Will WikiLeaks Be the Internet's Titanic?
Back in the early days of radio, there was a great amateur radio culture that in key ways resembled early internet culture: it was predominantly male, highly competent, espousing a belief that this new technology could democratize the world.
Perry v. Schwarzenegger 9th Circuit Oral Argument Liveblog
See bmaz's intro explaining what will go on during the hearing here. Follow along on CSPAN and California Channel.
[This graphic is by Mirko Ilić. Please visit Mirko and check out his stock of work.]
We're doing the standing question now.…
Perry v. Schwarzenegger 9th Circuit Oral Argument Liveblog Primer
Today is oral argument in the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals in the groundbreaking marriage equality civil rights case of Perry v. Schwarzenegger; join us for a live blog and discussion of the proceedings which are being televised live on CSPAN and numerous other networks and internet feeds.
There Are No Critical Infrastructure Cable Landings in the Middle East
Yeah right.
A number of commentators have said this leaked Wikileaks cable -- listing what facilities internationally were considered "critical infrastructure and key resources" under the Homeland Security National Infrastructure Protection…
Chris Christie-Patton Boggs Contract Shows Disturbing Trend
Chris Christie's contract with Patton Boggs demonstrates a scam big law firms use to bilk taxpayers on governmental contracts.
The Walking Wounded The NFL Treats Like Disposable Trash
Trash time people; you know what to do.
UAW Sells Out American Workers for 800 Jobs
800 jobs in exchange for losing 159,000 jobs--that's the math the UAW has done.
White House Brags about Exporting our Pyramid Schemes to Korea
The list of statements of support for the Korea Trade Agreement the White House sent out last night tells you a lot about what you need to know about the trade agreement. Among others on the list are Tom Donohue, whose laundering of foreign money into election coffers had a significant role in the shellacking Democrats took in November. Then there's the CEOs of credit card nation, Vikram Pandit and Jamie Dimon. But to me, the most telling endorser of this agreement is Dick DeVos, the CEO of Amway and perennially one of the biggest single funders of the Republican Party.
Mr. Obama's Very Very Busy Week
Since Obama tried to sneak in a trade agreement making it easier to outsource jobs to Korea after the newspapers have gone to bed, I thought it wise to catalog what a "productive" (in the Frederick Taylor sense) week he has had:
Freeze pay…
Jakubec Indicted in Federal Charges, Still No WMD Charge
As TPM reported, yesterday the federal government indicted George Djura Jakubec--the guy who had so many terrorist-favored explosives at his house they've decided to burn down the house rather than collect it all. But just two of the charges…
The Crooks Trying to Bail-Out Alberto Gonzales
Let me start by stating that the words "legal" and "trust" don't belong on a letterhead with Alberto Gonzales' name blazoned at the top.
But that's not the most interesting part of the letter soliciting donations for a legal defense fund for…
The Chicken Shit in Your Neighborhood
Like Mark Bittman, I have rather obsessively been playing with this interactive map, showing where all the factory farms are in this country, broken out by county. In my case, the interest is personal. I moved from the hippie-Ag area around…
Joe Lieberman Threatens to Put Dexter Filkins, Judy Miller in Jail to Fearmonger over Wikileaks
Joe Lieberman has introduced what he claims to be a law targeted at Wikileaks.
“The recent dissemination by Wikileaks of thousands of State Department cables and other documents is just the latest example of how our national security interests,…
It Starts With: "Hello. I am a Prosecutor in Nigeria ...
Mary[Ed. note: Mary provides some background on what may be up with Nigeria's announced plan to charge Dick Cheney.]
… ready to sue your Vice President. Please send 130 Million Dollars by reply mail to …"
After the news about charges against…
Prop 8 Judge Tells H8ters to Get Lost; Denies Motion to Disqualify
bmazJudge Stephen Reinhardt has denied the spurious motion to disqualify the hating Proponents of Proposition 8 filed against him in the 9th Circuit appeal on Perry v Schwarzenegger.
Dick Cheney to Face Criminal Charges
Not for war crimes or torture, mind you. But for the bribery allegedly committed while at Halliburton that has been bubbling along for years. (h/t scribe)
Nigeria will file charges against former U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney and officials…
DOJ Investigations into Torture as a Diplomatic Stunt
I'm back into moving hell this week, so I haven't looked as closely at all the WikiLeak cables that have come out. But I wanted to add one point to David Corn's story on a cable showing the discussions about a potential Spanish prosecution of…
The Leaked Cables I Want to See
As you've no doubt heard, on Wednesday, both Amazon.com and Ecuador decided they didn't want to be associated with Wikileaks.
In Amazon.com's case, it's not entirely clear they would have known Wikileaks had switched to their servers on Sunday.…
FBI Entrapment Leads to TSA Pat-Downs
A couple of weeks back, I pointed to John Pistole's testimony that directly justified the expansion of VIPR checkpoints to mass transport locations by pointing to a recent FBI-entrapment facilitated arrest.
Another recent case highlights the…
Senate Banking Commitee on Foreclosure Fraud
Follow along on CSPAN or the Committee Site.
Dodd started by noting the increasing evidence that foreclosure fraud is a giant mess, both by referencing the Bank of America testimony that notes did not get sent to trusts during the securitization…