
On The Eve Of Sotomayor: Ricci Is Irrelevant

Tomorrow, Monday morning July 13, 2009, Judge Sonia Sotomayor begins the hearing portion of her confirmation process. So far, there has been the expected (sadly) partisan yammering on her nomination. Then, on Friday, there suddenly emerged something that might seem to take hold as the focus of the obligatory partisan sniping.

The Scope of the (Hypothetical) Torture Investigation

There's some debate about whether a potential torture investigation would get beyond the low level torturers. First of all, those aren't really low-level CIA people--they're James Mitchell and friends. More importantly, if you go after Mitchell, you almost certainly will get to the lawyers who approved what he did.

When and To What Degree Was John Ashcroft Read Into the Illegal Surveillance Program?

We have long known that John Ashcroft was not properly read into the illegal domestic surveillance program Senator Whitehouse suggested as much when Attorney General Gonzales testified in July 2007. And both Gonzales and Robert Mueller revealed that John Ashcroft--from his ICU bed--complained that his advisors had not been able to get read into the program and as a result he was ill-informed about the program. But the IG Report raises new

Ambinder on Holder

Ambinder describes the division of labor between Greg Craig and Eric Holder.

Holder v. Rahm: The Torture Fight

Against the backdrop of a Holder/Rahm drama, Newsweek reveals key details about the internal conflict over torture.

John Brennan, The Terrorist Threat Integration Center, and Main Core

It's troublesome that John Brennan appears to have been at the center of the warrantless wiretap program, not just because it means a top Obama aide was complicit with the program. But it's also troublesome because it makes the "Main Core" allegation more likely.

Did Obama Flip-Flop on FISA to Protect John Brennan?

John Brennan oversaw the threat assessments that were key to the illegal wiretap program. Is that why Obama and his Attorney General have flip-flopped on their belief that it was illegal?

Ceci Connolly Was the "Play" in the WaPo's Pay2Play Dinner

Not only was Ceci Connolly slotted to "host" the Pay2Play dinner, but she was also asked for contact info for invitees.

FISA's 15-Day Exemption

The IG Report says that Yoo's OLC opinion authorizing the warrantless wiretap program doesn't account for the 15-day exemption period in FISA that reflects Congressional intent to have FISA apply even in times of war. What the IG Report doesn't say--but is clear from the timeline--is that the Bush Administration used that 15-day period!

CIA Sticks with Its Waterboarding Shiny Object Strategy

The CIA argues that they're not claiming the torture documents are classified because they're trying to hide a crime, but argue at the same time that the descriptions of the techniques as practiced have to remain classified because they're not the same as the abstract descriptions.

George Bush PERSONALLY Sent Card and Gonzales to Thug Up Ashcroft

George Bush personally called Mrs. Ashcroft to tell her his thugs were coming over to rough up the Attorney General in the ICU Ward.

Neither of Cheney's Illegal Programs Was Effective

DOJ's IG on Cheney's warrantless wiretap program: DOJ OIG found it difficult to assess or quantify the overall effectiveness of the PSP program as it relates to the FBI's counterterrorism activities. However, based on the interviews conducted and documents reviewed, the DOJ OIG concluded that although PSP-derived information had value in some coutnerterrorism investigations, it generally played a limited role in the FBI's overall counterterrorism efforts.

Gonzales KNEW Ashcroft Was Too Sick to Reauthorize the Program--But Asked Him To Anyway

Back when he was testifying before Congress, Alberto Gonzales played dumb about whether or not he knew John Ashcroft was too sick to sign the reauthorization for the warrantlesss wiretap program. But the IG Report makes it clear he was well aware Ashcroft couldn't sign it. On March 9, Gonzales admitted publicly that Ashcroft couldn't sign the reauthorization.

Working Thread on Warrantless Wiretapping IG Report

Timed perfectly so al-Haramain can't use it in its latest brief. Though I imagine Judge Walker will read it closely. Here's the report. Consider this an working thread.

Why Is Hampton Embarrassing "the Family"?

Why is Doug Hampton--John Ensign's cuckold--going to such lengths to embarrass "the Family."

Was Porter Goss Briefed on Things Pelosi and Harman Weren't?

Porter Goss was in early Iraq War meetings, alone among Congressmen. Was he also at other meetings that the Bush Administration points to to claim notification to Congress?

Final Decision: The Dignity Of Judge Karen Williams

Federal judges live and serve in mostly quiet and unappreciated dignity. That is certainly the case with Fourth Circuit Judge Karen Williams.
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Stunning al-Haramain Filing Shames Obama; Shows Duplicity Of Officials

In early June, a critical hearing was held in front of Vaughn Walker in the al-Haramain case warrantless wiretapping case. Judge Walker entered an order commanding the attorney for plaintiffs al-Haramain et. al to file a motion for summary judgement. The motion has now been filed and it is literally damning to President Obama and his Administration.