AG Holder Oversight Hearing, Two
Oversigh hearing with Eric Holder
AG Holder Oversight Hearing
A DOJ oversight hearing that is likely to focus on the Gitmo trials.
David Frakt on Material Support Charges and Military Commissions
In both my post wondering whether a trial in NYC makes a material support for terrorism charge more viable for the alleged 9/11 financiers, and in my post linking to Jonathan Hafetz' post criticizing the "lawless" system of justice imposed for…
Crazy Pete Hoekstra Writes a Letter (Again)
Surprisingly, Crazy Pete Hoekstra is not complaining that the intelligence briefing for HPSCI on the Hasan killings has been delayed. Rather, he has shifted his grand-standing focus to investigations.
Parties for the Parrots!!
At least four of the Representatives who inserted Genentech's script into the Congressional Record have had parties thrown by Genentech lobbyists this year.
Hasan and War Crimes and Congressional Briefings
At first, I didn't make too much over this report that Nidal Hasan may have gone on a killing spree because his requests that his patients be investigated for war crimes was denied.
Fort Hood massacre suspect Nidal Malik Hasan sought to have…
US Detention System "Essentially Lawless"
Just in case you haven't been following Balkinization since Marty Lederman went to work at DOJ, I wanted to link to this Jon Hafetz* post, which hits on a lot of the points that powwow and Mary raised in this thread yesterday.
But at Guantánamo,…
Edwards and Easley Prosecutor Bitching about Obama's Court Appointees
NC US Attorney George Holding is publicly bitching about Obama's choices for judges in the Fourth Circuit.
It's Greg Craig's Fault that Dawn Johnsen Hasn't Been Confirmed
Marc Ambinder reports that it wasn't national security differences that did Greg Craig in (even though he provides evidence of that), it was Craig's inability to get people confirmed by the Senate.
Clemons on the Leaks that Did Craig In
Steven Clemons warns Obama that by tolerating an economy of leaks, he signals he will accept the same during upcoming policy fights.
Are They Trying the 9/11 Conspirators in NYC to Get Material Support Charges?
Is Obama's DOJ charging the 9/11 conspirators in civilian court to make sure they'll be able to use Material Support for terrorism charges against the two financiers?
The Cyber-Surge
According to Shane Harris, a cyberwar attack in early 2007 was as important to turning around the Iraq war as was the conventional surge.
A Trial Showing Torture Was Unnecessary
John Yoo has a panicked op-ed in the WSJ trying to claim his torture will be exposed at the KSM trial. He ought to be worried, instead, that they'll manage to do the whole thing without torture.
Also in that Room: Democratic Biotech-Paid Whores
Along with the Republican biotech-paid whores, there were a bunch of Democratic biotech-paid whores.
What a Roomful of Republican Biotech-Paid Whores Looks Like
As the NYT reported earlier today, Genentech/Roche wrote a Republican script and a Democratic script for its parrots to enter into the Congressional Record. Here's what the Republican script looks like (I'm going to try to do the Democratic…
Oh, That's Where Eshoo and Barton Were in the NYT Story!
Turns out that Anna Eshoo and Joe Barton's former staffers were among those writing scripts for the 42 Representatives parroting Genentech's words.
Biotech Industry Needs 42 Representatives to Try to Refute Jane Hamsher
After Jane started calling out the biosimilars provision in the health care bill, Genentech recruited 42 Representatives to blindly repeat its talking points to refute Jane.
Germany: US Data-Mining Violates European Human Rights
The Germans are about to save us from our data-mining selves.
Trash Talk: When NESCAC Offers the Best Game
BREAKING:From BSL in comments:
Final, Jeffs 26, Ephs 21: That will do it from Williamstown as the Jeffs finish off their perfect season at 8-0.
Here it is Saturday, mid-day, trying to catch up on Trash Talk, with some of the best games…
Bob Bauer and Scooter Libby Justice
I think Bob Bauer's op-ed had a few strong points, except that he was way too naive about how the Plame outing worked.