A Conversation with GM North America President, Mark Reuss

At the auto show yesterday, I had the opportunity to participate in a round table discussion with GM's recently appointed President of North America, Mark Reuss. Reuss was a pretty down to earth guy who had worked his way through the engineering…
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SCOTUS Scuttles Prop 8 Video Coverage; The History Behind The Denial

As you may have heard (See here and here), the Supreme Court has entered a last minute stay to put a hold on the video feed of the seminal Prop 8 trial in the Norther District of California (NDCA) to select other Federal courthouses in the country as well as the delayed release of video clips of the proceedings via YouTube. It is a disappointing decision for many reasons.

Ford Wins NA Car and Truck of the Year

Greetings from the North American International Auto Show. As I explained last week, I'm going to have a number of discussions about your taxpayer owned car company--GM--today. But the big news of the morning is that Ford won both the…

Krugman on the Cadillac-as-Chevy

A number of people have pointed to this Krugman post, in which he seemingly agrees with the excise tax apologists. I think that states his position too strongly. What Krugman does is argue is that it makes sense to limit the tax exclusion…

Gruber Caveats the "Excise Tax Raise" Claim

Earlier today, DDay pointed out that the NYT, after issuing a fairly pointed correction revealing Jonathan Gruber's ties with the Administration, then used a quote from Gruber without disclosing his role in the Administration. DDay was focusing…

Wildcard Weekend Trash

It is here. Yep Elvis Presley's 75th birthday was yesterday, and that means we are all getting old. So, in honor of The King, lets all have Fools Gold sandwich, a pint or two of beer and watch some football. Football you say? That's right,…

Gruber Did Not Disclose Conflict to the WaPo

One of the biggest puzzles in Jonathan Gruber's explanation for why he hasn't been disclosing his $400,000 HHS contract as he has led the campaign to support the bill is timing. By his own admission, he revealed the contract for a disclosure…

Reinhardt: Gruber's Simulations Better than Private Sector Ones

After I learned that Jonathan Gruber--one of the biggest pitchmen for the Administration's health care reform--had also gotten a significant sole source contract from HHS, I wanted to get a sense of how sound the justification for the sole source…

Gruber Doesn't Reveal that 21% of MA Residents Can't Afford Health Care

I was intrigued to see Gruber link--in his response to Ben Smith--to his May 2009 analysis of how to measure affordability for a national healthcare reform plan. After all, I've been debating with people who love to cite Gruber on affordability…

Gruber's Response: "Consistent" but Not "Disclosed"

Ben Smith got a fairly long response from Jonathan Gruber on why he hasn't disclosed the $392,600 contracts he has had with HHS during the period when he was the chief spokesperson for the Administration's health care plan. He lays out his qualifications…

Jonathan Gruber Failed to Disclose His $392,600 Contracts with HHS (Updated)

MIT health economist Jonathan Gruber has been the go-to source that all the health care bill apologists point to to defend otherwise dubious arguments.  But he has consistently failed to disclose that he has had a sole-source contract with…

The Crotch-Bomber and Nidal Hasan Reviews

The White House has released its summary of the intelligence review on the Christmas Crotch Bomber (and here is Obama's order for corrective action). The big take-away is: The US Government had sufficient information prior to the attempted…

Jordan: CIA Attacker Was Pissed about Civilian Deaths

As Time admits, the story the Jordanians are telling about the CIA suicide bomber,Humam Khalil Abu-Mulal al-Balawim may simply be their attempt at spin. Nevertheless, they're saying that al-Balawi was not a double agent; rather he attacked the…

BREAKING: C Street Member Says Health Care Bill Will Fail

In an article lacking some pretty important follow-up questions, Jodi Kantor tucks in this judgment, from C Street member Bart Stupak. He is trying to pass the health care overhaul, he insists, not sabotage it, and predicts that the legislation…

The Lobbyists That Brought You Telecom Immunity

Tucked into an article on GM CEO (and former AT&T CEO) Edward Whitacre's promise that GM will return to profitability is this tidbit: Last month, G.M. hired two former AT&T executives who had worked with Mr. Whitacre to run its Washington…

White House Still Pushing the Excise Tax Hocus Pocus

As Brian Beutler reports, Nancy Pelosi's snippy comment about Obama's campaign promises was a reference to the White House's demand that the House accept the Senate excise tax. [Pelosi] aides say she's particularly steamed that the White House…

Blackwater at Khost

When news of the attack at the CIA based in Khost, I suggested that Blackwater contractors were likely among the victims (recall that Erik Prince boasted of being involved in such operating bases in his Vanity Fair interview). Sure enough...…

Byron Dorgan Will Not Run for Re-Election

Just before the holiday, Democratic leaders forced Senator Byron Dorgan to forgo a key policy initiative--drug reimportation--so as to push through a stinker of a health care reform bill. And while he says his decision "does not relate to any…

MI's New Plot for World Domination: Pizza

Faced with twin crises in MI and UM's athletic program, the best anyone seems to be able to come up with is ... pizza.

DC Circuit Limits Detainee's Procedural Rights

Two of the most conservative members of the DC Circuit, Janice Rogers Brown and Brett Kavanaugh, have ruled that detainees captured on the battlefield do not have access to all the procedural habeas rights a domestic criminal would. The case…