Michelle's Triceps Continue to Disarm Critics
The snippy columnists are still attacking Michelle Obama for showing off her buff arms. But ordinary women are reacting by lifting weights.
Obama's Response to the al-Haramain Smack-Down? Cheneyesque Reasoning
Mere hours after the 9th Circuit told the Obama Administration they cannot prevent a judge from ruling a ripe issue by invoking state secrets, they're back. And their logic is not getting any better.
Obama's FISA Headache
Obama's headache from this al-Haramain ruling is not just because Judge Walker may well rule that Bush broke the law. There are three more reasons this is a big headache for Obama (and a potentiall great thing for us).
BREAKING: The 9th Circuit Says State Secrets Can't Halt al-Haramain Suit
The 9th Circuit just refused Obama/Dead-Ender's request for a stay in the al-Haramain suit.
Fleet Standard Fail
Not only is Obama's auto task force full of people who don't drive American cars, but the task force's car owners as a group fail to pass CAFE standards.
DiFi's Whitewash
Just as Pat Leahy kicks off his investigation into Bush era crimes, DiFi is leaking news of her own investigation: a secret one that will have much more circumscribed scope than Leahy's. Is she serious about this investigation--or just trying to tie Leahy's hands?
Obama's Two "Ifs" on FISA: Heads I Win, Tails You Lose
Both main suits on FISA--the al-Haramain suit and the retroactive immunity suit--are about to go to the Ninth Circuit so that Court can define the meaning of "if" in each case. Obama argues those "ifs" should give his Administration the utmost flexibility to keep secrets--and avoid legal consequences for illegal wiretapping.
A Whole Heap of Bad Faith in al-Haramain
Wow, the Obama Administration is piling up the misrepresentations in its effort to prevent Judge Walker from ruling that Bush broke the law when he illegally wiretapped al-Haramain.
Roland Burris, the Sequel
In Roland, the Sequel, Roland I's son gets a job from Rod Blagojevich he's not qualified to have.
That's Why They Call It "Domestic" Surveillance
EFF came up with a really good response to the telecom claim that the Executive Branch can decide which telecoms get immunity because it's part of the inherent authority tied to foreign affairs.
EFF's response? This isn't foreign surveillance, you dummies, it's domestic surveillance.
Hey FBI?!? Who Put the Tin in Your Anthrax?
The FBI's case against Bruce Ivins continues to crumble. In this installment, we learn there are ingredients in the samples used in the attacks that are not present in Ivin's so-called "smoking gun" flask of anthrax.
Funny Telecom Games on Retroactive Immunity
For some reason, the telecoms don't want to talk much about what Vaughn Walker has asked them to talk about.
The Guy Who Refused to Wiretap Illegally Is Off to Jail
The full 10th Circuit just decided to send Joseph Nacchio off to jail after reinstating his insider trading conviction.
A federal appeals court reinstated the insider trading conviction of former Qwest CEO Joe Nacchio on Wednesday and said he could be ordered to begin serving a 6-year prison sentence.
A three-judge panel of the 10th U.S.
Michelle's Buff Arms
I can't tell whether Jodi Cantor's screed about Michelle's triceps says more about insecurities she might have about her own reporting or about her own triceps.
Darrell Issa's Burning Concern about White House Emails? Not So Hot...
Funny. Last week, Darrell Issa thought the matter of missing White House emails was an urgent matter. This week? He couldn't care less.
China Auto: Crouching Tiger, Looming Giant
The turmoil in the auto business isn't just with the American manufacturers; it is global, striking even the supposed gold standards such as Toyota and Honda. But there is opportunity in chaos, and China looks to capitalize on that.
Sully Goes to Washington
Sully, the hero of the US Airways "Miracle on the Hudson" just told Congress we need to value labor more. Do you think they'll listen?
Kirk Lippold, Gitmo Architect, Still Making Torture Cool
Kirk Lippold, one of the architects of Gitmo, is back, complaining that Obama has let a Gitmo detainee free. But, surprise surprise, in their quotations of Lippold, the press ignores Lippold's significant ties to Gitmo policy, instead simply referring to him as the USS Cole Commander.
The AIPAC Prosecution Suffers A Crippling Blow
Most of you know about the AIPAC criminal case that has been simmering below the main media radar since it was filed in May, 2005. In a nutshell, the indictment alleges that Lawrence Franklin a DOD/Pentagon official working in Defense Secretary Rumsfeld's office (with everyone's favorite public servants Doug Feith and Paul Wolfowitz) passed top-secret information to Steve Rosen, AIPAC's then-policy director, and Keith Weissman, a senior Iran analyst with AIPAC. An important ruling in the case was handed down On February 17 that is a crippling blow to the prosecution.
Roland Burris' Bad PR Strategy
As Roland Burris' allies--and the Politico--would have it, his biggest problem right now is that the media strategy he employed to manage his admissions that he has much deeper ties to Rod Blagojevich than he let on was insufficient to the task.