
On Gruber: I Don't Want Apologies. I Want Independent Analysis.

Between the auto show and the Prop 8 trial and associated travel, last week was tremendously exhausting for me and it will take me several days to actually report on those two events. But it seems one thing hasn't moved on very much since last…
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NY Times Admits Gruber Problem, Fails To Mention Krugman Problem

In a full throated mea culpa by the New York Times Public Editor, Clark Hoyt, appearing in the Sunday edition, the Times officially describes the critical and material implications which arise when readers are misled by undisclosed interests of sources and authors like Jonathan Gruber in their paper of record. Unfortunately, Hoyt and the Times did not have the decency to apologize to Marcy Wheeler for previously inferring otherwise.

Divisional Playoffs Weekend Trash Talk

Divisional playoffs have arrived. Gonna be a huge weekend for NFL football.

Liveblogging the Prop 8 Trial, Friday PM addendum

Zia: In most immediate sense, it was in how our families related to us. When we first got married. We have a niece, 2 years old, only known us Auntie Helen and Auntie Leah. WHen she saw Leah and me, she gave us a big hug, said, Auntie Leah,…

Liveblogging the Prop 8 Trial: Day Five Friday PM Two (21)

For those joining FDL for our Prop 8 coverage, please help us defray the costs of covering the trial with a donation. And if you’re a law firm or (especially) a traditional media outlet that has previously claimed bloggers do no real coverage…

Liveblogging the Prop 8 Trial: Day Five Friday PM(20)

For those joining FDL for our Prop 8 coverage, please help us defray the costs of covering the trial with a donation. And if you’re a law firm or (especially) a traditional media outlet that has previously claimed bloggers do no real coverage…

Liveblogging the Prop 8 Trial: Day Five Friday AM (19)

For those joining FDL for our Prop 8 coverage, please help us defray the costs of covering the trial with a donation. And if you’re a law firm or (especially) a traditional media outlet that has previously claimed bloggers do no real coverage…

Liveblogging the Prop 8 Trial: Day Five Friday AM (18)

For those joining FDL for our Prop 8 coverage, please help us defray the costs of covering the trial with a donation. And if you’re a law firm or (especially) a traditional media outlet that has previously claimed bloggers do no real coverage…

Liveblogging Prop 8 Trial: Day Four, Thursday PM One (Sixteen)

For those joining FDL for our Prop 8 coverage, please help us defray the costs of covering the trial with a donation. And if you’re a law firm or (especially) a traditional media outlet that has previously claimed bloggers do no real coverage…

Liveblogging Prop 8 Trial: Day Four, Thursday AM Two (Fifteen)

For those joining FDL for our Prop 8 coverage, please help us defray the costs of covering the trial with a donation. And if you’re a law firm or (especially) a traditional media outlet that has previously claimed bloggers do no real coverage…

Liveblogging Prop 8 Trial: Day Four, Thursday AM One (Fourteen)

For those joining FDL for our Prop 8 coverage, please help us defray the costs of covering the trial with a donation. And if you're a law firm or (especially) a traditional media outlet that has previously claimed bloggers do no real coverage…
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China Google Attack and the Terrorist Surveillance Program

Does the Chinese Google attack impinge on the top secret US Terrorist Surveillance Program? It might.

Liveblogging Prop 8 Trial: Day Three, Wednesday PM Two (Thirteen)

[This post is rescued liveblogging materials that the Toobz Godz would not let me include in the last post. It picks up midway through the Defendants' questioning of Letitiia Peplau, a Social Psychologist and an expert witness on the benefits…

Liveblogging Prop 8 Trial: Day 3, Wednesday PM One (Twelve)

I'm about to pick up the liveblogging of the Prop 8 trial from Teddy, who has earned a big break (and who is off to the court room for a spell). We're in the middle of expert testimony--I believe that's what we've got coming up after this lunch…

New Pecora: Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission Discussion Thread

Alright, this is a hot button issue and folks seem to want a place to chat on the proceedings in the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission with the Masters Of The Universe. It is live on CSPAN and here is a web link to streaming CSPAN coverage. Discuss…
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Marcy Wheeler TeeVee - Jonathan Gruber and the Cadillac Plan

There has been a fair amount of misinformation and disinformation about what has been said by Marcy Wheeler on this blog about Jonathan Gruber, including by Paul Krugman; there was also no foundation for it.
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A Rather Sad Ending For Dan

Dan Rather has lost what appears to be his last attempt to keep his civil suit against CBS and Viacom alive.

Congress Reviews the Taxpayers' Investment

One of the biggest stories at the North American International Auto Show yesterday was not the cars, but the congressional delegation -- led by Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Majority Leader Steny Hoyer -- that came to the show. In addition to…