GAO Audits and Poppy Bush's Covert World
Steven Aftergood has an important update on the continuing saga of whether or not GAO can conduct investigations of intelligence activities. He explores the source of current restrictions on GAO review: a 1988 OLC opnion written by Douglas Kmiec.
Obama's Relentless Abandonment of Progressive Nominees
bmazLike they did to Dawn Johnsen, the Obama White House has hung absolutely outstanding progressive nominees Goodwin Liu and Edward Chen out to dry, and are well on their way to doing the same with Elizabeth Warren. It is a pathetic track record on progressive nominees.
The Stay Issue in the Perry Prop 8 Case
bmazThe governor and Attorney General of the State of California have filed formal briefs opposing the stay of Judge Walker's decision in the Proposition 8 case that the law is unconstitutional and cannot stand. This gives cover to Judge Walker to deny the stay and he is likely to do just that.
Dr. William Tam's Understanding of "The Gay Agenda" and Vaughn Walker's Prop 8 Decision
There was a fair amount of attention to Vaughn Walker's scathing dismissal of professional anti-gay "scholar" David Blankenhorn's testimony in the Prop 8 trial.
The court now determines that Blankenhorn’s testimony constitutes inadmissible…
Abu Zubaydah's American-Taxpayer Paid Tour of the World
You should read two pieces in conjunction this morning. First, this Andy Worthington piece from last week, that lays out new details on the black site CIA used in Poland in 2002-2003.
On Friday, the Polish Border Guard Office released a number…
Why Isn't Obama Clearing Brush on PDB Day?
Nine years ago today, George W Bush was informed that "Al Qaeda [was] determined to strike in US."
And then he went out to clear more brush at his pig farm in Crawford.
Obama is showing no such presidential manliness in the second year…
Picking and Choosing Which Journalistic Outlets to Treat as Journalistic Outlets
Tuesday, Philip Shenon reported that Wikileaks wanted the Defense Department's help reviewing the next batch of documents it will release for names that should be redacted.
Julian Assange wants the Pentagon’s help.
His secretive WikiLeaks…
Will DOD Ban Itself for Publishing Joshua Claus' Name?
Carol Rosenberg tweets:
Just got formal notice: Pentagon publicly naming Interrogator No. 1 who testified remotely to #Guantanamo as ex-Army Sgt. Joshua Claus
Army Maj. Bradsher read me a Pentagon policy statement that said Claus' "own actions"…
BREAKING NEWS: Court Overturns Prop 8; Joy For Marriage Equality
bmazThe decision from Judge Vaughn Walker is in and the hatred and discrimination of California's Proposition 8 has been overturned and declared unconstitutional.
Canadian Judge: Omar Khadr's Brother Was Illegally Held and Interrogated
Omar Khadr is set to go on trial starting Monday, August 9.
Today, his brother went free in Canada.
A judge ruled that he could not be extradited to the US because the confessions on which his extradition request was based had been collected…
Prop 8: Fighting about the Stay Already
You know how the Defendant-Intervenors submitted a premature request for a stay in the Prop 8 case yesterday?
Well, the plaintiffs have now asked Judge Walker not to issue a stay without giving plaintiffs a time to weigh in.
Dear Chief Judge…
Holding Up Intelligence Reform, Clapping to Administration Demands
So after a last minute dance with three Republican holds, James Clapper is poised to be confirmed as Director of National Intelligence. As I noted before, this means someone most Senators either have or have had concerns about will be approved…
Expect a Win for Plaintiffs and Marriage Equality in Perry Prop8 Case
bmazFrom a knowledge of court procedure, and the fact that Defendant Intervenors have already lodged a Motion For Stay Pending Appeal, it is quite clear that Judge Walker's opinion will be a victory for gay marriage and a loss to the Proposition 8 H8ters. Proposition 8 is going to be held to be unconstitutional.
Perry v. Schwarzenegger Prop 8 Decision Tomorrow
bmazPerry v. Schwarzenegger Prop 8 Decision will be issued by Judge Vaughn Walker tomorrow
Is the Government Using OFAC to Prevent Due Process?
The ACLU and CCR just had a conference call to talk about their suit challenging the licensing scheme the Treasury Department's Office of Foreign Asset Control uses to prevent lawyers from representing those on OFAC's designated terrorist list.…
ACLU, CCR Sue to Protect Anwar al-Awlaki's Right to a Lawyer
Some weeks ago, the ACLU and Center for Constitutional Rights had planned to sue the government on behalf of Anwar al-Awlaki's father. But in remarkable bit of timing, the government designated Awlaki a specially designated terrorist, meaning…
Dick Cheney's Chief Apologist Advocates Kidnapping Leakers
This is a rather stunning suggestion coming from the chief apologist for the guy who ordered Valerie Plame's identity to be exposed.
The United States should make clear that it will not tolerate any country -- and particularly NATO allies…
The "Maverick" Is Back!
That guy who used to use parliamentary maneuvers to be an out-and-out shit and get a lot of credibility for being a "Maverick"? He's back.
Sen. John McCain might delay confirmation of President Obama's next national intelligence director, a…
Adam Schiff Advocates Gutting Miranda
Adam Schiff--a CA Democrat (!)--just filed a bill aiming to not only give prosecutors 4 days to question "terror suspects" before bringing them to court, but also expressing the will of Congress to let them delay Mirandizing suspects "as long…