
On PATRIOTs and JUSTICE: Feingold Aims for Justice

One of the things Leahy's PATRIOT reauthorization does is incorporate and/or undercut Feingold's efforts supporting a more sweeping reform of domestic counterterrorism efforts.

The Senator Henceforth to Be Known as Jay Rock

I've been threatening to do this for a while: ditching the moniker "Jello Jay." And while I was going to hold out until we actually got a public option through the Senate, I gotta say that nothing seems to have gotten under MaxTax Baucus' skin so much as Jay Rock picking apart, detail by detail, the many ways in which the MaxTax is a big giveaway to the health care industry.

The Lack of Discipline Is Spelled R-A-H-M

Is Obama still trying to figure out why his Administration turned into a leaky sieve overnight after picking Rahm Emanuel as his Chief of Staff?

On PATRIOTS and JUSTICE: What We Don't Know

Russ Feingold says we need more information about how the PATRIOT Act actually works before we renew the PATRIOT Act.

Chris Christie's Death Panels for "Exceptions"

Chris Christie thinks I'm an exception to whom insurance companies should not be required to offer mammogram coverage.

Chuck Schumer to Bloggers: "Fuck You"

Chuck Schumer is working to ensure that bloggers--or even free-lance journalists--will not count as journalists before the proposed medial shield law.

DOJ's DOD Advice for CIA

Why are a number of OLC's opinions on torture for DOD included in CIA's torture Vaughn Index?
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The Fraud Of GOP Tax And School Choice Policy Shown In Arizona

Here I want to draw attention to the August winner of Hillman Foundation's "The Sidney", an investigative series by Ryan Gabrielson and Michelle Reese in the East Valley Tribune Newspaper, from metropolitan Phoenix, about taxpayer subsidized school tuition credit abuse in Arizona. One of the constant refrains emanating from the conservative right is "school choice" and, of course, their standard claim on tax policy. Both areas are nothing but flimsy fronts for class warfare and further unjust enrichment of the already privileged.

The Lead Up to Bybee

A timeline of the documentation leading up to the completion of the Bybee Memo.

Law & Order v. John Yoo

As we've been discussing the threads, Law and Order last night took on torture and, specifically, the role of John Yoo and others in justifying torture. I'm particularly interested in the way they left the episode unresolved--just as we are now on torture.

Found: The OGC Review. Still Missing: Legal Plausibility.

The CIA"s description of the OGC review it conducted in December 2002 to make sure the interrogation of Abu Zubdaydah didn't break the law dances carefully around whether or not this was a "review" or an investigation.

Rahm's Placeholder, Forrest Claypool?

There are a few reasons why Blago's claim that Rahm tried to get Blago to appoint Forrest Claypool are interesting.

Trash Talk - Crazy Pete's Miranda Edition

Hello Americans, it's Friday! Since that no longer means Paul Harvey is coming on the radio, it means it is time for Trash. Speaking of trash, we have the garbage from Crazy Pete Hoekstra and J-John Shaddegg (article with quote in it here). So, what is it with these wild 'n crazy conservatives?

Crazy Pete Hoekstra: Obama Must Torture

Crazy Pete Hoekstra lives up to his nick-name with this op-ed today in the right wing Washington Times.

State Secrets: Holder's Game

The Obama Administration appears to have issued its "new" state secrets policy in an effort to pre-empt both legislation and court rulings implementing a CIPA-like process in state secrets.

Vote Fraud in Clay County and the Hanged Census Worker

By now, you've probably heard the horrible story about the census worker and teacher found hanged in Clay County, KY with the word "fed" written on his chest. Before we assume that this apparent homicide was a response solely to the attacks Michelle Bachmann and others have made on the census, it's worth recalling how Clay County made news earlier this year, when a bunch of local officials were indicted for vote