The Waterboarding Authorization the Torturers Used?
The LAT says the torturers never saw the Bybee Two Memo placing limits on how they executed waterboarding. But chances are very good they saw a memo authorizing far more abusive waterboarding.
Ramzi bin al-Shibh's Lawyers Can't Know about the Torture that Drove Him Crazy
DOD won't let Ramzi bin al-Shibh's lawyers know what drove him crazy.
Madoff's Finance Chief to Plead Guilty
Frank DiPascali, Madoff's finance chief, is pleading guilty tomorrow.
Chuck Schumer for Majority Leader
Why isn't Chuck Schumer our Majority Leader?
Bush's Info Sharing Memo and the Warrantless Wiretap Revelations
I find it rather interesting that George Bush started pushing fusion centers the day that Risen and Lichtblau exposed the illegal domestic surveillance program.
As the Brush Piles Up in August
Have you noticed that we're a quarter of the way through August and Obama has not yet cleared any brush?
With Justice Sotomayor Sworn In, Back to Torture
The LAT returns to the story of the purportedly imminent torture prosecution.
Gonzales and Bush Haven't Spoken
Gonzales hasn't spoken to Bush since the President left office in January. That's a rather interesting silence.
Pre-Season Trash Talk: SpyGate, the Twitter Edition!
I've been meaning to put up a Friday trash talk for some time. I tried to convince bmaz to do it. But ever since his man Brett Fav-ruh said no to the Vikes, bmaz has been pouting. And while I hope that Fav-ruh un-retires around mid-season, so bmaz will get out of his funk, on the off-chance that the Kitties are on a resurgance this year, I'm happy that Fav-ruh declined
Dana Milbank's Time Management Problems
Dana Milbank reveals what really doomed Mouthpiece Theater.
Dana Milbank says it was clear that "Mouthpiece Theater" wasn't working even before the "Bitch Beer" brouhaha. "We were trying to squeeze it into our daily routines, writing and filming it while still keeping up our other responsibilities, in my case writing four columns a week and in [Chris] Cillizza's case writing umpteen blog items a day ...If anybody has an idea about a
Why Isn't Billy Tauzin at a Town Hall Meeting?
If Obama has made a deal with PhRMA, then why aren't there pharma reps at every single town hall in the country pitching the value of reform?
McCaskill: Crazier than Corker on Cash for Clunkers
Unlike her Republican counterpart in Missouri--and BOTH Republicans in Tennessee, Claire McCaskill voted against a highly effective stimulus program benefiting her constituents tonight: Cash for Clunkers.
John Brennan Gives Gonzales-Like Answer on Illegal Surveillance Program
John Brennan's explanation for his role in the illegal surveillance program are in some ways worse than Alberto Gonzales' answers on the same topic.
SEC Charges Hank Greenberg on AIG Accounting Violations
You mean we had to bail out AIG because Hank Greenberg was making misrepresentations about the companies profits that enabled it to keep blowing up the bubble?
The Securities and Exchange Commission today charged former American International Group Chairman and CEO Maurice "Hank" Greenberg and former Vice Chairman and CFO Howard Smith for their involvement in numerous improper accounting transactions that inflated AIG's reported financial results between 2000 and 2005.
On PDB Day, a New Direction against Terrorism? John Brennan's Coming Out Party?
Soft power is all well and good, provided the US is still capable of it. But if John Brennan is leading that effort, will it be legal, or will it be more abuse of power like the domestic surveillance program Brennan was intimately involved with?
Does Lanny Breuer Have a Conflict in the Cheney Interview FOIA Case?
Lanny Breuer provided John Kiriakou, who responded to Dick Cheney's inquiries at CIA about Joe Wilson, with at least $5000 of legal services. Doesn't that mean he probably shouldn't have been the guy at DOJ who submitted a declaration insisting on keeping Cheney's interview with Patrick Fitzgerald secret?
Mark Ambinder Thinks Granny "Really" Is a Clunker
There's a problem with Mark Ambinder's argument in favor of covering the Rent-a-Mobs. It suggests he believes that Granny really is going to be euthanized as a result of Obama's health care reform.
Cash for "Assembled in the USA" Program
Yesterday, I showed that the only "made in America" car (including engine and transmission) that would get someone trading in an Explorer the full $4500 Cash for Clunker benefit was a Ford Focus (though I shortchanged the Chevy Malibu and Saturn Aura, which are assembled in the US though may have an engine or transmission made in Canada or the US).
The point being that manufacturers don't make many efficient cars in
Why Not a Cash for Ford Focus Program?
Want to know why the Cash for Clunkers program wasn't the Cash for US vehicle program? Because you'd have to buy a Ford Focus.
Rosenberg Guilty of "Unnecessary Profanity" But Not Harassment
Ut oh. Carol Rosenberg said some bad words to Jeffrey Gordon. I hope she didn't say blowjob.