A Way Towards The Rule of Law – An Answer to Cap’n Jack
MaryJustice, what do you care about justice. You don’t even care whether you’ve got the right men or not. All you know is you’ve lost something and someone’s got to be punished. The Ox-Bow Incident.
Nine years after September 11 and eight…
Trash Talk: Big Blue v. Golden Domers, Other Football & F1
bmazOkay, as promised, here is the real Trash Talk for the weekend. college and pro football, tennis and Formula One; what more could you ask for?
With Kagan On SCOTUS, We Are Still Down A Justice
bmazWith the long anticipated retirement of Justice John Paul Stevens, it was important for President Obama to appoint and get confirmed a new justice so there would not only be a full compliment of justices on the court, but to insure the ideological…
Cap'n Jack's Crackerjack Logic!
Here's where Jack Goldsmith's op-ed, purporting to offer a solution to the Gitmo problem, breaks down (see Spencer's take on it here).
Civilian trials for terrorists have also proven difficult. They gathered disfavor when Attorney General…
Erik Prince's Long Form Graymail
Remember that Vanity Fair tell all in which Erik Prince offered new details about Blackwater ops? Though Michael Hayden has suggested Prince made up some of the details, it seemed to be a form of graymail targeted at those who approved Blackwater…
It's Geezer Time! The NFL Season Takes Flight Tonight
bmazTake out yer false teeth mama, it is time for the hitting to begin again; it's the season opener in the NFL, Saints and Vikings!
Pakistan Promises to Arrest Three "Very Bad Boys" Tied to Times Square Bombing
Last week, the US put the Tehrek-i-Taliban Pakistan on its official terrorist lists and charged its leader, Hakimullah Mehsud, with something that was almost certainly not a crime. Oddly, though, DOJ did not charge Mehsud which actions they…
The Telenovelas Beat the Crappy Reruns
Almost a year ago, Obama offended DC's chattering class for appearing on Univision's Sunday show, Al Punto, but not appearing on Fox News Sunday. But as I noted at the time, Al Punto is actually a more popular show than Fox's Sunday swill.
Ceci Connolly Cashes In
Who knew the world of journalism had the same kind of revolving door as government does? But apparently, if you build a reporting beat entirely around portraying the views of top corporate representatives as the only views that count, and if…
Our Banana Republic
In 2002, I taught the Argentine film La hora de los hornos (it was a media and narrative class--I wasn't just proselytizing radical leftist ideology). The second most famous scene from the movie starts at 3:14, but it is very disturbing.
9th Circuit: The Government Can Kidnap and Torture You and Then Hide It Under State Secrets
This--a decision in the Jeppesen Dataplan suit upholding the government's invocation of state secrets--is really bad news.
This case requires us to address the difficult balance the state secrets doctrine strikes between fundamental principles…
National Cathedral Thinks "Fuck the UAW" and "Fucking R****ds" Will Heal National Discourse
Faiz Shakir tweeted this:
Our national discourse is becoming increasingly shrill. We are faced with complex economic, social, and foreign policy questions that need a safe atmosphere in which to explore solutions that will work for the long…
Scooter Libby: "Back in 2003 There Was More That Might Have Been Done"
Someone decided now was a good time to roll out Scooter Libby to complain about stolen elections and Iranian nukes. The whole thing was basically an unmitigated blowjob -- thanks Monica Crowley!
Crowley: I know that you had been working…
More Torturers Coming Back to CIA as Contractors
Adam Goldman has another in his series of articles fleshing out the details of the torture that John Durham is investigating. Today's story describes the former FBI-turned CIA guy, "Albert" threatened Rahim al-Nashiri with a drill--with the…
America Picks and Chooses Among Extra-Legal Entities Destabilizing the World
I wanted to add to what David Dayen had to say about these two stories.
Last week, the WaPo quoted at least two military figures stating, as fact, that the Taliban was a bigger threat to the US mission in Afghanistan than corruption. Based…
Better Give Up Trying to Fix Housing Crisis Before Principal Reductions Hit
I'm fairly amused by this story, presented by the NYT as "reporting." It claims the Obama Administration has tried "just about every program it could think of to prop up the ailing housing market," and faced with the failure of "just about every…
KSM Asked after His Sons in December 2006
Terry McDermott will have a 9/11-timed biography of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed in the New Yorker this week. But in the interim, he has posted a few of the letters he got in Pakistan as part of his research. In a letter sent December 15, 2006 to…
Who We Are: Zeitoun and Camp Greyhound Five Years On
bmazThere is peril to the very fabric of American society when our founding principles are discarded and/or compromised, yet that is exactly what has occurred in the wake of 9/11. The stunning tale of Zeitoun and the Gitmo style gulag known as Camp Greyhound erected five years ago in the wake of Katrina tells us just how far down the slippery slope we have fallen as a nation.
Why Not Hire the Woman Who Wrote the Book on the Struggles of the Middle Class?
Apparently, Obama decided to use his Labor Day weekend radio address not to pay tribute to all that organized labor did to create the middle class in this country, but to try to persuade voters that he is doing enough to save it.
On Monday,…
Cheney's "Hard, Hard Power" and Syria
Apparently, the Poodle's memoir (the tour for which got a little messy in Dublin) confirms something that was blatantly obvious: Dick Cheney wanted to conquer the entire Middle East, country by country.
Describing the former US vice president…