DOJ: Iraq Had No Al Qaeda Affiliates (Working Thread on KSM Indictment)

As Eric Holder said, he had the December 14, 2009 indictment of KSM and the other 9/11 defendants unsealed. Here is the indictment. Page 3: Note in their description of why al Qaeda targeted the US, they make no mention of Palestinians, even…

Eric Holder: Moving KSM Trial to Gitmo Wrong Decision, But We're Doing It Anyway

There was something I appreciated about the Holder press conference capitulating on trying the 9/11 defendants in civilian trials. He didn't try to spin it as a good idea. Not only did he reiterate his judgment that trying KSM in a civilian…

Holder's Press Conference Liveblog

Holder: I stand by decision that best venue for prosecution civilian court. Had developed plans for dealing with classified evidence. "Members of Congress have intervened." Decisions about who, where, to prosecute have always been made…

This Presidential Campaign Brought to You by a Massive Capitulation on Civilian Law

Reports are trickling out that Eric Holder will announce an epic cave this afternoon on his earlier decision to try the 9/11 defendants in civilian courts. Attorney General Eric Holder today will announce that self-proclaimed Sept. 11 mastermind…

SWIFT and the Asymmetric Control of Data

I've been thinking a lot about SWIFT lately. Partly that's because of the renewed discussion on how some big banks relied on cash from drug cartels to survive as the housing bubble began to pop. Partly that's because of advance publicity for…

How Allowing Money Laundering Keeps Our Bubblicious Finance Afloat

Last June, Bloomberg did a long story on the Deferred Prosecution Agreement that Wachovia negotiated with DOJ. As "punishment" for helping Mexican drug gangs to launder more than $363 billion  through casas de cambios for three years, Wachovia…

Putting "Really Mushy" Functions in a Department that Refuses to Be Audited

Noah Shachtman points to NextGov's unsuccessful attempt to define how much DOD plans to spend on cybersecurity next year. DOD or its components have offered three different versions: DOD's mid-February report it would spend $2.3 billion Air…
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Donald Trump: The Jamaica Jerkoff

. . . Seriously, this asshole with a dead ferret on his head thinks he is going to run for President? Of the United States? Um, no. And why supposedly credible news organizations are giving this crapola one fleeting second of credibility…

University of Wisconsin's Response to FOIA Request Emphasizes Importance of Academic Freedom

The University of Wisconsin issued two documents in response to the request for Professor Bill Cronon's emails: a message from the Chancellor, and a letter from the General Counsel to WI's GOP. As the GC letter describes, UW has withheld the…

Darrell Issa Complains that Janet Napolitano Took a Whole Year to Change Michael Chertoff's Inefficient FOIA Process

Darrell Issa has no credibility when it comes to matters of transparency. We've seen Issa's rank hypocrisy in the past. He dismissed concerns about Karl Rove doing business on RNC emails as a political stunt. And he suggested that apparently…

Wingnut Pastor's Koran-Burning Gets UN Staffers Killed

This is horrible. Protesters angered by the burning of a Koran by a fringe American pastor in Florida mobbed offices of the United Nations in northern Afghanistan on Friday, killing ten foreign staff members and beheading two of the victims,…

US Intelligence Operatives in Libya, Before a Finding, Sounds Like JSOC

Mark Hosenball, who yesterday broke the news that Obama had issued a Finding authorizing the CIA to operate covertly in Libya in the last 2-3 weeks, today says "intelligence operatives" were on the ground before Obama signed that Finding. U.S.…

Out of the Mouths of Babes Real People: Just Keep Jobs Here

The powers that be--those that give a damn about creating jobs at all (Obama's campaign manager doesn't)--have a bunch of tired plans for creating jobs in America: get rid of labor unions, repeal healthcare reform, cut the safety net, create…

"Pro Life" Republicans Trying to Kill 70,000 Children

At the same time as Republicans are trying to force the IRS to audit abortions (even while forbidding use of the word "uterus"), they are trying to cut Obama's request for international aid by 16%. Doing so, USAID Rajiv Shah testified yesterday,…

Goldman's Lies and Jamie Dimon's Piggy Bank

After a drawn out battle to liberate the records of the Fed's discount window lending, they've finally been released. Bloomberg (who led the legal fight to liberate them) has made the records available here. While it's going to take a while…

Uterus: (Yew-Tur-Us), N, A curse word meaning "not a corporation."

Apparently, the children in the GOP party in Florida are offended that a Democratic state Representative uttered the word "uterus" on the House floor: During last week's discussion about a bill that would prohibit governments from deducting…

How the "Most Transparent Administration Ever" Worsens Transparency with Transparency Effort

The Director of National Intelligence has floated a "shockingly bad" proposal on how much review GAO will be permitted within the intelligence community. According to Steven Aftergood, because the proposal defines the intelligence community…

Where Will Obama Try Himself for Material Support for Terrorism?

I consider this a wicked brain teaser: The Obama administration is engaged in a fierce debate over whether to supply weapons to the rebels in Libya, senior officials said on Tuesday, with some fearful that providing arms would deepen American…

The Mackinac Center's Assault on Academic Freedom Is a Stunt

As TPM first reported, MI's institution of wingnut stupid, the Mackinac* Center, has FOIAed the labor studies departments of three universities. A free enterprise think tank in Michigan -- backed by some of the biggest names in national conservative…
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