Cheney's Assassination Squads

Sy Hersh reveals that Cheney had an assassination squad reporting directly to him.

Mike Allen's Punditry Ether

If a disgraced Bush hack shits in the punditry ether and Mike Allen's not there to record it, does the hack really make a sound?

The Latest Prop from Gitmo

The circumstances surround the production of KSM's latest diatribe from Gitmo sure suggest it was released for propaganda purposes.

The Statute of Limitations on Bush's March 11, 2004 Illegal Wiretapping Expires Today

The statute of limitations on the allegedly criminal wiretapping of Wendell Belew on March 11, 2004 expire today.

The FDIC Takes Over a Bank

60 Minutes shows you what a bank takeover looks like.

Unemployed Bush Lawyers and the OPR Report

Is it a coincidence that David Addington and Alberto Gonzales--the White House lawyers who authorized torture even before John Yoo's memos on the subject--are also the two who can't get a job?

Tell Us How the Signing Statements Were Used

Obama promises he won't use signing statements ... too much. But he doesn't offer any way for us to know how much damage signing statements have already done.

John Yoo's Wrestling Match with the First Amendment

Read with the close attention with which John Yoo refuses to read our Constitution, Yoo's latest attempt at self-defense is even more pathetic.

The Diplomatic Bridge To Somewhere In The Middle East

Ten days after the election, I wrote what turned out to be, at the time, a somewhat controversial piece on the meaning of the hints by Obama that Hillary Clinton might be his Secretary of State, opining that it might portend a serious and affirmative play on middle east peace by the incoming Obama Administration. It is still in its infancy, but it appears that is proving true.
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Getting Their Kicks: The American-Saudi Go Around Come-Around

Despite a decent amount of negativity roiling around the socio-political scene lately, on a fine Saturday night right here in the ole USA, this gives me a lot of heart somehow:Then, with a scream of revving engines, it begins: a yellow Corvette and a red Mitsubishi go head to head, racing down the road at terrifying speeds, just inches apart.

The Northeast Takes Over Freedom and Commerce in Georgia

All because Bush screwed up the economy so badly that another bank failed. (And yes--it's Saturday night. So let me have my stupid fun.)

They Picked a Bad Week to Stop Sniffing Glue

The Judge deciding whether or not to dismiss the Jose Padilla lawsuit against John Yoo, having read the memos released earlier this week, doesn't seem inclined to dismiss the suit.

Not Seeing Storm Troopers, Not Scratching My Head

People still seem to be missing the forest for the trees on last week's al-Haramain activities.

Burris' Partner Fred Lebed Spoke of Favors for Blagojevich

It seems that Fred Lebed, Roland Burris' partner, may have been thinking of favors he could do to support Burris' candidate to be Senator.

Most Convictions Against Siegelman Upheld

Three Republican-appointed judges have upheld most of the convictions of Governor Don Siegelman--while throwing out two counts of Mail Fraud. Their arguments aren't very convincing.

Justice Ginsburg to Senator Bunning: "Screw You"

Apparently, one of the things motivating Justice Ginsburg to get back to her regular schedule is Jim Bunning's prediction of her imminent demise. Heck. If one of the most conservative Senators wants to motivate one of the most liberal Justices to stay at work, I'll take that.
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The Secret State Continues to Crumble

The DC Court of Appeals just ruled that it--the Court--and not the Administration gets to determine whether information will be of use to a detainee in a habeas petition. And if it is, the Court ruled, then the Administration must turn that over in some form.
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Elena Kagan Confirms Her Vacuity and Farce

Yesterday's Judiciary Committee consideration of Obama Solicitor General nominee Elena Kagan proved that confirmation hearings are not totally useless, we learned something new about Kagan before the SJC. She was for honest and open answers to Senator's questions at confirmation hearings before she was against it.