Bush Punted on GM and Chrysler ... But Not Cerberus
Yes, as we suspected, Bush punted on the auto crisis to leave the problem for Obama. But curiously, he did not punt on the auto finance crisis.
The al-Haramain Order From Walker
I am still waiting for a report from the scene, but hearing in Judge Walker's court on al-Haramain on the Order to Show Cause is over and here is Walker's order.
Vaughn Walker Dismisses Challenge to Retroactive Immunity
Wired reports that Vaughn Walker has dismissed EFF's challenge to retroactive immunity. (h/t scribe) Plus, Wired will probably be reporting on how Anthony Coppolino recovered from his long week of dancing in the al-Haramain suit. So by the end of the day, we should have a better idea of whether we'll ever hold the government responsible for violating FISA.
I'll be reading Walker's order as I drink my pre-flight beer (I'm going
Why Did CIA Hide Dick Cheney's Role in Briefing?
The WaPo confirms that, as I speculated, Cheney was the "not available" briefer. So why weren't we told?
Is Obama Fixing to Own Some Banks?
Rahm reveals that the principles of government ownership came up in the context of owning banks, not owning car companies.
Nadler and State Secrets
Yesterday, on my panel on torture and accountability, Nadler explained that lawsuits need to be one means to accountability.
Cheney 'Fesses Up that Rapport, Not Torture, Got Intelligence
Cheney's backing off his claims that torture worked.
Bye Bye American Pie
As most of you know by now, automobiles are personal to me. I grew up around cars, car people and car racing. And I grew up in America of the 60s and 70s. Whence I came from Baseball, Hot Dogs, Apple Pie & Chevrolet wasn't just a slogan, it was a root truth and way of life. Did that music die today?
Obama: They Said We Couldn't Fast-Track Chrysler, Now I'm Doubling Down
Obama announces success with Chrysler, doubles down with GM.
The Government Dodges and Weaves on al-Haramain
The government still wants to have its state secrets and its claim of innocence in al-Haramain.
Obama Announces Socialism!
Given the agony over the role of the Administration in GM 2.0, you'd think Obama had just declared bankruptcy.
Dan Froomkin: Anachronistic Voices
Dan Froomkin says newspapers have to stop speaking in fuddy duddy. I'm glad someone from the industry is finally making this point.
Richard Clarke Reminds Cheney and Condi of Their Incompetence
Richard Clarke thinks Cheney and Condi should stop using their lack of preparedness for 9/11 as an excuse for breaking the law in response.
CIA: Congress Shouldn't Get Records of Our Crimes
The CIA doesn't want the Senate Intelligence Committee to get the records of its torture.
Bush's Approved Torture ... in 2003?
Bush is proud to describe how he approved of torture. But news reports suggest he put that approval in 2003.
Roland Burris: "Fred Is Dying on the Vine"
In the Roland Burris-Rob Blagojevich transcript that got released earlier this week, Burris' law partner, Fred Lebed, is mentioned as a key player in their discussions. That's critical because, by the time of the conversation, Lebed may have already done Blago a big favor--getting his wife hired.
Decision Day On al-Haramain (updated)
It is decision day for the gunslingers at the al-Haramain corral. If you recall when we last left this little vignette, exactly one week ago today, Judge Vaughn Walker had just issued a fairly terse ruling giving certain instructions to the parties. Both parties were given one week, until today, May 29th, to produce written responses to the court. al-Haramain's is in, and it is very interesting.
Carl Levin to Cheney: You've Got Nothing
Carl Levin better watch out for Liz "BabyDick" Cheney and her cries of "libel!" Because he just called her Daddy a liar. But I'm most interested in how the specific denials he gave about the content of the documents Cheney wants fleshes out the information in the May 30, 2005 Bradbury Memo on efficacy.
The Politics of Car Dealers
Thanks to Nate and KO for debunking the claims about political favoritism in which car dealers get closed under the Chrysler and GM bankruptcies. There's one more important point on this: car dealers are disproportionately the biggest donors from the industry.
Cheney's So-Called Recidivists
There's a number of impressions I get from the DOD "report" on the number of Gitmo detainees who have joined terrorists groups, including al Qaeda, since being released. First, while it appears to be what ABC billed it as--the report showing 14% of the people freed from Gitmo purportedly returning to the fight, the one that was used to scare the Senate into refuse funding for Gitmo--it looks fairly laughable.