Which 2003 Document Was Hayden Talking About?

Michael Hayden appears to have claimed that the 2003 "Legal Principles" document was an OLC opinion. But OLC says--or at least said--it's not.

No Investigation of Chris Christie for His Rove Chats

The OSC won't investigate Chris Christie for his campaign discussions, while still US Attorney, with Karl Rove. But will they investigate the AUSAs that Christie claims he still has?

Why Don't Big Media Matt and Ezra Ever Use the Word "Profit"?

In analyses showing why a plan written by the insurance industry is super dooper, neither Matt Yglesias nor Ezra Klein use the word "profit."

No One Saw the Bybee One Memo, Either

Daniel Levin says that not many of the torturers saw the Bybee One memo.

The Max Tax Distribution List

Bad Max doesn't like to share. Or rather, he doesn't like to share with his fellow elected officials. Lobbyists on K Street? Bad Max will give them anything.
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al-Haramain Reply Filed; Constitution & Rule Of Law In Judge Vaughn Walker's Hands

The last brief has just been filed in support of summary judgment in al-Haramain v. Obama. The critical states secrets case of the Bush/Cheney era is now set to be argued and decided by the court.

Incenting Shit Plans

Bad Max's plan also amounts to a subsidy for Wal-Mart and similar employers, and an incentive for such employers to offer shitty plans their employees can't use.

More on the Max Tax

A bunch of outlets have now released Bad Max's framework on health care. Here are some ways to think of Max Tax: Total amount a family of four making $67,000 would have to pay for health care, per year: $20,610 (31% of income) Total amount that family of four would pay in fine if they did not get health care insurance:

The Bad Max Tax

Bad Max is asking some middle class families to pay 31% of their income to his health insurance donors--more than they pay to the Federal government.


Obama just said he "believes" a public option would bring down costs.

Addington's Direct Involvement in the Torture Memos

Daniel Levin, when he testified before HJC last year, said he did not speak with David Addington--or anyone else at OVP--during the drafting of his 2004 torture memo. He seems to have been the only torture memo author who did not communicate directly with Addington during the drafting of the memo.

What al-Nashiri and KSM Didn't Tell Us

Ali Soufan tells us what we didn't learn because we used torture.

Ashcroft on Waterboarding Prosecutions

A review of how Ashcroft's testimony to HJC on torture matches what we learned in the CIA IG Report.

Christie Sued for Accident with Motorcyclist

Chris Christie got sued by that motorcyclist he hit. But he doesn't want you to know that.