Peace on Earth Air Strike in Yemen
What Siun dubbed our Fourth War continues to heat up, this time with air strikes that reportedly kill Anwar al-Awlaki, the cleric who communicated with Army psychiatrist Major Nidal Hasan via email in the months leading up to the Fort Hood killings.
The DOMA Decisions In The 9th Circuit
The Obama Administration, which ran hard on relief to the GLBT community and protection and equal protection of their rights, has made a practice of hiding behind the DOMA, which they once scorned when seeking to be elected, to deny equal protection. Prominent judges, from both sides of the spectrum, are calling foul.
Obama's Infirm Lump Of Coal Judicial Policy
Lost in the blizzard like white out of other concerns by the push by the Obama Administration and Congress to handwrap a huge present for the rapacious healthcare insurance industry, has been intelligent coverage of breakdown of Barack Obama's naive and feckless judicial policy and the emerging harm to the US Federal Court system it portends.
Road Trip Open Thread
Mr. EW and I decided today was the day to drive to Philadelphia. I hear they have Elves there...
If bmaz has recovered from watching his beloved Old Man River North, Brett Favre, get shellacked the other night, he's likely to come in and post…
Ezra: The Senate Plan Is Just Like What Obama Campaigned On--Except for All the Ways It's Not
This is pretty funny. Ezra has a post up arguing that, the Senate health care bill "is very close to the health-care bill that Barack Obama promised."
And then he proceeds to list 8 ways that the bill is not like what Obama campaigned on.
Brainstorming Future American Neo-Feudalism Today
See if this sounds familiar to you:
...governments and global elites pursue short-term economic gain above all else. Their aggressive focus on growth, efficient markets, and robust trade eventually causes financial volatility as a result of…
Trash Talk - Vaya Con Dios Uno Cinco
There seems to be a disturbing trend among professional athletes involving domestic disturbances and resulting auto incidents. The issue is particularly problematic for big cats, starting with a Tiger and now having consumed a Bengal. As you…
The Cadillac-turned-Chevy Wage Increase Myth
In employer surveys, between 9 and 16% said they would not pass on any savings to employees--a key assumption behind the Senate's Cadillac tax. So not only will that tax make employees' health care worse, but the tax won't raise the revenue the government claims it will.
David Plouffe Points to Events in November to Prove "Base" Is Happy in December
David Plouffe points to the enthusiasm of attendees at book events that happened before Obama's capitulation to argue that Obama's base doesn't care about the capitulation.
Colbert on the Spyvate Sector
Why is it that a couple of comedians are our best political commentators?
21% of People in MA Still Forgo Necessary Medical Care
I tweeted this factoid yesterday, but wanted to post on it too, because I think it illustrates the difference bewteen health insurance and health care.
A number of supporters of the current Senate bill have been pointing to RomneyCare to argue…
Tenet Refuses to Deny CIA Uses Journalism Cover--and Infiltrating American Groups
There's a whole lot more that came out in today's document dump while I've been fighting about health care. Here are the set released in response to an EFF FOIA. As a number of outlets have reported, that set includes evidence the government…
The MyBarackObamaTax
I did a post when Max Baucus first released the Senate Finance Committee bill, showing that for a middle class family of four, a significant medical event would leave the family with just $7,215 to pay transportation, education/child care, utilities,…
Holiday Season Torture Document Dump Open Thread
Sorry for even suggesting that there could be a "holiday season" torture document dump. But if you need a break from health care fights, here are some torture docs. Consider this an open thread.
Captive Consumers in Oligopolies Do Not Make Effective Markets
In a post citing liberally from a Matt Yglesias post naming me, Ezra takes on the argument that the health care bill, as currently conceived by President Lieberman, would be a bailout of the insurance industry.
There's an argument on the left…
Carl Levin Takes Ownership of Corrupt Deal with PhRMA
In voting against the Dorgan amendment last night, Carl Levin excused flip-flopping on this important issue in the interest of supporting the corrupt deal the White House secretly made with PhRMA.
Health Care on the Road to Neo-Feudalism
Passing Joe Lieberman's health care bill will be a fundamental step on the road to neo-feudalism.
Crazy Pete Hoekstra Throws Hissy Fit, Chases Jobs from Michigan
It's official. Crazy Pete's hissy fit about moving Gitmo prisoners to Standish, MI, have lost MI those potential jobs.
"Taking Care" of Almost-Seniors
Joe Lieberman thinks asking those in their 50s to pay $5,000 a year more for health insurance is "taking care" of them.
Rahm's Making the White House Look Terrible
This morning, the Politico made news by reporting that someone at the White House had ordered Harry Reid to cut a deal with Joe Lieberman on health care.
The White House denied the report.
"The White House is not pushing Senator Reid in any…