This Raid on Peace Activists Brought to You By Elena Kagan
This article not only describes the hundreds of people who protested FBI raids of peace activists last week, but it provides more detail on what the FBI was looking for.
Agents were seeking "evidence relating to activities concerning the material…
Special Trash Talk Rubbish Row: Scotch
I realize some of you who, like me, are sitting right across the pond from Soldier Field might imagine this is just a special NFC North Edition of Monday Night Football Trash Talk.
But this is different.
I need your help.
You see, on…
Is this How the Yemeni-American Partnership Works?
In my post on the government's invocation of state secrets to hide the things national security officials have already leaked to the press, I linked to David Ignatius' largely-overlooked report that Yemen first asked us to target Anwar al-Awlaki,…
As Axe Slams Rahm from One Side, Greg Craig Slams from the Other
I trust it's not a coincidence that at the same time David Axelrod is skewering Rahm from within the White House, Greg Craig is getting picked up on a live mike (oops!) skewering him from the outside.
“The great thing about it, if Rahm goes…
Obama's Panopticon
It seems the Administration has declared today "Power Grab Monday."
Charlie Savage reports that the government is again asking for a "technical fix" (as they have during PATRIOT debates) that extends CALEA to cover all the Toobz.
The Secrets They're Keeping Selectively Leaking about Anwar al-Awlaki
As I noted yesterday (and Glenn has examined at more length), in addition to asserting that the government can target Anwar al-Awlaki ... because they said so, the Obama Administration also invoked state secrets in its motion to dismiss the…
Sharktopus Live Extravaganza!
bmazIt's Sharktopus time! Yes, we are taking the Emptywheel blog to new and fantastic heights tonight, all with you, our dear readers, commenters and friends in mind! Watch the world premier of a sure fir Oscar winner, Sharktopus, with us.
Obama Doesn't Know Why the Fuck He's Entitled to Kill Al-Awlaki, He Just Is, Damnit
The most striking aspect of the government's motion to dismiss the ACLU/CCR lawsuit challenging the use of targeted killing is that the government does not commit to the basis for its authority to kill an American citizen like Anwar al-Awlaki…
Trash Talkin Texas Style
bmazTrash, football and Sharktopus!! What more could you ask for?
Witt Reinstated To The Air Force; Wittless In The White House
bmazThe late, but great, news this fine Friday afternoon is the decision of Western District of Washington (WDWA) Judge Ronald Leighton in the case of Air Force Major Margaret Witt finding DADT unconstitutional and reinstating Witt to her military position.
FBI's Lies about Anti-War Surveillance Also Protected CIFA
Let me spoil the ending of this series on the IG Report on FBI Investigations of First Amendment Activity. I suspect there are ties between the FBI's investigations of anti-war activists and CIFA, the DOD program that collected information on…
Ongoing Investigation of Anti-War Activists
I'm not done with my posts on the IG Report on FBI's past investigations into anti-war activists.
But I did want to note that these investigations are ongoing. This morning, FBI in Minnesota raided the homes of some anti-war activists as…
Foreclosures Are Driving Up Unemployment
I've written several times about how lucky I feel that I can move. We're going to take an absolute bath on selling our house (a 30% drop in value for a house bought 8 years ago). But at least we have enough money to get out of that house and…
The Six FBI Reports Treating Merton Center Anti-War Activism as Terrorism
Glenn Fine--DOJ's Inspector General--is usually one of the most credible agents of oversight in the federal government. But his last report--examining whether the FBI investigated the First Amendment activities of lefty groups as terrorism--is…
More Missing Emails at DOJ?
I'm still working on a big post on the DOJ IG Report on domestic spying. But for the moment I wanted to call attention to a footnote that seems to suggest the emails from FBI employees in Pittsburgh who had conducted surveillance of the Thomas…
The Day after Blanche Filibusters Defense Bill, Biden Rewards Her w/$$$
This is just pathetic:
Vice President Joe Biden travels to Boston Wednesday, where he's scheduled to team up with Sen. Blanche Lincoln of Arkansas.
A Democratic source tells CNN that the event is a fundraiser for the two-term Democratic…
Did OLC Change the Understanding of Riot Investigations to Time w/RNC Convention?
There's an interesting detail in the IG Report on FBI's investigations of peace groups that suggests FBI was asking OLC for an interpretation of the approval required before conducting a riot-related investigation.
The Attorney General's Guidelines…
So Much for the Effort to Control Corruption
Sorry for the delay in blogging today--I got distracted with something.I should be back at this blogging thing shortly.
In the meantime, I wanted to link to this post Spencer did at Danger Room:
The Pentagon quietly announced yesterday that…
If and When Democrats Keep the House, Conyers Should Remind Holder the Import of Congressional Oversight
I realize the odds of Democrats keeping the House are not all that great. But I also know that the DCCC is far more competent than the RNCC; DCCC has managed to win just about every challenging election of late.
So let's just say Democrats…
Top Culprits for Income Inequality? Exec Pay and Educational Failures
Tim Noah's great series on the causes of income inequality got a lot less attention during its second week than its first week. So I thought it worthwhile to focus on what he concluded was causing the dangerous new income inequality in America.