Jonathan Fredman on Approvals

Jonathan Fredman told Gitmo officers he would show them one of the documents used to get DOJ approval.

We Can't Afford the MaxTax

The Senate is talking about something I talked about last week: how unaffordable the MaxTax is for the middle class.

The Sexing-Up Sickness

A British PR flack is trying to claim disability because lying gave him PTSD.

Happy Weymouth, Happy WaPo

The WaPo denies it killed one particular story because it wasn't happy enough. But it appears to confirm that it is killing stories, in general, if they're not happy enough.

Haynes' Multiple Choice Memos

Jim Haynes appears to have followed precisely the same method that Addington did when trying to avoid answering questions about the Bybee Two memo.

Bybee: No Written Advice Provided to Any Agency Prior to August 1, 2002

Did Jay Bybee not know about the John Yoo letter where he told John Rizzo how to game the torture statute?

Depression Economy

It's appropriate that Glenn Beck is being hosted by a state Chamber of Commerce from a state that is basically in a depression.

Michele Brown Gets the Payoff for her Role in Deferred Prosecution Agreements?

Michele Brown gets a job--in no time--at a firm deeply involved in the Chris Christie Deferred Prosecution Agreement scam.
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Race and the Public Option

Because journalists won't call out much of the teabagger and deather opposition to Obama's policies for what it is--racism--they get away with pretending that the public option is unpopular in places where it really isn't.

The July 2002 Torture Training Session

When CIA had a torture training session on July 1, 2002, they said everything but waterboarding was legal.

Surplus Trash Talk - Trojans And Vikings

We got off to an early start on Trash Talk because of the first game of the NFL season Thursday night. Just so everybody has an easily accessible place to jaw about the games, and especially the big Ohio State-USC tilt and the rest of the Sunday and Monday NFL games, here is another Trash thread.A couple of comments are in order.

The JPRA Memo Described the "Improvised" Techniques Later Used

The JPRA memo sent to DOD and via Jim Haynes to CIA and OLC on July 26, 2002 described the torture techniques later "improvised" by CIA's torturers.

MaxTax Is a Plan to Use Our Taxes to Reward Wal-Mart for Keeping Its Workers in Poverty

As it stands, the MaxTax might work out to a billion dollar reward to Wal-Mart for paying its workers such crappy wages.

About KSM's Lies

As the torture apologists tee up for another attempt at justifying torture by claiming it worked, it's worth remembering that just after the CIA finished waterboarding KSM, they wrote a report acknowledging that he had been lying to them.

Wilkerson on Durham's Investigation

There's a number of bread crumbs to suggest that the Durham investigation will net the lawyers.

Helgerson's Hints

Reading the hints Helgerson gives us in two interviews.

Cheney's Hagiographer Takes a Mulligan

I assume the Stephen Hayes claim there is yet more proof that will finally--finally!!--show that torture worked is yet another salvo from Cheney.

Trash Talk: The Regular Season, at Last!

Yeah, I'm pretty excited about the Titans-Stillers game. But honestly, I think there's an outside chance the Wolverines will beat the Irish!

Letting Insurance Write the Bill: How Bad Is That?

Ezra has written a thoughtful follow-up to my complaint that discussions of the role of insurance company in writing our legislation neglect to discuss profit. I agree with parts of it and disagree with others. The most important point Ezra makes--which explains his focus on providers to the exclusion of insurance companies--is this passage: The insurance industry is not a particularly profitable industry.