The Bully Pulpit with Training Wheels
Folks are still arguing about whether Obama's statement about the Cordoba House was sufficiently impassioned or whether his subsequent statements backtracked off the original statement.
Now, that's not to say that religion is without controversy.…
MoDo Applauds Gibbs for Making Shit Up
I know. It almost never pays to read one of MoDo's columns seriously. But enough good lefties are pointing to this one approvingly, I thought I'd do them the favor of pointing out how typically stupid it is.
Let's start with this lovely four-sentence…
I'll Take Choice "C:" Civil Society
Barely expressed in the NYT's long story about our use of paramilitary strikes in places we're not officially at war is a conflict between three choices. The NYT piece describes the first two--a covert war run by CIA and briefed to Congress,…
KumOnaWannaJudgeYa - 9th Circuit Has Post Perry Luau Fest!
bmazJudges will be conferencing in Hawaii as they are faced with emergency stay requests by Prop 8 Proponents.
We Can't Restore Our Country If We Underpay the Folks Restoring Our Buildings
The lowest paid full time employees at the White House--Christopher Liegel and Elizabeth Jackson--make $37,826 and $37,983 respectively (they're both "Records Management Analysts"). They presumably also get those great benefits federal employees…
Khadr Trial Suspended for at Least 30 Days
Things are not going well in our Kangaroo Court. After quickly determining a fake sentence for Osama bin Laden's cook, Ibrahim al Qosi, matters turned to trying Omar Khadr for an alleged murder that normally wouldn't be a crime that he allegedly…
Meanwhile, Womb-Bearers Get Rights Too!
While everyone has been focused on the hope that gays and lesbians may soon get the rights straight people enjoy, in Florida a court ruled that womb-bearers have some rights too, specifically to decide their own medical treatment when pregnant.…
Breaking News: Judge Walker's Prop 8 Stay Decision
bmazJudge Walker has made his decision on the motion to stay his judgment in the Proposition 8 case.
The Things Bob Bauer Was Doing before Taking over Ethics
The White House Ethics Czar, Norman Eisen, has gotten himself nominated to serve as Ambassador in one of the greatest places on earth, Prague, Czech Republic. To replace the function of Ethics Czar, the White House has announced that White House…
Qosi Sentenced to 14 Pretend Years, Reportedly 2 Secret Years
Remember when Omar Khadr wrote this about the military commissions?
Firstly, the unfairness and unjustice of it. I say this because not one of the lawyers I’ve had, or human right organization or any person say that the commission is fair,…
A Tale of Two Airline Heroes
You've heard about Steven Slater.
He's the Jet Blue flight attendant who got fed up, bitched out a nasty passenger over the flight intercom, grabbed two beers, then escaped via the emergency slide (the YouTube is the Taiwanese animation…
Helen Would Have Asked about the Rape Threats for Teens
That last thread is getting a bit long, and since McCaffrey the MilleniaLab says we're going on a walk NOW, I wanted to throw up more space for discussion.
So let me just make this observation. Apparently, not one of the crack reporters at…
Gibbs' Walk-Back: Clueless about "in America"
In Robert Gibbs' intemperate rant about hippies, he seemed to distinguish between the "professional left" he was targeting and the Progressives "in America" who are clapping loudly over Obama's accomplishments.
Progressives, Gibbs said,…
Thank You Nicholas Merrill
Today we learn the name of the guy who challenged the more abusive aspects of the National Security Letter program: Nicholas Merrill.
Now, following the partial lifting of his gag order 11 days ago as a result of an FBI settlement, Merrill…
Mistaking a Nomination for an Appointment
Katrina vanden Heuvel set off the twitters with this:
WH (& others) indicate Elizabeth Warren 2 be nominated next week to head Consumer Financial Protection Agency. Kudos 2 all who worked 4 her.
While I agree with vanden Heuvel that those…
More Kangaroo Court Craziness
Not only did our Kangaroo Court in Gitmo decide that it's okay to threaten teeenaged boys with rape to get them to confess, but it also announced that the sentence for Ibrahim al Qosi would remain sealed until he was released.
In one courtroom,…
The US Believes It's Okay to Threaten Teenagers with Rape
Carol Rosenberg tweets:
Omar Khadr's military judge just ruled that ALL of his confessions from Afghanistan to #Guantanamo will go to trial. None suppressed.
The Toronto-born captive's defense had wanted his interrogations excluded on…
The Nomination Gap In The Justice System
bmaz30% of US Attorney spots are either still under Bush appointees or under "acting status" and well over 100 Federal judicial seats are empty with far less that half even having a pending nominee. Republicans have put the appointment of conservative judges at the top of their agenda; Democrats and Obama need to get with the program.
Mr. "Newsweek" Jane Harman's Role in the Intelligence Industrial Complex
You all know I'm a big fan of the work Tim Shorrock has done to track the dangers of the privatization of the intelligence industrial complex. Today, he kicks off an ongoing relationship with the Daily Beast--so now we can read at the Daily…
DC Circuit, Want to Rethink that Habeas Ruling?
Back in May, the DC Circuit decided that detainees at Bagram Air Force base were not entitled to habeas corpus because, since the base is in an active war zone, it would be unduly burdensome for the government to hold a real hearing.