One Acting OLC Head Replaces Another
Charlie Savage reports that Acting OLC head David Barron is returning to spend more time with his law students at Harvard, to be replaced by Jonathan Cedarbaum. Unlike several of the legal jobs that have turned over under this Administration,…
We Can't Even Get Japan to Stop Whaling...
And now we're going to have to try to get them to give up Maguro sushi.
Fearing that the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico will deal a severe blow to the bluefin tuna, an environmental group is demanding that the government declare the fish…
Obama Embraces Killer Drones with Communications Problems
As bmaz pointed out last week (and Darkblack illustrated so brilliantly), killer drones are coming to America.
In fact, they're coming to America in more formalized fashion, as Janet Napolitano confirmed that the US will add drones to the Texas…
What Did Hillary Think about McChrystal's Firing?
There's a lot that's interesting in this tick-tock of General McChrystal's firing. It's a finely crafted narrative, down to the foregrounding of Joe Biden, in spite of the way that the chronology appears to belie that narrative (that is, the…
Win One for Democratic Institutions
In his statement announcing the firing (technically, acceptance of resignation) of Stanley McChrystal and McChrystal's replacement with David Petraeus, Obama emphasized the importance of chain of command and civilian control of the military.
How Is McChrystal Doing at Fulfilling His Plan?
As Rachel Maddow pointed out last night, this isn't the first time that Stanley McChrystal has been insubordinate. He--or his aides--have mouthed off to the press on two earlier occasions without getting fired.
As Rachel mentions, the first…
$15,000 a Truck Protection Payments to the Taliban
As we wait with bated breath to find out whether Obama or Stanley McChrystal wins this little war of big ego, some of the discussion has been focused on whether Obama can succeed in Afghanistan without McChrystal's leadership (particularly given…
Obama Drilling Moratorium Overturned In Curious Court Decision
The breaking news this hour is the decision of Judge Martin L. C. Feldman of the Eastern District of Louisiana to grant a preliminary injunction to the moving plaintiff oil and gas interests and against the Obama Administration's six month moratorium on deepwater drilling for oil in the Gulf of Mexico. It is a bad decision.
Ill-Considered Trash Talk McChrystal's Idea of Winning Hearts and Minds
Politico reports that Stanley McChrystal saw today's big Rolling Stone article before it was published but didn't object to anything in it (and the Hill reports there was even more devastating trash talk that was off the record).
Rolling Stone’s…
Joe Biden, Another Big Fucking I Told You So
The Toobz are a-tizzy this morning with a Rolling Stone article revealing that Stanley McChrystal said mean things about Joe Biden--both publicly and behind his back.
Last fall, during the question-and-answer session following a speech he gave…
Should We Prosecute Acting Solicitor General Neal Katyal Now?
The Supreme Court today ruled largely with the government in a case broadly interpreting the material support statute.
At issue was whether human rights groups could work with organizations on the Foreign Terrorist Organization list in pursuit…
Negotiation 101: How to Get Corporations to Do What You Want
I just got back from driving across the rust belt – Syracuse, Buffalo, Cleveland, Toledo, MI – and am catching up on all the interesting conversations you've been having this week while I was celebrating my mom's birthday (thanks, once again,…
The Well Oiled Man Hayward Goes Yachting As Gulf of Mexico Dies
Big Shot Tony Hayward goes yacht clubbing with his sleek racing sloop, the "Bob", in the posh and prestigious J.P. Morgan Asset Management Round the Isle of Wight Race while the Gulf of Mexico dies from his gushing Macondo well.
The Sartorial Splendor of NYTimes Professionals (MoDo) at Work
Jim Risen castigates and slams bloggers with the tired and idiotic meme of being pajama clad dilettantes while fellow star New York Times journalists cover Federal court dressed as bag ladies. Go figure.
Lanny Davis Fudges and Shills His Way Through Another Op-Ed
Lanny Davis has an op-ed up at The Hill calling on Barack Obama to "Sister Souljah" the progressive netroots. As if Obama has not done enough of that already. Davis can go Sister Souljah himself.
Glenn Fine to Investigate Government Use of PATRIOT Powers Again
Main Justice reports that Pat Leahy and DOJ's Inspector General Glenn Fine have been chatting about further IG review of the FBI's use of the several PATRIOT provisions that were contentious issues in last years attempt to reauthorize the PATRIOT…
A Recess Appointment for Militarized Spooks But Not for Rule of Law
Remember how Dawn Johnsen's nomination to head OLC languished and then died as Obama claimed--falsely--not to have the votes? Obama pointedly didn't use a recess appointment to put his incredibly qualified candidate in the post.
Not so for…
Perry v. Schwarzenegger Prop 8 Closings Wrap Up
Greetings from the United States Federal Courthouse for the Northern District of California where Marcy Wheeler, Teddy Partridge and I spent Wednesday covering closing arguments in Perry et al. v. Schwarzenegger et al. It was quite a day…
Prop8 Liveblog: Ted Olson Brings Us Home
[About 20 minutes w/ Cooper and then Olson's rebuttal]
Walker: Mr. Cooper, carry on.
Cooper: Appreciate Court's indulgence.
Walker: Well, that's a good idea.
Cooper: want to take up CA SC's ruling on the marriages. This is something on…
Prop8 Liveblog: The Proponents Make Their Case
Cooper: NY Court of Appeals ruled in 2006, until very recently, only marriage between two sexes. MA "changed def of marriage as inherited from common law." CA: From beginning of statehood, marriage between man and women. Why has marriage…