
There's a lot I object to in Hendrik Hertzberg's judgment of those opposed to the Senate health bill as "pathetic." His entire piece revolves around the claim that bill critics are committing a pathetic fallacy: attributing to an inanimate object--Congress--animate…

Obama's New Classification Policy: the Good and the Bad

Obama's new EO on classification has some real improvements in it. And, it might prevent someone from willfully outing a CIA spy.

Another New Month, and Still No OPR Report

It has been almost 50 days since Eric Holder promised the OPR report would be released within days. And yet it still hasn't been released, even though Padilla's lawyers have a deadline coming up to submit a filing that the OPR report might impact.

Crazy Pete Hoekstra Called On His Efforts to Profit Off of Terrorism

I was in my holiday lull last week when the man who wants to be my Governor, Crazy Pete Hoekstra, callously tried to fundraise off of an attempted attack on a flight bound for Michigan. My promise to you, as your governor, my first duty…

Trash Talk: Swinging In The New Year

Well, we made it through a painful decade and are into a new year, new decade and looking forward to the playoffs in the National Favre League. No Thursday Night game, no Monday Night game; they will all be swinging for the fences today.

It All Depends on Your Definition of Failure

Politico is now aiding the fear-mongerers in declaring the Obama's Administration's response to a failed terrorist attack a failure (one, two, three, four, balanced by this). And yet, little mention of the successes the Obama Administration…
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Obama's Royal Scam and The Iron Fist Of Rahm

Shutting down Democratic and progressive structures that do not toe his line is exactly what Obama and his right hand man, Rahm Emanuel, have done since the election. This modus operandi was apparent even before the 2008 general election to those paying attention. Only a strong voice and accumulated power by progressive interests will be able to make headway in the face of it now.

New Year's Resolution Music Jam

Back when President Lieberman and President Bad Nelson vetoed real health care reform and instead insisted on a mandated giveaway to the insurance industry, I sat down and listened to the entire box set, Aretha Franklin, Queen of Soul, the…

New Year's Trash

All is good as we close the year and decade; hope for the same for all of you. And never fear, I ain't dead yet, I brought Champagne and Reefer from my friends Mick and Buddy Guy, so let's get down to it!

All Charges Against Blackwater Guards in Nisour Killings Dismissed

Judge Ricardo Urbina has dismissed all charges against the Blackwater guards involved in the Nisour Square killings. He explains he has dismissed the charges because the government violated the constitutional rights of the Blackwater guards…

Bill Supporters Still Can't Say "Affordable"

This post from Nate is just weird. As you recall, in my last post on affordability issues, I basically accepted Nate's selected source for family expenses--BLS data--and showed that even still this plan was unaffordable for a middle class family…
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Obama Appoints Fox To Evaluate Terror Watchlist Henhouse

Barack Obama, doing his best to make Dick Cheney's questions about leadership look rational, has assigned John Brennan to conduct the Administration's ballyhooed investigation into the claimed failure of the terrorist watchlist program in the Christmas Fruit Of The Loom Bomber incident.
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The New Robber Barons

There has been an unsavory blending of the private interests of corporations and financial institutions with the power and hand of the US government that has created a new breed of robber barons that will prove the downfall of the American society and empire if left unchecked.

Why Can't Bill Supporters Say "Affordable"?

Like Nate, I appreciate having a discussion based in facts and details. And Nate says several of the cost estimates I used to show why the health care bill is unaffordable for middle class families "are on the high side." I appreciate him checking…

No More Mr. Perfect Guy; Colts Take A Dive

The indianapolis Colts are wimpy ass chumps. Say what you will about Brett Favre, he wouldn't be caught dead pulling punches and taking a dive like the Colts did.

"Affordable" Health Care

I've been seeing a bunch of single, relatively young men with comfortable incomes argue that the health care reform is "affordable." But seeing Nate argue that the high costs the middle class is still being asked to bear under the Senate health…

NYC DA Morgenthau Blasts Feds On Financial Investigations

New York City District Attorney Robert Morgenthau lands a broadside Morgenthau on the Federal oversight and investigation of financial fraud. Morgenthau's criticism has important implications in light of the recent travails on Wall Street, including powerful allegations currently lodged against Goldman Sachs.
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Why Did Obama Kill The Dawn Johnsen Nomination?

Dawn Johnsen's nomination to lead the Office of Legal Counsel at DOJ has been killed in the Senate. It is over unless Obama renominated her and the process starts anew. How did it come to this? The only rational explanation is that it is exactly what Barack Obama wanted; Johnsen's nomination was never more than another Obama political trick on his liberal electoral base.
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Christmas Nuts & Bolts

Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and all the other joyous holiday greetings from both me and Marcy. We have said it before, but not enough; you guys are the finest group of commenters and readers in the world. And we love you and thank you.…
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34 Obama Nominees Not Named Dawn Johnsen Confirmed

Barack Obama first announced his intention to nominate Dawn Johnsen, a distinguished lawyer, professor of Constitutional law and former AAG in the Office of Legal Counsel for the DOJ, to be his head of the supremely critical Office of Legal Counsel nearly one year ago on January 5, 2009. Ms. Johnsen is imminently qualified and one of the best selections Obama has made for any position in his administration. In spite of that fact, Barack Obama and Harry Reid have callously and shamelessly left her twisting in the wind and have refused to put any emphasis or effort in forcing her confirmation. It is one of the greatest unpublicized scandals of an increasingly feckless Obama Presidency.