FAA and NORAD Changed Records to Accord with Cheney Lies
The 9/11 Commission's Senior Counsel reveals that FAA and NORAD changed their records to accord with Dick Cheney's and Paul Wolfowitz's narrative of heroism and leadership on 9/11.
Eric Holder on Greg Craig's Departure
Eric Holder certainly seems to suggest that Greg Craig was ousted by those who didn't like his plan to close Gitmo.
Mayor Mike: NYPD Can Handle the 9/11 Trial
Mike Bloomberg's as confident as Jerry Nadler that NY can manage a trial of the alleged 9/11 plotters:
I support the Obama Administration's decision to prosecute 9/11 terrorists here in New York. It is fitting that 9/11 suspects face justice…
The Bazaar for Deals at Gitmo
Dafna Linzer reports that the evidence against some Gitmo detainees is so thin prosecutors are frantically trying to get them to plead to whatever charge they can charge them with.
Nadler Responds to the Fear-Mongerers on NYC Trials
There are a lot of Dems--particularly from NY--telling fearful Republicans that we can try the 9/11 murderers at the scene of the crime.
Among those is Jerry Nadler:
I thank the Department of Justice and Attorney General Eric Holder for their…
DOJ/DOD Press Conference on the Gitmo Decisions
A rough transcript of DOJ/DOD's press conference to explain the Gitmo announcement today.
Defense Lawyer Comments on Ramzi bin al-Shibh and Rahim al-Nashiri
ACLU just had a conference call on today's Gitmo announcement with, among others, Razmi bin al-Shibh's civilian defense attorney, Tom Durkin, and Rahim al-Nashiri's defense attorney, Nancy Hollander. Both had important details about their clients'…
The 9/11 Trials: The Torture Question
Michael Isikoff asked one of the key questions about the conduct of KSM's trial in a civilian court: whether or not he would be able to enter evidence of his torture into the trial. Holder basically answered--though he didn't say it explicitly--that…
Holder's Press Conference on Gitmo
Starts by highlighting 9/11: "Just over eight years ago, ... deadliest terror attacks we've ever seen." Then brings up USS Cole. Today we announce a step forward in bringing those responsible for 9/11 attacks and Cole. KSM, bin Attash, bin…
EFF FOIA Working Thread, Two
A second working thread on the EFF documents.
KSM to Be Tried in NYC, al-Nashiri to Be Tried in Military Commission, Abu Zubaydah to ?
KSM will be moved to NY for trial.
The EFF FOIA Working Thread
Update: Here's the Vaughn Index so you can see what DOJ claimed it was handing over.
I'm just now getting to reading the documents from the EFF FOIA.
The two sets of documents are:
Draft legislation to amend FISA
Correspondence about amendinng…
Liberate the OPR Report
Remember the OPR Report--the one that was due done about 8 months ago? The one that showed how John Yoo's bad lawyer contributed to torture?
Whatever happened to that?
The Alliance for Justice and Credo are doing a petition today to pressure…
DOJ Circumvents Judge Walker; Attempts To Further Correct Previous Falsities
In what can only be described as a curious filing, the US Government, through the DOJ has submitted a pleading to the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals in the previously terminated appeal originally filed in 2006. The filing seeks to correct false statements previously made by the government in claiming state secrets dismissal of the al-Haramain case.
Priming the Pump
Our war machine--being sent to war to protect oil supplies--keeps using those oil supplies at an increasing rate.
Crazy Pete Hoekstra Is a Big Fat* Demogoging Liar
A short collection of Crazy Pete Hoekstra's most egregious lies shows that his demagoging of the Fort Hood attack fits into his larger pattern--and ought to warn journalists about treating anything he says seriously.
Nidal Hasan's Dots
Mark Ambinder and I had a productive disagreement on Twitter today about what the appropriate focus of the investigation into Nidal Hasan should be. My overall point is that, at least given what we know now, our focus ought not to be on the…
It's Not Yoo, It's the History
Miguel Estrada has one thing he wants you to know about John Yoo: 9/11.
Mika Brzezinski and her 7% Husband
Mika Brzezinski says it's harder to find a husband than find a job. I think she needs to do some
Mueller ALREADY Reviewing Shortcomings of Hasan Investigation
Robert Mueller's immediate offer to review the FBI's earlier investigation of Nidal Hasan shows how unjustified is his refusal to review the FBI's anthrax investigation.