
NYT Neglects to Mention Foggo and the Torture Tapes

There's a keystone to understanding the story from David Johnston (who frequently regurgitates highly motivated leaks) and Mark Mazzetti (CIA's guy at NYT) on Dusty Foggo's role in setting up the black sites run by the CIA: Foggo's testimony in the torture tape investigation.

Honoring Service Rather than Trumping Up War

In the kind of speech that Dick Cheney used to press for war against Iraq, Obama is using to honor our service men and women.

Rahm and the Torture Investigation

It's time to start blaming Rahm for our lack of accountability on torture.

Marcy Eats Kobe at Netroots Nation

Kobe beef, that is. This is a pic that RevDeb took last night when a bunch of us went out to dinner (that's Gregg Levine warning me that Jane's gonna be pissed). Between Eli and Ian and Scarecrow and Rayne, they couldn't stop me from eating Kobe. I'm home now from Netroots Nation, lying on the couch trying to ingratiate myself with McCaffrey the MilleniaLab (who is upset that I watched parts

The Poetry Of Detroit Auto

Danny Heitman has a quirkily fascinating op-ed up in the New York Times on the attempt in the mid to late 50s by Ford Motor Company to enlist a poet laureate to help sell its products:The question is brought to mind by the story of Marianne Moore, the famous American writer, who served for a brief season as the Ford Motor Company’s unofficial poet laureate....A Ford executive wrote that the company
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The Cost Of Obama's Beer Fest Failure Is More Tasered Moms

Not long ago (though it strangely seems far removed) I wrote a series of posts about the incident surrounding Harvard Professor Henry Louis Gates. First, it was an illegal and unconstitutional arrest but with Obama's gaffe and silly "Beer Summit" we lost that discussion. Continued abuse of police power is a sad result.
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Woodstock: 40 Years Down The Road And A Nation Lost

As you may have heard, we are on the precipice of the 40th anniversary of Woodstock. What did it mean, and what does it say about our culture, especially the youth, today?
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Death Panels From Bad Legislation

Australia, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Mexico, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, the United Kingdom (England), and even Venezuela. What do all these developed first order modern countries have in common?They abolished the death penalty. Conspicuously absent of course is the United States. We are the only country in the Americas, whether North or South, that utilizes the death penalty in anything other

Live-Blogging Scrapple for Breakfast

Ari Melber starts by asking Scrapple who is he and why he is here. Scrapple starts by raising choice.

21st Century Hate

I was noodling around the intertoobz tonight, and was struck by the thought that the concept of "American Exceptionalism" may refer to our ability to bring teh stupid. First up to bat are the down with browners. From the Los Angeles Times:Walt Staton wanted to help people, and his tool was a water jug.

Extension And Delay In al-Haramain

As covered here and here, a Motion For Summary Judgment is pending in al-Haramain v. Obama, set in front of Judge Vaughn Walker in NDCA. Just to keep you apprised of the status, there has been a stipulation and order entered to extend certain time limits previously set in the matter.
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Obama's First Rendition Looks Very Questionable

If his first publicly known rendition case is any indication, there may well be a legitimate question as to whether Obama's rendition program is even more repulsive than that of George Bush. More evidence will be required for an informed answer, but Obama is off to a very auspicious beginning.

Random Thoughts On The Purgegate Document Dump

Eric Lichtblau and Eric Lipton have an article on the Purgegate document release in today's New York Times. There were a few paragraphs by the two Erics that stood out to me and gave me pause.

Citizens United v. Federal Elections Commission

Adam Cohen of the New York Times is a fairly astute and erudite writer on legal issues, and he has a new article up on the interesting case of Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission; and it is indeed a cse with many fascinating and troubling aspects to it.

Thailand Refuses to Extradite Viktor Bout

Thai judges refused to extradite Viktor Bout for trial in the US because, they say, Thailand does not recognize Colombia's FARC as a terrorist organization.

The Rove Interview Materials, Working Thread

I'm going to take a quick glance before I hop in the car to drive to Pittsburgh. But I'll take a closer look tonight.Rove InterviewMiers InterviewWhite House DocumentsRNC Documents

Good Question. What DID Happen to that Promised State Secrets Policy?

As I mentioned above, I've been prepping for a panel on Saturday on torture. And so I've been reviewing all the things DOJ promised us in mid June or early July that they still haven't delivered on: The OPR Report, the torture investigation, and--as Daphne Eviatar points out--the new State Secrets policy.