The War on Efficient Trash Collection

Normally, I wouldn't get into a shouting match between John Cole and his poster ED Kain. John started it when he objected to a revolt against a city council decision to contract with just one trash collector. Our entire nation has collectively…
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Cheney Pissed at Bush: Distraction with the Wrong Cover-Up

Today's news will be dominated with Bush's admission that Cheney was mad at him for not pardoning Libby. Bush, in an interview aired Monday on TODAY, said Cheney was angry that Bush only commuted the sentence of I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, convicted…

Chris Christie Was Worst US Attorney for Big Spending on Travel

DOJ's Inspector General just released a report on whether or not US Attorneys were living it up on the government dime. It finds that five of the US Attorneys studied were the worst offenders for staying at luxury hotels and billing the government.…

Russia Pressures Us to Investigate Our Torture--Some of It

On Friday, Russia joined the growing list of country telling us to investigate our torture chambers. It may be more noteworthy coming from Russia given the turnabout: back in the day, of course, dissidents and the US pressured the Soviet Union…
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Zenyatta! An LA Woman Runs For The Roses & History

This weeks sports trash talk is dominated by a grand lady, Zenyatta. Win, lose or draw, she has earned the attention.

Tax the Deadbeats, Tax the Banksters

The narrative the banksters and their enablers have used to fight a foreclosure moratorium focuses on property values. If we put off foreclosures, they argue, it'll have detrimental effects on the local community, not least by (continuing to)…

Obama Sidles Up to the People Not Creating Jobs

From the Department of reading the wrong message in an election is this news, of Timmeh Geithner meeting with the Chamber of Commerce's odious Thomas Donohue to talk about international issues (read: "let's talk about other countries we can…
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Letter to DOJ and John Durham Re: Torture Tape Crimes Expiring

As we have heard absolutely nothing from Eric Holder, John Durham, the DOJ or the Obama Administration in relation to indictments or other results of the investigation Mr. John Durham has been conducting since January 8, 2008, nearly three years, I thought a letter was in order asking just exactly what their status was. Here is that letter.

Neo-Feudalism and the Housing Crisis

A number of people have linked to the part of this Joseph Stiglitz interview where he says we won't fix the economy without some good old fashioned prosecutions. But I wanted to highlight where he describes the way our system of debt imposes…

Team Auto Never Talked to Team Healthcare Reform

In Steven Rattner's book, he describes newly elected Barack Obama asking his advisors "Why can't [the US automakers] make a Corolla?" Implicitly, of course, he was asking "why can't they make a Corolla in the United States." His economic advisors,…

Bush Admits to Approving Torture--But Which Use of It?

The WaPo reports that Bush, in his book, admits to approving waterboarding. In a memoir due out Tuesday, Bush makes clear that he personally approved the use of that coercive technique against alleged Sept. 11 plotter Khalid Sheik Mohammed,…

Wacky GOP Hearings Ideas

Mary, who apparently is not a twit, noticed that those of us who are have been brainstorming all the great hearings the GOP will hold now that they control the House. And, in her infinite wisdom, she asked for a thread here so everyone can all…

Want to Sue the Banksters? Ask WhereIsTheNote

Remember WhereIsTheNote? In the face of mounting evidence that the banks foreclosing on homes did not comply with legal requirements during securitization of mortgages and therefore don't have legal standing to foreclose, the SEIU and some…

An Awfully Painful Way to Convince the President Our Economy Is Not Moving

Remember when Robert Gibbs justified his attack on the professional left by suggesting that they didn't understand--but the rest of the country did--that Obama had gotten our economy moving again? Remember Recovery Summer, Obama's effort to…
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Ballots and the Bench: The Iowa Judges

In a devastating night for Democrats, there was a notable and disturbing loss that did not draw enough attention, that of the so called "Iowa Judges". From NPR: Iowa voters decided to remove three State Supreme Court justices who'd overturned…


The Senate just lost its most principled member, Russ Feingold. Consider it a beacon of our money- and fearmonger- drenched politics. Feingold was the perfect politician for America as our founders envisioned it. But a terrible politician when…

How's Tim Kaine Working for You Dems?

At this point of the evening, let me remind you that Tim Kaine, former Governor of Virginia, is the DNC Chair presiding over this debacle tonight. Sure, sure, it's a wave election. Presidential parties always lose in the first midterm. But…

Freddie Repossesses Its Files

Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac had already suspended all their work with David Stern. But now they've officially severed all relations with him and Freddie has taken their files away. Freddie Mac took the rare step of removing loan files after…

Republicans Trying to Capitalize on Housing Crisis, Again

You may remember how, in 2008, MI's Republicans planned to conduct voter caging at the polls based on foreclosure lists (Democrats went to court to stop this). It appears the Republicans--this time in Kansas--are trying similar cynical efforts…

NYT and the Iranian Capture Story

In a curious story yesterday, the NYT quotes freed Iranian captive Sarah Shourd explaining that when she and two other hikers were captured in July 2009, they were inside Iran. Ms. Shourd, 32, said she wanted to correct the gathering false…