Scahill: Prince Is Conducting Graymail
Jeremy Scahill expands on his explanation for the big Vanity Fair piece on Erik Prince.
Yoo, OPR, and the Ninth Circuit
Is DOJ stalling on the OPR report because of John Yoo's appeal?
Media Giants for Health Care
Comcast CEO's Brian Roberts' letter endorsing health care yesterday was a pretty shameless bid not just to curry favor, but to get a piece of the health care information technology business that health care reform will bring.
Why Not Send 30,000 Troops to Somalia?
Feingold asked a very good question. Why aren't we sending troops to Pakistan (where al Qaeda is headquartered) or Somalia (which is causing real problems in the US) like we're sending troops to Afghanistan?
Bernanke Confirmation Hearing, Two
Nomination hearing for Ben Bernanke.
The Press Corpse Needs a Mirror
Peter Baker is worried about relying on press pools from people that resemble the people who have produced press pool reports he has relied on during his entire career.
GM Brings Flint, MI to China
GM will cede majority control over its joint venture in China to its Chinese partner.
David Ogden Steps Down at DOJ
More turmoil in the Obama Administration's legal team.
Deputy Attorney General David W. Ogden, the Justice Department's second in command, is stepping aside to return to private law practice in Washington after less than a year of service, according…
Bernanke Hearing Liveblog
Ben Bernanke nomination hearing.
DHS Doesn't Want to Scan Shipping Containers
DHS doesn't want to follow the law--recommended by the 9/11 Commission--that all US-bound shipping containers be scanned for nukes.
Steven Rattner: I, MOTU. I Save World. You, Ignorant.
Steven Rattner says we need to make the Fed the systemic regulator because of its independence. But three of the excuses he makes for Fed mistakes in the meltdown all have to do with how susceptible to pressure it was.
Spy Versus Spy with Erik Prince
Erik Prince makes a show of coming clean on what he was doing with the CIA. But he reveals only what he was doing with the CIA.
Ghailani's Speedy Trial Challenge
Ahmed Ghailani's lawyers argue that, since he is being tried on an indictment that was pending through the entire period of his detention, he has been deprived of his right to a speedy trial.
Fritz Quits
Fritz Henderson got pushed out as GM CEO last night.
Sprint's 50 Million Customers Have Been Geo-Tracked 8 Million Times--in the Last Year
Sprint's geo-tracking feature has been used 8 million times in the last year.
Politico's VandeHei and Allen Join the "Judy Miller Club for Cheney Stenographers"
Why didn't VandeAllen ask Cheney why he let Osama bin Laden get away?
Will We Learn of the "Many Dark Actors"?
Anyone who has been following over the last eight years will not be surprised that Lord Goldsmith told Tony Blair that the Iraq War was illegal.
On July 29, [2002, Lord Goldsmith] wrote to Mr Blair on a single side of A4 headed notepaper from…
The Burrower and the Gate-Crashers
I'm not much interested in the gate-crashing Salahis. But I am interested in two data-points that suggest Republicans are preparing to use the gate-crashing episode like they did the travel office attack under the Clintons.
First, there's this…
War on Fox Commissions
I've been complaining of late that the LAT's stupid Republican blogger, Andrew Malcom, is so bad that he must get tons of links making the LAT think he's great for traffic.
So I wanted to be sure to link to Fox legal analyst Andrew Napolitano's…
The Irony of Tora Bora
Understand that--for better or worse--the new report released by John Kerry on how Osama bin Laden escaped at Tora Bora is a designed to be a political document. It offers the following "irony" to the chattering classes the weekend before Obama…