The Danger of Losing Beat Reporters: The ACORN Hoax
The reporters who did the best job with the ACORN story all had beats that led them to look at the vote fraud allegations with a local eye.
Where Does Blackwater Play in the CIA-DNI Conflict?
How does the dual reporting over covert ops in Pakistan impact the turf war between Leon Panetta and Dennis Blair?
Ari Fleischer to Pimp BCS
There's much that can be said about this...
The college football Bowl Championship Series has hired Ari Fleischer, the former press secretary to President George W. Bush, to help improve its image.
“Playoff advocates have had an easy…
What's Missing from the EFF Document Dump: Whitehouse's Declassification Requests
There's something missing from the EFF document dump: Sheldon Whitehouse's efforts to get language from four different OLC opinions authorizing Bush's surveillance program declassified. Not only should some of those efforts be included in the document dump--but they provide keys for understanding the communications within the document dump.
Obama Holding Off on Declassification Order Bush Made
Obama's rushing through a new EO so he doesn't have to follow Bush's EO on classification.
The Iraq War Files
Andrew Gilligan--the reporter that revealed that the UK's Iraq War dossier had been "sexed up"--is the reporter that got leaked the damning British Iraq War report.
NY Post Floats Dimon to Replace Geithner
The NY Post reports that some are suggesting Jamie Dimon to replace Tim Geithner.
Court Faults Army Corps In Katrina Levee Breaches
Late last Wednesday, there was a blockbuster court ruling that got lost in the healthcare and oversight hearing onslaught. However, the decision by Eastern District of Louisiana Judge Stanwood R. Duval Jr. in the In Re: Katrina Canal Breaches Consolidated Litigation case is a game changer with immense and far reaching ramifications.
Late Night Saturday: Village Of Our Damned
What a Saturday, all village elders have predicted Sarah Palin was the force to be reckoned with for the 2012 Republican nomination and that Barack Obama was in trouble.
How Dick Cheney Cowed Obama
Mary has already linked to this article on how and why Greg Craig got thrown out in comments. But I wanted to make sure everyone read it. The short version of the timeline it describes is:
April 16: Obama releases the torture memos
April 17:…
Trash Talk: Even Al Qaida Is Pimping The Cheesers Over Favre
Oh this is beautiful:
It seems that the Brett Favre-Green Bay Packers saga is such a worldwide phenomenon that it's being used by detainees in American military camps.
According to a military official, detainees at a Wisconsin National Guard…
EFF FOIA Working Thead, Three
Note: EFF has added one more set of documents--from the Civil Division. So if you think you're done, you might not be, yet.
This will be another working thread on the EFF FOIA Documents--I'll be focusing on the Office of Legal Counsel documents.…
Why Do Comey and Goldsmith Hate America Military Commissions?
Jim Comey and Jack Goldsmith tell the scaredy cats they're being silly.
Crazy Pete Hoekstra's NSA Dirty Work and Nidal Hasan
Ho hum. Now I'm catching Crazy Pete in lies he told two years ago.
Studs Terkel, Terrorist
Studs Terkel's FBI file probably looks like a lot of activists being profiled today look like.
Dana "Pig Missile" Perino to Help Oversee TV Marti
I realize that Mitch McConnell really pushed Obama to do this. (h/t SE)
Still, there seems an inherent--and glaring--problem with appointing Dana Perino to serve on the Broadcast Board of Governors. It's this:
Created in 1994, the BBG oversees…
Republicans Refuse to Hear Holder's Claims about Civilian Trials
Eric Holder has told Congress that he believes the government has a better chance of a conviction of KSM and the other 9/11 conspirators in a civilian trial than in a military commission. But the Republicans want a military commission anyway.
Whitehouse: Talk Shows Shouldn't Make Prosecutorial Decisions
Not like it'll matter to Republicans who are attacking Eric Holder's decision. But Sheldon Whitehouse slammed Republicans for beating up on federal prosecutors.
And then he got really steamed, accusing the Republicans of politicizing prosecutorial…
Late Night: High Seas Hijinx - Pirates and Monkeys Attack!
Arrrrr. Thats right matey, teh pirates be back. It was just last April that US flagged ship the Maersk Alabama was seized by Somali pirates causing a five day standoff finally resolved when Navy snipers took out the pirates which by then had…
Holder: OPR Report Due Out this Month
Holder said there's just one last career person reviewing the OPR report on John Yoo et al, and that it should be released before the end of the month.