President's day, and wouldn't you know it world leaders are exchanging presents. And Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has sent one President Obama's way: President Hugo Chávez handily won a referendum on Sunday that will end presidential term limits, allowing him to run for re-election indefinitely.
Is the Obama White House Caving (Again) on Presidential Privileges?
I had this post mostly written as a screed against Greg Craig, who appeared to be caving again on Obama's stated principles on presidential privileges. But after checking with three data points, I'm not so sure.
Burris' Campaign for the Senate Seat
Given Burris' and Ettinger's numerous statements, it appears that Burris and RobBlago were trying to find a way for Burris to give without the donations to be traceable to Burris.
Any Bets Burris Did Bundle Donations?
Here's a prediction of where the new Burris controversy is going: I suspect we'll find out, in coming days, that while Burris did not donate directly to Blago, he never refused to bundle donations for Blago. I don't know whether Burris actually did bundle donations, but I suspect we'll learn that Burris has never refused to bundle donations.
Burris Did Not Want to Reveal His Conversations--and He Didn't
Check out the evidence and see whether you agree or not that Roland Burris clearly intended to hide the conversations he had with Rob Blagojevich about a quid pro quo for the Senate seat.
The Push to Publish the OPR Report
Michael Isikoff adds more details to Brad DeLong's hints yesterday that Yoo and Bradbury are in trouble.
Burris Did Not Reveal Contacts with Blagojevich
It turns out Roland Burris wasn't completely forthcoming about the extent of his conversations with the Blago camp about the Senate seat.
House Judiciary Cuffs Joe Arpaio, The Most Abusive Sheriff In America
You have probably heard of the shamelessly self professed "Toughest Sheriff in America", Maricopa County Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio. For years he has been making a PR spectacle of himself all the while running an unconstitutionally deplorable jail system, letting inmates die under tortuous conditions, and violating the civil rights and liberties of everybody in sight, especially minorities. The House Judiciary Committee has just issued a letter calling on Attorney General Eric Holder and Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano to investigate allegations of misconduct by Arpaio. There are a lot of grounds for the action sought by HJC, lets look at them.
Obama Again Supports Bush's Bogus Stance on al-Haramain, But Partly Punts on State Secrets
By my reading, the latest filing in the al-Haramain case supports the Bush stance, without refreshing Bush's invocation of State Secrets.
"Very Harsh Conclusions" about Yoo and Bradbury
Remember that Office of Public Responsibility investigation that Congress requested, Bush squelched (by refusing the investigators clearance to do the investigation), but that, under Mukasey got reinstated? Apparently it came to the same conclusion everyone else already had--that the lawyering that went into Bush and Cheney's justification of torture and warrantless wiretap was crap. The question is, did Michael Mukasey and Mark Filip succeed in their efforts to squelch the report?
Rove's Rather Uncooperative Cooperation
Remember how Bob Luskin claimed to Murray that Rove had gotten all cooperative? Well, that was apparently a lie.
Will We Finally See the John Kerry Who Investigated BCCI Again?
John Kerry has hired the guy who claims that Kerry went easy on the BCCI investigation. Does this signal a return to Kerry's more courageous stance of his youth?
Anyone Wondering Whether Gregg Just Didn't Want Scrutiny of His Office's Favors for Abramoff?
Judd Gregg cites irreconcilable differences as his explanation for withdrawing from the Commerce position.
But do you think maybe he just realized that his reputation wasn't going to withstand the scrutiny of Senate appointment?
Susan Collins: I Stand With Crazy Pete the Twit-Leaker in Opposing Intelligence Whistleblowers
Like her fellow Republican (and now famed Twit-leaker) Pete Hoekstra, Susan Collins doesn't want our nation's intelligence professionals to be able to report fraud and wrong-doing.
Why do Republicans work so hard to protect fraud and wrong-doing?